- Ainakin jos osaisin moduloida stressi-energiatensoria. | Well, I would be, if I could figure out how to modulate the stress-energy tensor. Hmm. |
Jos hän selvittää salausavaimen pian, voimme vielä moduloida asettamme. | If she can isolate the cipher soon, we may still have time to remodulate the disrupter. |
Muista moduloida anodinireleitä ajoittain. | And you'll have to remodulate the anodyne relays periodically. |
Joten moduloin äänisignaalia. | Remember the gibberish at the end? Alright, well, I modulated the inflection. |
-Äänilaitteita, jotka symanttisesti moduloivat polttoainetta. | Um, sonic projectors using cymatics to modulate the fuel. |
Olkaa hyvä ja moduloikaa. | Please modulate accordingly. |
Olen moduloinut suojat kanavoimaan energia-aallon tähän. | Don't worry, I've modulated the shields to channel the energy wave into this apparatus. |