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Designar (to designate) conjugation

53 examples

Conjugation of designar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I designate
you designate
he/she/it designates
we designate
you all designate
they designate
Present perfect tense
he designado
I have designated
has designado
you have designated
ha designado
he/she/it has designated
hemos designado
we have designated
habéis designado
you all have designated
han designado
they have designated
Past preterite tense
I designated
you designated
he/she/it designated
we designated
you all designated
they designated
Future tense
I will designate
you will designate
he/she/it will designate
we will designate
you all will designate
they will designate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would designate
you would designate
he/she/it would designate
we would designate
you all would designate
they would designate
Past imperfect tense
I used to designate
you used to designate
he/she/it used to designate
we used to designate
you all used to designate
they used to designate
Past perfect tense
había designado
I had designated
habías designado
you had designated
había designado
he/she/it had designated
habíamos designado
we had designated
habíais designado
you all had designated
habían designado
they had designated
Future perfect tense
habré designado
I will have designated
habrás designado
you will have designated
habrá designado
he/she/it will have designated
habremos designado
we will have designated
habréis designado
you all will have designated
habrán designado
they will have designated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I designate
(if/so that) you designate
(if/so that) he/she/it designate
(if/so that) we designate
(if/so that) you all designate
(if/so that) they designate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya designado
I have designated
hayas designado
you have designated
haya designado
he/she/it has designated
hayamos designado
we have designated
hayáis designado
you all have designated
hayan designado
they have designated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have designated
(if/so that) you have designated
(if/so that) he/she/it have designated
(if/so that) we have designated
(if/so that) you all have designated
(if/so that) they have designated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have designated
(if/so that) you have designated
(if/so that) he/she/it have designated
(if/so that) we have designated
(if/so that) you all have designated
(if/so that) they have designated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera designado
I had designated
hubieras designado
you had designated
hubiera designado
he/she/it had designated
hubiéramos designado
we had designated
hubierais designado
you all had designated
hubieran designado
they had designated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese designado
I had designated
hubieses designado
you had designated
hubiese designado
he/she/it had designated
hubiésemos designado
we had designated
hubieseis designado
you all had designated
hubiesen designado
they had designated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have designated
(if/so that) you will have designated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have designated
(if/so that) we will have designated
(if/so that) you all will have designated
(if/so that) they will have designated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere designado
I will have designated
hubieres designado
you will have designated
hubiere designado
he/she/it will have designated
hubiéremos designado
we will have designated
hubiereis designado
you all will have designated
hubieren designado
they will have designated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's designate!
Imperative negative mood
no designes
do not designate!
no designe
let him/her/it designate!
no designemos
let us not designate!
no designéis
do not designate!
no designen
do not designate!

Examples of designar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Al presidente se le da el poder de designar enemigos foráneos a los ciudadanos o súbditos de naciones hostiles residentes en Estados Unidos, cuya presencia él considera peligrosa y establecer reglas para su captura detención o deportación"."The President is hereby empowered to designate as alien enemies any citizens or subjects of hostile nations..." "...residing in the United States whose presence he regards as dangerous, and make regulations for their apprehension, restraint or removal."
Bueno, el palo para hablar se ha usado en muchas culturas para designar quien tiene derecho a hablar.Well, uh, the talking stick has been used by many cultures to designate who has the right to speak.
Como jefe de la Barraca 23... vas a designar ya a 6 que tu quieras... para que sean eliminados inmediatamente.As head of Barracks 23... you are to designate any 6 that you Iike... to be eliminated at once.
Creo que necesitamos designar algunas zonas recreativas. Sí.- We need to designate recreational areas.
Es hora de designar un nuevo faraón. ¡Vaya!The time to designate a new Pharaoh is at hand.
A fin de no perder otro segundo en el tratamiento de este tema... designo al hombre de la mistica aqui presente... como el trovador oficial del pueblo.In the interest of not talking on this subject for another second... I hereby designate mystique guy over here... the official town troubadour.
Por ello, designo este martes día de "Harry, la Luz Centelleante... "de la Casa de Luces Centelleantes de Harry".So I hereby designate next Tuesday, 'Harry, the Twinkle Light Man... 'from Harry's House of Twinkle Lights' day.
Por este medio te designo... como Cazador Encubierto de Experimentos Intergalácticos... y Stitch, tambien.I hereby designate you... an Undercover Intergalactic Experiment Retriever... and Stitch, too.
¿y se lo designas a ella en calidad de préstamo?"The Fortune Teller" is her favorite painting, and you had it designated on loan to her?
Así, Leo McGarry designa un día para que los más veteranos reciban a personas que normalmente...In that spirit, Leo McGarry designates one day for senior staff members to take appointments with people that wouldn't ordinarily...
DS Mansfield, el Comando de Oro lo designa como Comando de Plata. Cambio.'DS Mansfield, Gold Command designates you as Silver Command.
El estatuto de intervenciones designa los crímenes donde se pueden intervenir los teléfonos en el gran estado de Maryland. ¿Prostitución?Wiretap Statute, Subsection 10, 406... designates crimes where telephonic communication can be intercepted... in the great state of Maryland. Prostitution?
El primero designa la página, el segundo el número de la palabra.The first designates page number, second the number of the word on that page.
En este caso, la oposición designa a uno de sus diputados para interrogar a un vecino, miembro de las JAP.In this case, the opposition designates one of it's deputies to interrogate a neighbour, member of the JAP.
- Sí, que designamos como "Día de Camiseta de Stick Hippo".Yes, which we've established and designated as "Stick Hippo T-shirt day."
Cuando conseguimos esta comunidad, designamos 10 acres de tierra... Y todos ellos obtuvieron su membresía, que en realidad se convirtió en edificios realesSo when we set up this community, we designated 10 acres and they all got their memberships, which turned into actual building lots.
Nos acercamos a la designamos coordina, comandante.We are approaching the designated coordinates, Commander.
Nosotros designamos el blanco con una radiobalizaWe designate the target with a radio beacon.
Ya designamos muchas locaciones pero por razones de seguridad no te puedo decir en dónde.We've already designated lots of locations. But for security reasons I can't tell you where.
Como sabe, algunos primeros ministros designan vice, otros no.Well, as you know, some prime ministers designate a deputy, some don't.
Las negras designan a la pareja representando a los jugadores 6, 9, 13, 17 y 3.The blacks will designate the duelists. I will now call the gamblers representing No 6, 9, 13, 17 and 3.
Me designan abogada asistente del gobierno y nos vendría bien.I get cross-designated as an AUSA, and we can really run with it, you know?
Me designan un bocón, me matan me muelen, y me mezclan junto con la provisión local de mortadela.They'd designate me ablabbermouth, kill me, grind me up, and mix me intothe local bologna supply.
No si ellos se designan La Senda rápida, es una clase diferente.Not if they're designated Fast Lane, it's a different class.
- Una no sancionada e ilegal unidad con la misión de asesinar americanos a quienes el Director Widener designó como enemigos de estado.- An illegal and unsanctioned unit with a mission to assassinate Americans whom Director Widener designated as enemies of the state.
Ah, sí, el Sr. Donaghy la designó su contacto de emergencia.Oh, yes, Mr Donaghy designated you as his emergency contact.
Antes de que Kim Long IL muriera... designó a Kim Long Un como su sucesor.BeforeKimJongIldied , hedesignatedKimJongUnas hissuccessor.
Así, que encontró sangre fuera de lo que se designó como escena del crimen, y ¿decidió no incluirla?So, you found blood outside the designated crime scene, and you decided not to include it?
Durante el año de prueba... tú padre me designó a mí y a Ben... para supervisar el funcionamiento del rancho.During the probationary year your father designated myself and Ben to supervise the running of the ranch.
Bueno, hay una torre... mi torre he estado transmitiendo desde ahí hace poco, súbitamente lo designaron patrimonio de Chicago.Well, there's a tower-- My tower. I've been operating a radio station from it. It has recently and quite suddenly been designated a Chicago landmark.
De todos modos, yo realmente no lo sienti hasta la cena, pero yo soy el tipo de persona que odia... desepcionar a las personas, asi que me designaron conductor como de costumbre... le dire que?Anyway, I didn't really feel up to dinner, but I'm the kind of person that hates to dis... appoint people, and I was the designated driver as usual... Tell you what.
Dirigíos a las zonas de seguridad que se os designaron.... proceed to your designated safety areas.
Ellos designaron el lugar.They designated the location.
Fórmense según se designaron los grupos.Get into your designated groups.
El servicio secreto designará esto como "el castillo". Se convertirá en la ubicación del Presidente en un ataque.Secret Service will designate this "the Castle." It becomes the president's location in an attack.
El vórtice que vino a estudiar es lo que su ciencia primitiva designaría como un agujero de gusano, un desgarro en la tela del espacio.The vortex you've come to study is what your primitive science would designate as a wormhole, a tear in the fabric of space.
Presiento que el 10 designaría a una suma de dinero.My sense is that 10 would designate a sum of money.
"En caso de que mi muerte ocurra antes de que nombre un heredero... de mis bienes y efectos presentes y futuros, conocidos o no... y antes de que yo mismo escriba su nombre en el espacio en blanco... destinado a tal fin en este documento... la persona que designe por escrito William McFly... será mi heredero de hecho, como si estuviera designado por mí... y su nombre hubiera sido escrito por mi propia mano.""In the event my dying precedes my naming an heir... to all of my estates and effects, both known to and unknown... and the insertion of that name in the presently blank space... designating said heir... the heir, designated and written in by William McFly... shall be my heir in fact and deed as if designated by me... and his or her name written in by me in my hand."
- Pediremos a la ONU que lo designe así.- We'll ask the U.N. to so designate.
A un químico, alguien que designe mi compañía de seguros.- A chemist... someone designated by my insurance company.
Ni bien designe a Matt Wellings como sospechoso...The moment I designate Matt Wellings a suspect--
Le llamo de Podvírus. Es un virus de ordenador. Él irá a buscar ficheiros en cualquier lado en la Internet buscando palabras-llave que nosotros designemos y los borra.It's a computer virus that will seek out files anywhere on the Web that contain keywords that we designate and wipes them out.
Los que no designemos se marcharán inmediatamente.Those we do not designate will leave immediately.
Traerás a O al lugar que designemos, a la hora que designemos.You bring O to a place we designate, at a time we designate.
Beban a conciencia y designen a un chofer.Drink safe and designate a driver.
Mira, si voy a financiar el partido, entonces, obviamente insistiré... en que mi hija debe casarse con quien designen para Primer Ministro.See, if I am to finance a party, then obviously I will insist... that my daughter should marry the CM designate.
"En caso de que mi muerte ocurra antes de que nombre un heredero... de mis bienes y efectos presentes y futuros, conocidos o no... y antes de que yo mismo escriba su nombre en el espacio en blanco... destinado a tal fin en este documento... la persona que designe por escrito William McFly... será mi heredero de hecho, como si estuviera designado por mí... y su nombre hubiera sido escrito por mi propia mano.""In the event my dying precedes my naming an heir... to all of my estates and effects, both known to and unknown... and the insertion of that name in the presently blank space... designating said heir... the heir, designated and written in by William McFly... shall be my heir in fact and deed as if designated by me... and his or her name written in by me in my hand."
"Soy Gordon Higgs, el observador designado por el departamento del tesoro para el caso 670-3."Uh, "I'm Gordon Higgs, "the designated Treasury Secretary monitor "for trial case #670-3.
"al lugar designado en el mapa adjunto."To the place designated on the enclosed map.
# En el montón designado #♪ In the designated pile ♪
- Fue el socio designado en el caso STARCROSS Seguros, pero no hizo nada.- He was the designated partner on the StarCross Insurance case, but he didn't do anything.
Como si un solo individuo, caminando en un nivel relativamente ritmo constante , la vuelta a la habitación , despegando de puntos ... designando al azar algunas piezas a la venta.As if a single individual, walking at a relatively steady pace, circled the room, peeling off dots... randomly designating certain pieces as sold.
Si los accionistas no pueden asistir personalmente, pueden enviar sus poderes por correo designando su elección o delegando el voto en otra persona.If the stockholders cannot attend in person, they can mail in their proxies... designating the management or some other person to vote for them.

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