Example in Finnish | Translation in English |
Garrettin mielestä pariskunnan tulee sementoida henkinen yhteytensä, ennen kuin ryhtyy fyysiseen suhteeseen. | Oh. Garrett feels that a couple should cement their spiritual connection before exploring the physical one. |
Sinä sementoit. | You lay cement. |
Älä huoli, huomenna he sementoivat paalut. | Look, don't sweat it. Tomorrow they're cementing the pylons. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | سمنت | English | cement |
Estonian | tsementeerima | German | kitten,zementieren |
Italian | cementare, cementarsi | Lithuanian | tvirtėti |
Macedonian | цементира | Norwegian | sementere |
Polish | cementować, scementować, skitować | Portuguese | cimentar |
Spanish | cementar |