Ehkä se ei ole syöpää vaan aivoinfektion aiheuttamia ajoksia. | Well, maybe he doesn't have cancer. Maybe he has a brain infection that's causing multiple abscesses. |
Lääkäri löysi ison ajoksen Redin huulesta. | Doc found a big abscess in Red's lip. |
Sienimäisyys voi aiheuttaa ajoksen. Aivothan olivat tulehtuneet. | The mush might be forming an abscess, and since there was inflammation of the lining of the ventricles, it makes sense. |
-Siinä ei näkynyt ajosta. | - There was no abscess on the image. |
Voisitteko samalla etsiä infektion aiheuttamaa ajosta? | As long as you're scanning, you mind having a boo for an abscess, or something caused by an infection? |
-Se voi olla pieni ajos. | The infection could be limited to a brain abscess. |
Sillä on ajos. | He's got an abscess. |
Voisiko se olla ajos? | Do you think the lesion could be an abscess? |