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Reabrir (to reopen) conjugation

82 examples

Conjugation of reabrir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I reopen
you reopen
he/she/it reopens
we reopen
you all reopen
they reopen
Present perfect tense
he reabierto
I have reopened
has reabierto
you have reopened
ha reabierto
he/she/it has reopened
hemos reabierto
we have reopened
habéis reabierto
you all have reopened
han reabierto
they have reopened
Past preterite tense
I reopened
you reopened
he/she/it reopened
we reopened
you all reopened
they reopened
Future tense
I will reopen
you will reopen
he/she/it will reopen
we will reopen
you all will reopen
they will reopen
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would reopen
you would reopen
he/she/it would reopen
we would reopen
you all would reopen
they would reopen
Past imperfect tense
I used to reopen
you used to reopen
he/she/it used to reopen
we used to reopen
you all used to reopen
they used to reopen
Past perfect tense
había reabierto
I had reopened
habías reabierto
you had reopened
había reabierto
he/she/it had reopened
habíamos reabierto
we had reopened
habíais reabierto
you all had reopened
habían reabierto
they had reopened
Future perfect tense
habré reabierto
I will have reopened
habrás reabierto
you will have reopened
habrá reabierto
he/she/it will have reopened
habremos reabierto
we will have reopened
habréis reabierto
you all will have reopened
habrán reabierto
they will have reopened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I reopen
(if/so that) you reopen
(if/so that) he/she/it reopen
(if/so that) we reopen
(if/so that) you all reopen
(if/so that) they reopen
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya reabierto
I have reopened
hayas reabierto
you have reopened
haya reabierto
he/she/it has reopened
hayamos reabierto
we have reopened
hayáis reabierto
you all have reopened
hayan reabierto
they have reopened
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have reopened
(if/so that) you have reopened
(if/so that) he/she/it have reopened
(if/so that) we have reopened
(if/so that) you all have reopened
(if/so that) they have reopened
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have reopened
(if/so that) you have reopened
(if/so that) he/she/it have reopened
(if/so that) we have reopened
(if/so that) you all have reopened
(if/so that) they have reopened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera reabierto
I had reopened
hubieras reabierto
you had reopened
hubiera reabierto
he/she/it had reopened
hubiéramos reabierto
we had reopened
hubierais reabierto
you all had reopened
hubieran reabierto
they had reopened
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese reabierto
I had reopened
hubieses reabierto
you had reopened
hubiese reabierto
he/she/it had reopened
hubiésemos reabierto
we had reopened
hubieseis reabierto
you all had reopened
hubiesen reabierto
they had reopened
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have reopened
(if/so that) you will have reopened
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reopened
(if/so that) we will have reopened
(if/so that) you all will have reopened
(if/so that) they will have reopened
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere reabierto
I will have reopened
hubieres reabierto
you will have reopened
hubiere reabierto
he/she/it will have reopened
hubiéremos reabierto
we will have reopened
hubiereis reabierto
you all will have reopened
hubieren reabierto
they will have reopened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's reopen!
Imperative negative mood
no reabras
do not reopen!
no reabra
let him/her/it reopen!
no reabramos
let us not reopen!
no reabráis
do not reopen!
no reabran
do not reopen!

Examples of reabrir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Borrador de reclamación de Smith y Devane, amenazando con reabrir Randall contra CM", un caso que gané hace cuatro años."Draft of complaint from Smith and Devane, threatening to reopen Randall v. CM," a case I won 4 years ago.
- Es suficiente para reabrir el caso.Enough for me to reopen the case.
- Pero lo descubriste... cuando Anne Dragsholm quiso reabrir el caso.-But you found the reason When Anne Dragsholm wanted to reopen the case
- Pero no intentes reabrir el caso.- But don't attempt to reopen the case. - All Right.
- Tenemos que reabrir el caso.- We have to reopen the case. - "We"?
A la luz de las nuevas pruebas, reabro la investigación de David Clarke.In light of this new evidence, I'm reopening the David Clarke investigation.
Además, necesitare a alguien que sea mi mano derecha si reabro la fábrica.Besides, I'm gonna need a good right-hand man if I'm gonna reopen that factory.
Pero, Sra. Lowe... si lo reabro oficialmente... eso significa que Sam Mundy podría librarse de los tres asesinatos... que estamos seguros que sí cometió.But, Mrs. Lowe... if I officially reopen it, it means that Sam Mundy could walk on the three murders that we are certain he did commit.
Roja, nos conocemos desde la primera noche que pasé aquí, pero si quitas una cosa más, te reabro las heridas.Red, I know you from the first night I spent in this room, but you take one more thing down, I'm gonna reopen your head wounds.
Si reabres esto, vamos a añadir el delito de homicidio sin premeditación al cargo original.You reopen this, we'll tack on felony vehicular manslaughter to the original charge.
Ya sabes, o reabres el caso o lo cierras, elije lo uno u lo otroEither reopen it or close it, one or the other, you know.
¿Por qué reabres los capítulos cerrados?Why do you reopen closed chapters?
Asuntos Internos reabre el caso.I.A. officially reopens the case.
El asalto a Quark reabre un antiguo caso de asesinato que ni por un momento he considerado cerrado.This assault on Quark reopens a five-year-old murder case that l've never, not for a moment, closed.
La exposicion reabre mañana como estaba previsto. ¡Menos mal!The exhibit reopens tomorrow as planned. Whew!
La tienda reabre en diez minutos.Shop reopens in 10 minutes.
Pero el tribunal reabre 3 días después.But the court reopens 3 days later.
- Entonces, si reabrimos... este caso basados en su retracción... y los abogados de Sam Mundy se enteran... presentaran una apelación más rápido de lo que puedes decir "juicio nulo".So? So if we reopen this based on him recanting and Sam Mundy's lawyers get wind of it, they will file an appeal faster than you can say "mistrial."
- Lo reabrimos.We reopened it.
Así que, um, reabrimos el caso.So, um, we've reopened the case.
Bueno, ya reabrimos.Well, we are now reopened for business.
El FBI la investigó cuando llegó al tribunal federal pero si reabrimos una investigación...You were vetted by the FBI when you hit the federal bench but if we reopened an investigation...
- La mitad. La mitad de tus ganancias en la bolsa de Nueva York el día que reabren los mercados.Half of your short-selling profits on the New York exchanges the day they reopen for trade.
Chris Henderson aparece en la ciudad y reabren el caso. - Tú irás a la prisión.Chris Henderson walks into town, they'll reopen the case and you'll go to jail.
Ustedes reabren el caso todo forma parte de la historia.You guys reopening the case- it's all part of the story.
¡Los teatros se reabren por orden del Maestro de las Artes!The theaters are reopened... by order of the Master of the Revels!
¡Los teatros se reabren!The theaters are reopened!
Ya reabrí para ella.I already reopened for the young lady here.
Oí que la reabriste tú.l heard you reopened it.
Pasaste a primera plana cuando reabriste este centro.The hell you're not. You stepped into the spotlight when you reopened this center.
Sé que reabriste el Nivel 3.I know you've reopened Level 3.
- ¿La policía reabrió el caso?The police reopened the case? No.
Además, reabrió las arenas de combate.Besides, she reopened the fighting pits.
Así que has leído que Qumar reabrió la investigación del accidente de avión de Abdul Shareef.So you read that Qumar reopened the investigation into Abdul Shareef's plane going down.
Bueno, alguien lo reabrió sin contárselo al casero.Well, someone reopened it without telling the landlord.
Bueno, escuché que el caso de Olivia se reabrió.Well, I heard Olivia's case was reopened.
- - Se reabrieron?- They reopened?
- Parece que reabrieron la investigación.It seems they've reopened the inquiries...
Al final, nunca lo reabrieron.In the end, they never reopened.
Cuando cerraron el Estaba, lo reabrieron como el Cerrado.Once Was shut down, it reopened as Closed.
Es vieja, pero la reabrieron hace poco.Old, but recently reopened.
"¿Cree que el Fiscal del Distrito de Westchester reabrirá el caso de mi tía Kathie?""Do you think that the Westchester D.A. will reopen the case on my Aunt Kathie?"
Bueno, esto reabriráWell... This will reopen
Dentro de dos o tres meses el Royal reabrirá más hermoso que antes.Within two or three months, the Royal will reopen more beautiful than before.
El patio de comidas reabrirá en media hora.The level one food court will reopen in 30 minutes.
En otro orden de noticias, las autoridades de tráfico dicen que la H1 se reabrirá mañana por la mañana.In other news, the transit authority says the H-1 will reopen tomorrow morning.
Dentro de 40 días, reabriremos su tumba.In 40 days, we will reopen his tomb.
Si sos capaz de mejorar su situación, reabriremos tu caso.If you are able to improve her lot, we will reopen your case. You mean, chief, that i still have a chance of getting my wings?
Las investigaciones sobre las Operaciones del Líder Min en Hong Kong... se reabrirán.Investigation of Hong Kong Operations Leader Min, will reopen.
Sección A las salidas se reabrirán en 40...Section A departures will reopen in 40...
Si no les pagas, reabrirán la investigación.If you don't pay them, they will reopen the investigation.
Quizás se reabriría en 5 años más, o quizás no.Maybe it would reopen in another five years, maybe it wouldn't.
Sabía que reabriría viejas heridas, pero...I knew it would reopen old wounds, but...
Además, necesitarás que yo reabra el portal en el otro lado.Besides, you'll need me to reopen the portal on the other side.
Ahora, si llegamos allí el día en que la montaña se reabra, podemos encontrarle antes de que alguien más pueda.Now, if we get there the day the mountain reopens, we can find him before anyone else has a chance.
Ambos sabemos que no quieres que se reabra este caso.You and I both know that you don't want this case reopened.
Amiot y Lecours me aseguraron que cuando la Opera reabra... Mlle. Dubois cantará.I've been assured by Messieurs Amiot and Lecours that as soon as the Opera reopens, Mademoiselle DuBois will sing.
Ayúdame a convencerle para que. reabra el caso.Help me convince him to reopen the case.
- No, por favor no reabras.- No, please don't reopen it.
- Quiero que reabras el caso.- I want you to reopen the case.
Espero que restaures nuestro rango como el Centro de Trauma nivel 1 y reabras la Sala de Emergencias y el Centro de Cuidados IntensivosI hope you restore our rating as a level one Trauma Center and reopen the E.R. and the ICU immediately.
Pues por bellamente arreglado que esté como burdel espero que lo reabras muy pronto que contrates y reabras.Well, lovely as it's fixed as a brothel... I expect you will reopen soon enough. Restock and reopen.
Quiero que reabras este caso.I want you to reopen this case.
- es que reabramos esta conversación...- is that we just reopen this conversation... - No.
Es imperativo que reabramos el caso.It is imperative that we reopen the case.
¿Sugiere que reabramos la Opera... con el asesino como nueva atracción?Are you suggesting that we reopen the Opera with a murder as an added attraction?
Quiero que reabráis el caso.I want you to reopen the case.
- Quizá lo reabran, señor.-Maybe they'll reopen it.
- Solicito que se reabran. - Secundo.- I move we reopen new business.
Así que quiero que reabran el caso.So, I want you to reopen the case.
Bueno, he hecho que lo reabran.Well, I got it reopened.
Esta tontería va a salvar a Scott. Burgess puede hacer que reabran el caso.This silly hat... will save Scott and Burgess can reopen the case.
"Así que en este punto, la investigación está cerrada... por falta de pruebas, y hemos reabierto una nueva investigación en su contra... por conducta impropia de un oficial... y por intoxicación pública"."so at this point the investigation is closed "for lack of evidence, "and we've reopened a new investigation against you
"Policía francesa ha reabierto el caso sobre la muerte del conocido artista Pierre Sarcelle, ocurrido hace cerca de diez años, después que fue empujado debajo de un tren... en la estación Montparnasse, en enero de 1919."'French police have reopened the case into the death of well-known artist Pierre Sarcelle nearly ten years after he was pushed under a train... at Montparnasse Station in January 1919.'
"el expediente oficial, a pesar de mi queja ha sido reabierto,"The official record "has now annoyingly been reopened
- La herida en su pulmón debió haberse reabierto.The tear in his lungs must have reopened.
- Qumar ha reabierto la investigación.- Qumar's reopened the investigation.
- ¿Qué haces reabriendo el caso Vallery?What are you doing reopening the vallery case?
Entonces tal vez sus accionistas estén interesados en saber que estoy reabriendo la Oficina de Correos.Then perhaps your shareholders will be interested to learn that I am reopening the Post Office.
Es que estamos reabriendo la investigación sobre el accidente, y no quedó mucho del original.Only we're reopening the investigation into the accident and there's not much left of the original.
Escuché que estabas reabriendo tu consulta, así que pensé en venir y darte esto.I heard you were reopening your practice, so I thought I'd come by and give you this.
Esta chica ha estado perdida por los últimos 7 años y finalmente estamos reabriendo el caso.This girl has been missing for the last seven years, and we're finally reopening the case.

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