250.000 dólares abultan bastante. | - Quarter of a million makes a big bulge. |
Las venas de sus brazos se abultaron cuando rudamente la atraia sobre el. | The veins on his arms bulged as he roughly drew her onto him. |
Miré cada bulto hasta que mis ojos se abultaron | ~I eyedeachbulgetill myeyesbulged out |
Sólo para que abulte. | Just so it bulges. |
Doctor, su fontanela se está abultando y las pupilas están dilatadas. | Doctor, his fontanel is bulging and the pupils are dilated. |
Ya sabes, tenso y sudoroso, y abultando en los sitios exactos. | You know, taut, sweaty, and bulging in all the right places. |