Confrontar (to confront) conjugation

84 examples

Conjugation of confrontar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I confront
you confront
he/she/it confronts
we confront
you all confront
they confront
Present perfect tense
he confrontado
I have confronted
has confrontado
you have confronted
ha confrontado
he/she/it has confronted
hemos confrontado
we have confronted
habéis confrontado
you all have confronted
han confrontado
they have confronted
Past preterite tense
I confronted
you confronted
he/she/it confronted
we confronted
you all confronted
they confronted
Future tense
I will confront
you will confront
he/she/it will confront
we will confront
you all will confront
they will confront
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would confront
you would confront
he/she/it would confront
we would confront
you all would confront
they would confront
Past imperfect tense
I used to confront
you used to confront
he/she/it used to confront
we used to confront
you all used to confront
they used to confront
Past perfect tense
había confrontado
I had confronted
habías confrontado
you had confronted
había confrontado
he/she/it had confronted
habíamos confrontado
we had confronted
habíais confrontado
you all had confronted
habían confrontado
they had confronted
Future perfect tense
habré confrontado
I will have confronted
habrás confrontado
you will have confronted
habrá confrontado
he/she/it will have confronted
habremos confrontado
we will have confronted
habréis confrontado
you all will have confronted
habrán confrontado
they will have confronted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I confront
(if/so that) you confront
(if/so that) he/she/it confront
(if/so that) we confront
(if/so that) you all confront
(if/so that) they confront
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya confrontado
I have confronted
hayas confrontado
you have confronted
haya confrontado
he/she/it has confronted
hayamos confrontado
we have confronted
hayáis confrontado
you all have confronted
hayan confrontado
they have confronted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have confronted
(if/so that) you have confronted
(if/so that) he/she/it have confronted
(if/so that) we have confronted
(if/so that) you all have confronted
(if/so that) they have confronted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have confronted
(if/so that) you have confronted
(if/so that) he/she/it have confronted
(if/so that) we have confronted
(if/so that) you all have confronted
(if/so that) they have confronted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera confrontado
I had confronted
hubieras confrontado
you had confronted
hubiera confrontado
he/she/it had confronted
hubiéramos confrontado
we had confronted
hubierais confrontado
you all had confronted
hubieran confrontado
they had confronted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese confrontado
I had confronted
hubieses confrontado
you had confronted
hubiese confrontado
he/she/it had confronted
hubiésemos confrontado
we had confronted
hubieseis confrontado
you all had confronted
hubiesen confrontado
they had confronted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have confronted
(if/so that) you will have confronted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have confronted
(if/so that) we will have confronted
(if/so that) you all will have confronted
(if/so that) they will have confronted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere confrontado
I will have confronted
hubieres confrontado
you will have confronted
hubiere confrontado
he/she/it will have confronted
hubiéremos confrontado
we will have confronted
hubiereis confrontado
you all will have confronted
hubieren confrontado
they will have confronted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's confront!
Imperative negative mood
no confrontes
do not confront!
no confronte
let him/her/it confront!
no confrontemos
let us not confront!
no confrontéis
do not confront!
no confronten
do not confront!

Examples of confrontar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Debería ser forzado a confrontar lo que hizo.He should be forced to confront what he's done.
- Fui a confrontar...- I went to confront...
Agente Booth, creo que está preparado para confrontar la violencia que puede haber sufrido en su infancia.Agent Booth, I believe that you are ready to confront the fact that the violence you may have suffered in childhood
Antes que nada, no tengo miedo de confrontar a mi atacante.First of all, I'm not afraid to confront my own attacker.
Asi que ella no ha dicho que no, ella esta viviendo con miedo , y usted cree que va a estar de acuerdo en confrontar a este tipo en la corta ?So she hasn't said no, she's living in fear, and you think she's gonna agree to confront this guy in court?
Ahora cállate mientras confronto a mi padre putativo.Now shut up while I go confront my putative father.
Aparentemente, Soneji confronto y posiblemente lastimo... mienbros del grupo antisecuestro que lo buscaban.Filtered through their community. Apparently, Soneji had attempted to confront, or even harm... members of the kidnapping task force hunting him.
Asi que, me levanto, me doy vuelta lo confronto.So, I get up, spin around confront the guy.
Compro a 100 y confronto.l'll buy at 100 and confront.
El lo confronto.He confronted you.
- O... lo confrontas de afuera hacia adentro?- Or... do you confront it from the outside in?
Cuando lo confrontas, tú y tus chicos lo emborrachan.When you confronted him, you and your boys got him drunk.
Cuando tu miras a Micenas en Grecia, tú te confrontas con una civilización anómala, realmente.PHILIPCOPPENS: Whenyou look at Mycenae in Greece, you're confronted with an anomalous civilization, really.
Ella puso interruptores para matarlas en ambas, Eva y la otra chica si el resto del equipo está conectado y la confrontasShe put kill switches in both eva and the other girl. If the rest of her team is wired and you confront her, she could hit a remote and kill them all.
No puedo trabajar contigo si confrontas a la gente todo el tiempo.I can't work with you if you're confrontational with people all the time.
... levanta su cabeza y confronta la libertad, pero lenta y sutilmente la arranca desde la raíz....raises its head and confronts freedom, but slyly, subtly, chokes it off at the root.
Ahora que Virginia confronta la fuerza militar de los EE. UU sus pobladores hemos determinado que su sagrado suelo no será ensuciado por el pie de un invasor.Now that Virginia confronts the armed might of the United States we Virginians have determined that not one spot of her sacred soil be polluted by the foot of an invader.
Bien, si volvemos al escenario del chantaje, Maddox confronta a Snaith, lo mata, y decide, como primera prioridad, deshacerse del cuerpo.Well, if we go with the blackmail scenario - Maddox confronts Snaith, kills him and decides his first priority is to get rid of the body.
Cesare, si Faenza deja de temblar y te confronta, no estoy seguro... que tu ejército sea lo suficientemente grande como para derrotar a aquellos que se resistan.Cesare, if Faenza fails to shudder and confronts you, I am not certain that your army is large enough to defeat those who are so dedicated to resistance.
El fantasma de John F. Kennedy nos confronta con el asesinato secreto en el corazón del sueño americano.The ghost of John F. Kennedy confronts us with the secret murder at the heart of the American Dream.
Claro que no, cariño, pero, sabes, desde que lo confrontamos, he estado pensando en por qué todo esto nunca me ha molestado tanto como a ti.Of course not, honey, but, you know, ever since we confronted him, I've been... I've been thinking about why this whole thing just never bothered me the way it bothered you.
Cuando nosotros la confrontamos, ella no quiso discutir esto.When we confronted her about it, she wouldn't even discuss it.
Cuando vemos a Zaratustra encontrar a Ahuru Mazda, lo que confrontamos aquí son seres humanos que se enfrentan a inteligencias no humanas.When we look at Zarathustra encountering Ahura Mazda, what we are confronted with here are human beings who are encountering nonhuman intelligences.
Entonces, ¿los confrontamos?So. What do you want to do? You want to confront them?
Lo confrontamos y huyó.We confronted him and he ran.
Creo que los Libras son diplomáticos y no confrontan.I think the Libras are diplomatic and non-confrontational.
Cuando hay situaciones hostiles algunas mujeres, como Charlotte, las confrontan directamente mientras que otras...When in a hostile situation, some women, like Charlotte, confront it head on. While others...
Ellos confrontan estos Inflexibles universos con las mismas armas.They confront these uncompromising universes with equal arms.
Los machos gigantes se confrontan, compitiendo por las hembras... escondiéndose en la esponja amarilla.Giant males confront each other, competing for females... hiding in the yellow sponge below.
Mufas fuerzas diferentes se confrontan en él...A lot of forces confront themselves with it...
Ahora, no te equivoques, lo descubrí, lo confronté, y eventualmente hice que pagara.Now, make no mistake, I found about it, I confronted him, and I eventually made him pay it all back.
Así que confronté a Vogel.So, I confronted Vogel.
Así que la atrapé, la confronté, y entonces vi la verdad.So I caught her, confronted her, and then I saw the truth. She kept pleading with me,
Así que, en fin, lo confronté y básicamente me mandó al baño a llorar.So anyways, l confronted him and he basically had me in the bathroom crying.
Así que, lo confronté, pensé que tal vez había un error y que el dinero era para la ama de llavez, pero me equivoqué, él pensó que eras una prostituta.So, I confronted him, thinking maybe he made a mistake and the money was actually for the housekeeper, but I was wrong, he did think you were a hooker.
- ¿Entonces la confrontaste?So you confronted her?
Cuando te enteraste que Derek hizo un retiro no autorizado, lo confrontaste, pero él sabía que no podías ir con los policías, así que él te dijo que quería salirse.When you found out that Derek made an unauthorized withdrawal, you confronted him, but he knew that you couldn't go to the cops, so he told you that he wanted out.
El consejero matrimonial de Dave y yo dice que una gran cantidad de mis problemas de autoestima viene del hecho de que nunca confrontaste a papá sobre su manera de beber.Dave and I's marriage counsellor says that a lot of my self-esteem problems come from the fact that you never confronted Dad about his drinking.
Entonces confrontaste a Derek.So then you confronted Derek.
Está bien. Lo que quiero saber es, ¿qué dijo él cuando lo confrontaste?Fine, what I wanna know is, what did he say when you confronted him?
"Al aterrizar en el aeropuerto, "me confrontó un burócrata engreído, odia estadounidenses, come ancas de rana,"I was confronted by a self-important American-hating, frog leg eating,
'Seguramente lo confrontó.''There's no way she wouldn't have confronted him.
- Así que Truly confrontó a Eugene... después de tomar una botella y media de champaña... y él dijo que iba a dejarla y a casarse con la concubina de Salisbury.- So Truly confronted Eugene... after consuming a bottle and a half of Cristal... and he said he was going to leave her and marry the Salisbury concubine.
- Y, ¿cuando llegó aquí confrontó al agente y al publicista de Taylor Mays?Yes. And, when you arrived here, you confronted Taylor Mays' agent and publicists?
- YMichael confrontó a su padre.- And Michael confronted his father.
Bueno, yo no quiero conocerte. confrontaron padres...Fathers were confronted... who's sister mary bernard?
Cuando me confrontaron a mi crimen, culpé a un escudero.When confronted with my crime, I blamed a squire.
Ellos confrontaron a los Snook sobre su paternidad abandonada.They confronted the Snooks on their derelict parenting skills.
Una vez, ustedes me confrontaron con gritos de ¿"todavía no"? ... que yo respondí con... Bien, yo ya puedo decir "estoy pronto" a todos ustedes.At one time, you confronted me with so many Maadha Kai calls... that in response I thought of hanging myself... from the willowtree in my garden.
Viajó 69 minutos en el tiempo hacia el pasado, señor en cuyo momento su ser futuro y su ser pasado se confrontaron.You traveled 69 minutes back in time, sir, at which point your future self... and your past self confronted one another.
Entonces, Mr. Bruff, la confrontaré yo mismo.Then, Mr. Bruff, the will confront myself.
Aquí se confrontará a un duelo maligno, con el poder de su intelecto desde adentro de una mente atormentada.Here, he will confront the evil duel, with the power of his ripier intelect from inside into the tormented mind.
Pronto él confrontará al hombre que le quitó a sus padres.Soon he will confront the man who took his parents from him.
Entonces le confrontaremos con lo que sabemos.Then we will confront him with what we know.
Escucha, si yo estuviera en tu lugar, lo confrontaría.Look, if l were you, l would confront him.
Mil años más tarde, una nueva teoría confrontaría las creencias aceptadas aceptadas sobre el funcionamiento de los cielos y llevaría a la humanidad un paso más cerca de la teoría del Big Bang.Thousand years later, a new theory would confront the accepted beliefs about how the heaven worked and would move man kind one step closer to the theory of the Big Bang
Antes de que se confronte contigo.Before she confronted you.
Creo que lo que debemos hacer mientras estamos aquí es que Nev la confronte.I think that what we should do while we're here is Nev should gently confront her about this.
Cuando confronte a la señorita Breslin, me pidió que no diga nada.When I confronted Ms. Breslin about it, she asked me not to say anything.
Cuando la confronte, se me insinuó.When I confronted her, she made a pass at me.
Es mejor que un hombre lo confronte ¿verdad?It's better for a man to confront him. Right?
Cuando confrontes a Khlyen, ¿cómo vas... a matarlo?When you confront Khlyen, how are you... how are you gonna kill him?
El mejor consejo que puedo darte es que o lo confrontes o... trabajes en tu auto-estima. Gracias por llamar.The best advice I can give you is to either confront your monthieur or work on your self-esteem.
Es tiempo de que confrontes tu pasado, Jerome.It's time for you to confront your past, Jerome.
Molestó a tu madre para que lo confrontes y así reconciliarse.What do you mean? Maybe your dad upset your mom because he knew you'd confront him and reconcile.
No la confrontes.Do not confront.
Ahora, vamos a necesitar mucha mas información antes de que confrontemos a esos oficiales.Now, we're going to need a lot more information before we confront these officers.
Bueno. Lo que sea, digo que los confrontemos y forcemos a...Well, whatever's going on, I say we confront them and force them...
Creo que es hora de que nos confrontemos entre sí, ¿no?I think it's about time we confronted each other, don't you?
Cuanto antes confrontemos a tu magia oscura, más a salvo estarán tú y la gente que te rodea.The sooner we confront your dark magic, the safer you and the people around you will be.
Dirigiendola hacia otra persona por favor debe perdonarme mi franqueza pero es necesario que confrontemos la verdad entre nosotros si queremos llegar al meollo del problema.By directing it at another. Please you must excuse my frankness. But it is necessary that we confront the truth about ourselves if we are to reach the heart of this matter.
- Y se que nunca es fácil, Rachel, pero tú y tu esposo no van a ir a ningún lado hasta que confronten sus problemas cara a cara.- And I know it's never easy, Rachel, but you and your husband won't get anywhere until you confront your problems head-on.
No confronten a los intrusos.Do not confront the intruders.
Yo digo que nos unamos y les pidamos que confronten a KarofskyI say, we band together and demand that they confront Karofsky.
- ¿Y acaso no fuiste confrontado con respecto a esto en el Gran Jurado?- Objection. - Weren't you confronted about this
Amable reportero confrontado por un gran oso.Gentle newsman confronted by large bear.
Aquí está David Keith confrontado en este tema y se veía en ese momento, como que acababa de dejar salir el gato de la bolsa!Here´s David Keith confronted on this very issue and he looked at that point, like they just let the cat out of the bag!
Así que... ¿Has contactado a tu objetivo y la has confrontado?So... have you contacted your target and confronted her?
Cada vez que alguien fue confrontado con su miedo principal, ellos acudieron a su fe más fundamental.Every time someone was confronted with their most primal fear, they fell back on their most fundamental faith.
- Sí, y estoy progresando mucho confrontando mis-- ¿Cómo los llaman?I'm making a lot of progress confronting my... What do you call them?
Capitulo siete, confrontando el problema de frente.Chapter seven, confronting the problem head-on.
Cuando oí que acordonaban esta autopista para un velocista supuse que estaría confrontando al mismo Flash.When I heard authorities were cordoning off this highway for a speedster I assumed I'd be confronting Flash himself.
El Viejo, ahora con 92 años de edad... sigue confrontando los molinos de la intolerancia... y sube al palco de numerosas campañas cívicas.The Old One, now at the age of 92... keeps on confronting the mills ofintolerance... and takes on the stage of numerous civic campaigns.
Está empezando a penetrar la muralla que él creó... confrontando los sentimientos y los demonios.It's beginning to penetrate the wall that he created ... confronting the feelings and demons. Face to face.

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