- Hänet on miehineen pidätetty, heistä ei ole enää harmia, - tosin mielestäni oli tarpeetonta tainnuttaa heidät. | He and his men have been locked up. They will not be giving us any more trouble, though I do not think it was necessary to stun them. |
- Meidän täytyi tainnuttaa hänet useasti. | We had to stun him several times. |
- Pulssi tainnuttaa kalat. | Pulse stuns the fish. |
Aion etsiä lääkärin, joka tainnuttaa karkurin morfiinilla. | Well, what I want to do is I'm going to find a doctor to find him and pump him with enough morphine to stun an elephant. |
Ei, mutta saattoi tainnuttaa hänet hetkeksi. | No. Though, you know, might stun him for a moment. |
Mene lattialle tai tainnutan sinut. | If you don't lie on the floor, I will have to stun you. |
Minä häiritsen häntä, kunnes yllätät ja tainnutat hänet. | I'll distract her while you sneak up and stun her. |
- Pääsemme Katen lähelle ja tainnutamme hänet. | Okay, so we get close to her and we stun her. |
Ehkä tainnutamme sen. | maybe we can stun him. |
Ne eivät tapa noitaa, mutta tainnuttavat tehokkaasti. | They won't kill the witch, but they will stun the crap out of her. |
Ne ovat harjoitusaseita ja tainnuttavat vain. | They are used for training and only meant to stun. |
- Ei, minä vain tainnutin sen. | - No, Miss. I only stunned it. |
Minä vain tainnutin sen. | He's fine. I just stunned him. |
Billyn mukaan hänet tainnutti isku päähän, ehkä kivellä. Sitten häntä pideltiin vedessä kunnes hän hukkui. | According to Billy, she was stunned by a blow to the head, probably with a rock, and then held under the water until she drowned. |
Ensimmäinen kaiketi vain tainnutti sen. | Whew! First one must have just stunned it. |
Niin... Murhaaja tainnutti hänet ennen tappamista. | Yes, the killer stunned him, before killing him. |
Se tainnutti hänet muttei tappanut. | She was. She would've been hurt and stunned by the blow but not killed, certainly not immediately. |
Siipisimppu suojautui myrkyllä, joka tainnutti uhrin. | The lionfish protects itself with venomous spines containing the same neurotoxin that stunned our victim prior to his death. |
Ette ole väkivaltainen rotu, tainnutitte vain meidät. | You're not a violent race. You may have stunned us... - Rodney. |
He tainnuttivat minut. | They stunned me. |
Sitten mechat tainnuttivat meidät. | Then the Mechs stunned us. |
Teidät tainnutettiin hiukkasaseella. | You were stunned by a particle weapon. It was Silik. |
Jos hän herää, tainnuta uudelleen. | If he wakes up, stun him again. |
Delfiinit lyövät usein pyrstöllä tainnuttaakseen saaliin - mutta nyt se ei näytä tepsivän. | Tail slapping is a method dolphins often use to stun their prey but it doesn't seem to work here. |