Fracturarse (to fracture) conjugation

12 examples

Conjugation of fracturarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me fracturo
I fracture
te fracturas
you fracture
se fractura
he/she/it fractures
nos fracturamos
we fracture
os fracturáis
you all fracture
se fracturan
they fracture
Present perfect tense
he fracturado
I have fractured
has fracturado
you have fractured
ha fracturado
he/she/it has fractured
hemos fracturado
we have fractured
habéis fracturado
you all have fractured
han fracturado
they have fractured
Past preterite tense
me fracturé
I fractured
te fracturaste
you fractured
se fracturó
he/she/it fractured
nos fracturamos
we fractured
os fracturasteis
you all fractured
se fracturaron
they fractured
Future tense
me fracturaré
I will fracture
te fracturarás
you will fracture
se fracturará
he/she/it will fracture
nos fracturaremos
we will fracture
os fracturaréis
you all will fracture
se fracturarán
they will fracture
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me fracturaría
I would fracture
te fracturarías
you would fracture
se fracturaría
he/she/it would fracture
nos fracturaríamos
we would fracture
os fracturaríais
you all would fracture
se fracturarían
they would fracture
Past imperfect tense
me fracturaba
I used to fracture
te fracturabas
you used to fracture
se fracturaba
he/she/it used to fracture
nos fracturábamos
we used to fracture
os fracturabais
you all used to fracture
se fracturaban
they used to fracture
Past perfect tense
había fracturado
I had fractured
habías fracturado
you had fractured
había fracturado
he/she/it had fractured
habíamos fracturado
we had fractured
habíais fracturado
you all had fractured
habían fracturado
they had fractured
Future perfect tense
habré fracturado
I will have fractured
habrás fracturado
you will have fractured
habrá fracturado
he/she/it will have fractured
habremos fracturado
we will have fractured
habréis fracturado
you all will have fractured
habrán fracturado
they will have fractured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me fracture
(if/so that) I fracture
te fractures
(if/so that) you fracture
se fracture
(if/so that) he/she/it fracture
nos fracturemos
(if/so that) we fracture
os fracturéis
(if/so that) you all fracture
se fracturen
(if/so that) they fracture
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya fracturado
I have fractured
hayas fracturado
you have fractured
haya fracturado
he/she/it has fractured
hayamos fracturado
we have fractured
hayáis fracturado
you all have fractured
hayan fracturado
they have fractured
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me fracturara
(if/so that) I have fractured
te fracturaras
(if/so that) you have fractured
se fracturara
(if/so that) he/she/it have fractured
nos fracturáramos
(if/so that) we have fractured
os fracturarais
(if/so that) you all have fractured
se fracturaran
(if/so that) they have fractured
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me fracturase
(if/so that) I have fractured
te fracturases
(if/so that) you have fractured
se fracturase
(if/so that) he/she/it have fractured
nos fracturásemos
(if/so that) we have fractured
os fracturaseis
(if/so that) you all have fractured
se fracturasen
(if/so that) they have fractured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera fracturado
I had fractured
hubieras fracturado
you had fractured
hubiera fracturado
he/she/it had fractured
hubiéramos fracturado
we had fractured
hubierais fracturado
you all had fractured
hubieran fracturado
they had fractured
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese fracturado
I had fractured
hubieses fracturado
you had fractured
hubiese fracturado
he/she/it had fractured
hubiésemos fracturado
we had fractured
hubieseis fracturado
you all had fractured
hubiesen fracturado
they had fractured
Future subjunctive tense
me fracturare
(if/so that) I will have fractured
te fracturares
(if/so that) you will have fractured
se fracturare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have fractured
nos fracturáremos
(if/so that) we will have fractured
os fracturareis
(if/so that) you all will have fractured
se fracturaren
(if/so that) they will have fractured
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere fracturado
I will have fractured
hubieres fracturado
you will have fractured
hubiere fracturado
he/she/it will have fractured
hubiéremos fracturado
we will have fractured
hubiereis fracturado
you all will have fractured
hubieren fracturado
they will have fractured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's fracture!
Imperative negative mood
no te fractures
do not fracture!
no se fracture
let him/her/it fracture!
no nos fracturemos
let us not fracture!
no os fracturéis
do not fracture!
no se fracturen
do not fracture!

Examples of fracturarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
La mente tiene la habilidad de fracturarse dividirse, romperse para crear otra a la que llamamos el "álter ego".The mind has the ability to fracture itself, to split, to break off, to create another one, what we call the alter.
La secta empieza a fracturarse un poco según Roderick empieza a darse cuenta de que Joe Carroll los está usando.The cult starts to fracture a bit as Roderick starts to realize that Joe Carroll is using them.
La última placa está a punto de fracturarse.The final plate is about to fracture.
Significa que se pelearon y Delcampo le golpeó la cara con la rodilla lo suficientemente fuerte como para fracturarse la rótula.It means they struggled, and Delcampo kneed her in the face, hard enough to fracture his kneecap.
Su objetivo era fracturarse la tercera y cuarta vértebras.His goal was to fracture the third and fourth vertebrae.
"Ruptura de bazo, cráneo fracturado... sangrado interno... "."Ruptured spleen, fractured skull, internal bleeding"...
- El cráneo está fracturado.The skull was fractured.
- El orbital parece fracturado.Orbital bone looks fractured.
- Está fracturado.It's fractured.
- La desposeída se había fracturado el meñique.- The homeless woman had a fractured pinky.
Inmediatamente oí... el sonido de su pierna fracturándose.I immediately heard The sound of his bone fracturing
También sabemos que poco antes de su muerte, cayó de espaldas 1.37 metros, fracturándose las muñecas y el cóccix.We also know that shortly before he died, he fell backward 1.37 meters, fracturing his wrists and his coccyx.

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