Fracturar (to fracture) conjugation

71 examples

Conjugation of fracturar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I fracture
you fracture
he/she/it fractures
we fracture
you all fracture
they fracture
Present perfect tense
he fracturado
I have fractured
has fracturado
you have fractured
ha fracturado
he/she/it has fractured
hemos fracturado
we have fractured
habéis fracturado
you all have fractured
han fracturado
they have fractured
Past preterite tense
I fractured
you fractured
he/she/it fractured
we fractured
you all fractured
they fractured
Future tense
I will fracture
you will fracture
he/she/it will fracture
we will fracture
you all will fracture
they will fracture
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would fracture
you would fracture
he/she/it would fracture
we would fracture
you all would fracture
they would fracture
Past imperfect tense
I used to fracture
you used to fracture
he/she/it used to fracture
we used to fracture
you all used to fracture
they used to fracture
Past perfect tense
había fracturado
I had fractured
habías fracturado
you had fractured
había fracturado
he/she/it had fractured
habíamos fracturado
we had fractured
habíais fracturado
you all had fractured
habían fracturado
they had fractured
Future perfect tense
habré fracturado
I will have fractured
habrás fracturado
you will have fractured
habrá fracturado
he/she/it will have fractured
habremos fracturado
we will have fractured
habréis fracturado
you all will have fractured
habrán fracturado
they will have fractured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I fracture
(if/so that) you fracture
(if/so that) he/she/it fracture
(if/so that) we fracture
(if/so that) you all fracture
(if/so that) they fracture
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya fracturado
I have fractured
hayas fracturado
you have fractured
haya fracturado
he/she/it has fractured
hayamos fracturado
we have fractured
hayáis fracturado
you all have fractured
hayan fracturado
they have fractured
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have fractured
(if/so that) you have fractured
(if/so that) he/she/it have fractured
(if/so that) we have fractured
(if/so that) you all have fractured
(if/so that) they have fractured
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have fractured
(if/so that) you have fractured
(if/so that) he/she/it have fractured
(if/so that) we have fractured
(if/so that) you all have fractured
(if/so that) they have fractured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera fracturado
I had fractured
hubieras fracturado
you had fractured
hubiera fracturado
he/she/it had fractured
hubiéramos fracturado
we had fractured
hubierais fracturado
you all had fractured
hubieran fracturado
they had fractured
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese fracturado
I had fractured
hubieses fracturado
you had fractured
hubiese fracturado
he/she/it had fractured
hubiésemos fracturado
we had fractured
hubieseis fracturado
you all had fractured
hubiesen fracturado
they had fractured
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have fractured
(if/so that) you will have fractured
(if/so that) he/she/it will have fractured
(if/so that) we will have fractured
(if/so that) you all will have fractured
(if/so that) they will have fractured
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere fracturado
I will have fractured
hubieres fracturado
you will have fractured
hubiere fracturado
he/she/it will have fractured
hubiéremos fracturado
we will have fractured
hubiereis fracturado
you all will have fractured
hubieren fracturado
they will have fractured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's fracture!
Imperative negative mood
no fractures
do not fracture!
no fracture
let him/her/it fracture!
no fracturemos
let us not fracture!
no fracturéis
do not fracture!
no fracturen
do not fracture!

Examples of fracturar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Ademas, las contorsiones musculares y espasmos no fueron lo suficientemente violentos como para fracturar su muñeca.Plus the muscular contortions and spasms were nowhere near violent enough to fracture his wrist.
Como podeis ver, la víctima fue golpeada en la cuarta costilla izquierda con un golpe suficientemente fuerte no solo para fracturar la costilla, sino también para arrancar una parte del hueso.As you can see, the victim was struck in the left fourth rib with a blow that was powerful enough, not only to fracture the rib, but also dislodge a portion of the bone.
Está diseñada para fracturar el espacio-tiempo en un radio de 150 metros.It's designed to fracture space-time within a radius of 150 meters.
Lo suficiente para fracturar el reactor nuclear que decís que no tenéis escondido.Enough to fracture the nuclear reactor you say you don't have under there.
Pero no se me ocurre nada hecho de PVC que sea lo suficientemente pesado como para fracturar un cráneo.But I can't think of anything made of PVC heavy enough to fracture a skull.
- Se fracturo.- She fractured it.
Dave se fracturo el brazo contra una de las paredes.Dave fractured his arm against one of the walls.
He estado viendo los videos Y durante una de sus peleas amateur Le dieron un golpe en el lado izquierdo de la mandibula se fracturoI've been watching the videos, and during one of his amateur fights he got hit hard on the left side of the jaw, fractured it, that's his achilles heel.
Lo bueno: no me fracturo en el campo de batallaGood news is I don't fracture on the battlefield.
Los registros del hospital muestran que Mark Gregory se fracturo una vértebra cuando tenía 10 años.Hospital records show Mark Gregory fractured a vertebrae when he was 10.
"Cabeza: dos fracturas.""Head: two fractures."
, las fracturas que no sueldan bien son comunes con ese tipo de lesión.You know, non-union fractures are common with that type of injury.
- Booth... el doctor hizo un trabajo increíble... reparando 11 fracturas por herida de bala... en tan poco tiempo. Diez.Booth, the doctor did an incredible job repairing 11 fractures from bullet wounds in such a short period of time.
- Cambios de energía en el subespacio, fracturas cuánticas en el campo electrodinámico.What do you think? Subspace energy fluctuations? Quantum fractures in the electrodynamic field?
- El cráneo de Marni se fracturó por un impacto durante su caída evidenciada por las fracturas centradas de su hueso temporal derecho, pero este daño se aísla en el lado izquierdo de su cráneo.What are they? Marni's skull was fractured by a midair impact during her fall. That's evidenced by the radiating fractures centered above her right temporal bone, but this damage is isolated on the left side of her skull.
- Ahora, recordad una fractura abierta puede crear osteomielitis negativa por eso añadimos gentamicina.- Now, remember open fractures can lead to gram-negative osteomyelitis which is why we add gentamicin.
- Posible fractura de ambos brazos.- Possible fractures of both arms.
...fractura y...- No fractures...
Al principio, no teníamos explicación para la fractura vertebral hasta que nos dimos cuenta que las fracturas por compresión fueron causadas por el peso extremo que llevaba.At first, we had no explanation for the spinal fracturing until we realized that the compression fractures were caused by the extreme weight he was carrying.
Bien, Kay Em, comienza a estabilizar cualquier fractura celular.Begin stabilizing -cell fractures.
Y le fracturamos la pierna en tres lugares.And we fractured Marty's leg in three places.
De acuerdo, no soy la doctora B, pero los órganos no se fracturan.All right, I'm not Dr. B, but organs don't fracture.
El cuerpo produce calor y los huesos largos se contraen y fracturan.The body produces heat, causing the long bones to contract and fracture.
En el seminario vimos cómo las tragedias nos fracturan, ¿verdad?At the seminar, we went over how tragedy fractures us, right?
Las compañías excavan y fracturan el lecho de esquisto. para liberar gas natural.Companies dig down and fracture shale beds to release natural gas.
Los enfermos de osteogénesis se fracturan fácilmente los huesos.Individuals with O.I.¡ª Their bones do fracture easily.
- Me fracturé el codo y la muñeca... en el cuerpo a cuerpo cuando los marines intentaron abordarnos.- I fractured my elbow and wrist... when we went hand-to-hand when the marines tried to board us.
- Me fracturé la muñeca.- I fractured my wrist.
A las seis semanas, me fracturé una vertebra.Six weeks in, I fractured a vertebrae.
Apenas juego con él, porque me fracturé dos costillas y hablando de eso, voy al médico y el tipo dice: "Ya sabes, a tu edad va a costar un tiempo que se cure",I barely play with him, you know, 'cause I fractured these two ribs, and speaking of which, you know, I-I go to the doctor, and the guy says, "you know, it's gonna take a while at your age, to heal,"
Así fue cómo me fracturé la mandíbula.That`s how l got my jaw fractured.
- Creo que me fracturaste el cráneo.- Looks like a fractured skull.
- ¡Me fracturaste el cráneo!- You fractured my skull.
Ahí le fracturaste el cráneo.That's where you fractured her skull.
Bueno, le fracturaste ambas rótulas.Well, you fractured both his kneecaps.
La enfermera dijo que te fracturaste una costilla.The nurse said you fractured a rib.
"fracturó sus huesos."fractured his bones.
- El cráneo de Marni se fracturó por un impacto durante su caída evidenciada por las fracturas centradas de su hueso temporal derecho, pero este daño se aísla en el lado izquierdo de su cráneo.What are they? Marni's skull was fractured by a midair impact during her fall. That's evidenced by the radiating fractures centered above her right temporal bone, but this damage is isolated on the left side of her skull.
- Me pregunto cómo se la fracturó.- I wonder how she fractured it.
- Se fracturó el cráneo en la caída.- Her skull was fractured in her fall.
- Se fracturó.- It's fractured.
Costillas izquierdas seis y siete, y los dos primeros metacarpianos, se fracturaron aproximadamente al mismo tiempo.Left ribs six and seven, and both first metacarpals, were all fractured at approximately the same time.
El doctor dijo que fracturaron tu cráneo.The doctor said they fractured your skull.
Josh sufrió un impacto grave en las costillas, y varias se fracturaron.Josh suffered a severe blow to his rib cage, which fractured several ribs.
Le fracturaron el cráneo a Fred Gage antes de lanzarlo a esa zanja.Gentlemen, Fred Gage's skull was fractured before he was flung into that ditch.
Le rompieron siete costillas y le fracturaron la clavícula.They broke seven of your transverse ribs and fractured your clavicle.
Bajo continua tensión, el acero se fracturará causando un colapso completo de la estructura.Under continuing stress, this steel will fracture, causing complete structural collapse.
La corteza se fracturará,The crust will fracture,
La energía fracturará cada falla activa en el país.The energy will fracture every active fault zone in the country.
Y la corteza se fracturará,And the crust will fracture,
Ese voltaje causa espasmo muscular tan fuerte que fracturaría los huesos.That's the voltage it would take to cause muscle spasms so strong they would fracture bone.
Se fracturaría su línea de tiempo.It would fracture her timeline.
Si la TARDIS aterrizara con su peso real, fracturaría la superficie de la Tierra.If the TARDIS were to land with its true weight, it would fracture the surface of the earth.
Temes que el conocimiento del Stargate fracturaría el mundo más de lo que ya lo estáYou're afraid that knowing about this would fracture the world even more. Yeah.
Todo esto se fracturaría.- The whole thing would fracture.
- Me fracture la pelvis.Suffered a stress fracture in my pelvis.
Cuide que la puerta no golpee su espalda y fracture su pelvis.Be careful when you leave. Don't let the door hit you on the back and fracture your pelvis.
Escribí esto la primera vez que olvidé mirar abajo y me fracture el coxis.I wrote this the first time I forgot to look down and fractured my tail bone.
La idea es crear una escotadura en el bloque y luego hacer que se fracture.The idea is to create a "neck" in the block and then cause it to fracture.
Terminaron en mi primer año Cuando me fracture la espalda en el campo de entrenamientoMy glory days ended my freshman year when I fractured my back in training camp.
Demasiado óxido nítrico puede ocasionar que los huesos se fracturen.Too much nitric oxide can cause the bones to fracture.
"Ruptura de bazo, cráneo fracturado... sangrado interno... "."Ruptured spleen, fractured skull, internal bleeding"...
- El cráneo está fracturado.The skull was fractured.
- El orbital parece fracturado.Orbital bone looks fractured.
- Está fracturado.It's fractured.
- La desposeída se había fracturado el meñique.- The homeless woman had a fractured pinky.
Alimentado por los medios, el miedo y el pánico se diseminan rápidamente fracturando y dividiendo el país hasta que, finalmente el verdadero objetivo se hizo visible.Fueled by the media, fear and panic spread quickly fracturing and dividing the country until, at last, the true goal comes into view.
Aplicó demasiada fuerza, fracturando una costilla que perforó su corazón. Y eso la mató.e day he tried to save gina, overcompensated, fracturing her rib which punctured her heart and th killed
Carrie está creando todos estos problemas, y eso es lo que está fracturando del equipo.Carrie is creating all these problems, and that's what's fracturing the team.
Con una mano, el asesino sumergió a la víctima fracturando la clavícula y el esternón mientras la asfixiaba con la otra mano.With one hand, the killer held the victim down... fracturing the clavicle and the sternum... while suffocating her with the other hand.
Creemos que fracturando a las hermanas es la mejor forma de hacerlo.We feel fracturing the sisters is the best way to do it.

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