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Inclinarse (to bow down) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of inclinarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me inclino
I bow down
te inclinas
you bow down
se inclina
he/she/it bows down
nos inclinamos
we bow down
os inclináis
you all bow down
se inclinan
they bow down
Present perfect tense
me he inclinado
I have bowed down
te has inclinado
you have bowed down
se ha inclinado
he/she/it has bowed down
nos hemos inclinado
we have bowed down
os habéis inclinado
you all have bowed down
se han inclinado
they have bowed down
Past preterite tense
me incliné
I bowed down
te inclinaste
you bowed down
se inclinó
he/she/it bowed down
nos inclinamos
we bowed down
os inclinasteis
you all bowed down
se inclinaron
they bowed down
Future tense
me inclinaré
I will bow down
te inclinarás
you will bow down
se inclinará
he/she/it will bow down
nos inclinaremos
we will bow down
os inclinaréis
you all will bow down
se inclinarán
they will bow down
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me inclinaría
I would bow down
te inclinarías
you would bow down
se inclinaría
he/she/it would bow down
nos inclinaríamos
we would bow down
os inclinaríais
you all would bow down
se inclinarían
they would bow down
Past imperfect tense
me inclinaba
I used to bow down
te inclinabas
you used to bow down
se inclinaba
he/she/it used to bow down
nos inclinábamos
we used to bow down
os inclinabais
you all used to bow down
se inclinaban
they used to bow down
Past perfect tense
me había inclinado
I had bowed down
te habías inclinado
you had bowed down
se había inclinado
he/she/it had bowed down
nos habíamos inclinado
we had bowed down
os habíais inclinado
you all had bowed down
se habían inclinado
they had bowed down
Future perfect tense
me habré inclinado
I will have bowed down
te habrás inclinado
you will have bowed down
se habrá inclinado
he/she/it will have bowed down
nos habremos inclinado
we will have bowed down
os habréis inclinado
you all will have bowed down
se habrán inclinado
they will have bowed down
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me incline
(if/so that) I bow down
te inclines
(if/so that) you bow down
se incline
(if/so that) he/she/it bow down
nos inclinemos
(if/so that) we bow down
os inclinéis
(if/so that) you all bow down
se inclinen
(if/so that) they bow down
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya inclinado
I have bowed down
te hayas inclinado
you have bowed down
se haya inclinado
he/she/it has bowed down
nos hayamos inclinado
we have bowed down
os hayáis inclinado
you all have bowed down
se hayan inclinado
they have bowed down
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me inclinara
(if/so that) I have bowed down
te inclinaras
(if/so that) you have bowed down
se inclinara
(if/so that) he/she/it have bowed down
nos inclináramos
(if/so that) we have bowed down
os inclinarais
(if/so that) you all have bowed down
se inclinaran
(if/so that) they have bowed down
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me inclinase
(if/so that) I have bowed down
te inclinases
(if/so that) you have bowed down
se inclinase
(if/so that) he/she/it have bowed down
nos inclinásemos
(if/so that) we have bowed down
os inclinaseis
(if/so that) you all have bowed down
se inclinasen
(if/so that) they have bowed down
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera inclinado
I had bowed down
te hubieras inclinado
you had bowed down
se hubiera inclinado
he/she/it had bowed down
nos hubiéramos inclinado
we had bowed down
os hubierais inclinado
you all had bowed down
se hubieran inclinado
they had bowed down
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese inclinado
I had bowed down
te hubieses inclinado
you had bowed down
se hubiese inclinado
he/she/it had bowed down
nos hubiésemos inclinado
we had bowed down
os hubieseis inclinado
you all had bowed down
se hubiesen inclinado
they had bowed down
Future subjunctive tense
me inclinare
(if/so that) I will have bowed down
te inclinares
(if/so that) you will have bowed down
se inclinare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have bowed down
nos inclináremos
(if/so that) we will have bowed down
os inclinareis
(if/so that) you all will have bowed down
se inclinaren
(if/so that) they will have bowed down
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere inclinado
I will have bowed down
te hubieres inclinado
you will have bowed down
se hubiere inclinado
he/she/it will have bowed down
nos hubiéremos inclinado
we will have bowed down
os hubiereis inclinado
you all will have bowed down
se hubieren inclinado
they will have bowed down
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
bow down!
bow down!
let's bow down!
bow down!
bow down!
Imperative negative mood
no te inclines
do not bow down!
no se incline
let him/her/it bow down!
no nos inclinemos
let us not bow down!
no os inclinéis
do not bow down!
no se inclinen
do not bow down!

Examples of inclinarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
El Rey ha consentido misericordiosamente a perdonar su acto sin precedentes si jura inclinarse ante él y aceptar el islamismo.The King has mercifully consented to forgive your unprecedented act, if you swear to bow down before him and embrace Islam.
No debería inclinarse ante nadie.She shouldn't have to bow down to anybody.
No necesitamos a inclinarse ante ellos.We don't need to bow down to them.
Quiere inclinarse ante ese híbrido.He wants to bow down to that hybrid.
Solían inclinarse ante los dioses.They used to bow down to gods.
"Inclínate, inclínate, inclínate.""Bow down, bow down, bow down."
* Porque estás mirando a un rey, nene de mamá, inclínate *♪ 'cause you're looking at a king, homeboy, bow down ♪
*Porque estás mirando a un rey, colega, inclínate*♪ 'Cause you're looking at a king, homeboy, bow down ♪
Come esto e inclínate.You eat this and bow down!
Estás mirando al rey, colega, inclínate."You're looking at a king, homeboy, bow down."
¡Ahora, inclinaos ante mí!Now, bow down to me!
Así que inclínense y profesen su amor a mí, el Señor O serán destruidos.You will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord Or I shall destroy you.
El cielo se ha inclinado ante mis ojos.The sky has bowed down to my eyes.
En 18 años nunca te has inclinadoIn the last 18 years you never bowed down.
Si en tres días... no se ha inclinado ante mí...Within three days, if you haven't bowed down before me,
Sí, soy un hombre orgulloso, pero me he inclinado ante poetas, paisajes, Ia vida del campo y la de este pueblo,Yes, I am a proud man, but I have bowed down to poets, landscapes, the life of the country and that of this town,
Veamos, creo que no se han inclinado ante mí recientemente.Say, come to think about it, I don't believe you've bowed down before me recently.
Estará inclinándose ante Satanás.You'll be bowing down before Satan.
Los vampiros inclinándose ante las brujas.Vampires bowing down to witches.
Senadores de ambos partidos parecen estar inclinándose ante usted.Senators from both sides of the aisle Seem to be bowing down before you.

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