Infligir (to inflict) conjugation

51 examples

Conjugation of infligir

Present tense
I inflict
you inflict
he/she inflicts
we inflict
you all inflict
they inflict
Present perfect tense
tenho infligido
I have inflicted
tens infligido
you have inflicted
tem infligido
he/she has inflicted
temos infligido
we have inflicted
tendes infligido
you all have inflicted
têm infligido
they have inflicted
Past preterite tense
I inflicted
you inflicted
he/she inflicted
we inflicted
you all inflicted
they inflicted
Future tense
I will inflict
you will inflict
he/she will inflict
we will inflict
you all will inflict
they will inflict
Conditional mood
I would inflict
you would inflict
he/she would inflict
we would inflict
you all would inflict
they would inflict
Past imperfect tense
I used to inflict
you used to inflict
he/she used to inflict
we used to inflict
you all used to inflict
they used to inflict
Past perfect tense
tinha infligido
I had inflicted
tinhas infligido
you had inflicted
tinha infligido
he/she had inflicted
tínhamos infligido
we had inflicted
tínheis infligido
you all had inflicted
tinham infligido
they had inflicted
Future perfect tense
terei infligido
I will have inflicted
terás infligido
you will have inflicted
terá infligido
he/she will have inflicted
teremos infligido
we will have inflicted
tereis infligido
you all will have inflicted
terão infligido
they will have inflicted
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha infligido
I have inflicted
tenhas infligido
you have inflicted
tenha infligido
he/she has inflicted
tenhamos infligido
we have inflicted
tenhais infligido
you all have inflicted
tenham infligido
they have inflicted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have inflicted
(if/so that) you will have inflicted
(if/so that) he/she will have inflicted
(if/so that) we will have inflicted
(if/so that) you all will have inflicted
(if/so that) they will have inflicted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver infligido
I will have inflicted
tiveres infligido
you will have inflicted
tiver infligido
he/she will have inflicted
tivermos infligido
we will have inflicted
tiverdes infligido
you all will have inflicted
tiverem infligido
they will have inflicted
Imperative mood
let's inflict!
Imperative negative mood
não inflijas
do not inflict!
não inflija
let him/her/it not inflict!
não inflijamos
let us not inflict!
não inflijais
do not inflict!
não inflijam
do not inflict!

Examples of infligir

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"O Schinderdiv usa a sua força para prender a vítima, e presas afiadas para infligir danos.""Schinderdiv use their brutal force to pin their victim, and razor sharp tusks to inflict damage."
- Continuar a falar servirá apenas para infligir uma ferida maior no nosso coração sofredor.Prattling on serves only to inflict further wound on grieving heart.
-para infligir este tipo de lesão.- to inflict that kind of an injury.
...mostrar-vos como infligir o máximo de dor, com o mínimo de força.- -how to inflict damage with the least amount of force.
A maioria dos pirómanos não pretende infligir danos.Most serial arsonists don't intend to inflict harm.
Eu inflijo-a.I inflict it.
A Catarina nunca tem medo de reclamar o crédito da dor que inflige.Catherine is fearless about taking credit for the pain she inflicts.
A dor do amor inflige... mais dor, quanto mais tu a buscasThe pain love inflicts... "the more it hurts," the more you seek
Deixa-o sentir a dor dos seus ferimentos e refletir sobre o espírito que os inflige.Let him feel the sting of his wounds, and reflect upon the mind that inflicts them.
E a culpa que inflige aí dentro.And the blame it inflicts inward.
Eu era oito anos mais velho, mas foi ele que inventou todos os pequenos tormentos que um irmão mais velho inflige sobre os mais jovens.I was eight years older, but it was he who invented all the little torments an older brother inflicts on the younger.
Nenhum homem conseguiria aguentar a dor que lhe infligimos.No man could withstand the pain we inflicted on him.
O que ela diz, é preferir a dor insensível que nós dois nos infligimos, que... ..a dor que nos infligimos sozinhos. Mas não temo a dor da solidão.What she means is she prefers the senseless pain we inflict on each other to the pain we would otherwise inflict on ourselves but I'm not afraid of that solitary pain.
Porque depois de 25 anos, a construir uma casa e a criar uma família, e toda a dor sem sentido que infligimos um no outro, estarei condenada se continuar contigo depois de dizeres que amas outra pessoa.Because after 25 years of building a home and raising a family... and all the senseless pain that we have inflicted on each other... I'm damned if I'll stand and have you say you're in love with somebody else!
a consciência é simbolicamente posta de lado para que possam ignorar a dor que infligimos aos outros:The conscience is symbolically cast aside... so that they may ignore the pain they have inflicted on others:
"Uma fusão é boa para os accionistas, mas não para os seres humanos "para quem é o trauma laboral mais violento que lhes pode ser infligido.""A merger is a good thing for shareholders, but not for the human beings who suffer the worst work trauma that can be inflicted on them."
- Auto-infligido depois do acto.Self-inflicted. After the fact.
- Os resíduos de pólvora na mão do Sr. Tracey são consistentes com um ferimento auto-infligido.The GSR on Mr. Tracey's hand is consistent with a self-inflicted wound.
- Quero dados! Rapaz de 1 4 anos com tiro auto-infligido na boca.Fourteen-year-old male with self-inflicted GSW to the mouth.
- Tiro auto-infligido no abdómen.Self-inflicted gunshot wound to the abdomen.
"Ganância" é apenas uma palavra que os homens invejosos infligem sobre os ambiciosos.Greed is but a word jealous men inflict upon the ambitious.
Então, serão enviados para as terras onde hipócritas e infiéis, infligem todo o tipo de crueldade aos muçulmanos.Then, we'll send you to lands where hypocrites and infidels inflict all kinds of cruelty on Muslims.
Sei que estou a ser julgada pelo meu passado. Um passado em que causei dor. Um passado em que infligi miséria.I know I'm being judged for my past, a past where I've caused pain, a past where I've inflicted misery, a past where I've...
São profundas, como as que infligi à Deb.They run deep, like the ones I've inflicted on Deb.
Está dor que infligiste no meu rosto ainda sentes nas tuas mãos?Is the pain you inflicted on my face still on your hands?
Nunca irei recuperar das feridas que me infligiste.I will never recover from the wounds that you inflicted on me.
Vais arrepender-te da tua arrogância e do cruel ferimento que infligiste ao meu filho Calibos.You will repent your boast and the cruel injury you have inflicted on my son Calibos.
"Das feridas que o nosso século infligiu na masculinidade tradicional."Of the wounds our century has inflicted on traditional masculinity.
A Providência Divina infligiu-nos esta desgraça.Providence has inflicted this disgrace upon us.
A ferida que Peytraud infligiu foi para atemorizar, não para magoar.The wound Peytraud inflicted was struck for fear, not injury.
A queixar-se aos mídia das feridas que auto-infligiu, fazendo pouco das vítimas reais.Braying to the media about wounds she inflicted on herself... mocking the pain of the real victims.
Achas que se compara à dor que ele infligiu à tua única filha?You think it's anything like the pain that he inflicted on your only daughter?
Já me infligiram ferimentos milhares de vezes maiores.I've inflicted far worse than that thousands of times.
Para não falar no dano que infligiram a um salgueiro zurzidor que ainda vocês não eram nascidos já estava neste terreno.Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow That's been on these grounds since before you were born.
Quero saber a causa exacta de morte e a ordem exacta em que infligiram estas marcas.I need to know the exact cause of death and the exact order these wounds were inflicted.
Recentemente, num dos mais acesos ataques até ao momento, os vietcongs infligiram enormes baixas na província de Quai Nang.Recently, in one of the heaviest attacks of the war so far, the Vietcong inflicted major casualties in Quai Nang Province.
Sabes, esquecemos metade do que nos ensinam na escola, mas quando se torna num tormento e das pessoas que o infligiram...You know, we forget Half of what they Teach us in school, But when it comes to The torment and the people Who inflicted it...
A dor é sua, não a inflija aos seus entes queridos.Your pain is your own, sir. Do not inflict it upon your loved ones.
Deus não quer que o Homem inflija a si próprio punições.God doesn't want men to inflict pain upon themselves.
Não inflija a dor dela a mais ninguém.Don't inflict her pain on anybody else.
Não é correcto que eu inflija a mim próprio um profundo...It's not right that I inflict myself on a profound...
Que punição queres que eu inflija?What punishment would you have me inflict?
Temos ervas especiais, formas de curar as feridas, embora nunca a inflijamos.We have special herbs, ways of curing wounds, although we never inflict them.
As facadas estão estrategicamente colocadas para que falhem as artérias principais, mas que inflijam o máximo de dor.The wounds are strategically placed so they miss the major arteries but inflict maximum pain.
Ele obtém prazer infligindo dor aos outros.He derives pleasure from inflicting pain on others.
Esta personalidade vira-se, muitas vezes, contra o seu criador... infligindo danos corporais sérios.These personalities often turn against their creator, inflicting bodily harm.
O Gun Katas trata o golpe como uma arma total... Cada posição do fluido representa... uma zona de morte máxima, infligindo danos máximos no número máximo de oponentes... enquanto mantém o defensor livre das tradicionais trajectórias estatísticas do retorno de fogo.The Gun Kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire.
Os instrumentos servem para os torturar, infligindo a dor máxima e mantendo a vítima viva o maior tempo possível.These implements probe those organs, inflicting maximum pain whilst keeping the victim alive as long as possible.
Garanto-te, posso suportar qualquer dor que me infligires... por mais tempo que o teu filho.I assure you, I can withstand any pain you may inflict longer than your son.
Qualquer lesão que lhe infligires será curado pelo sol.Any injury you inflict will be healed by the sun.
Deixe-me apelar-lhe à sua razão, antes de lhe infligirmos mais isto.Let me make a last appeal to your reason, before we inflict more of this on you.

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