Mul olid vinged salmid pulmaks valmis kirjutatud, kavatsesin beatboxi teha, tantsumaraton oli plaanis. | I had all these great bits written for the wedding too. I was gonna beatbox. There's a dance breakdown. |
Kasutan juhust ja raiskan veidi teie aega, et lugeda ette teile paar salmi minu viimasest kogust, mis on pühendatud Rahvavabastus- võitlusele. | I'll use this occasion, even if it means taking your time, to quote some lines from my last book of poems on the Struggle for Freedom. |
Laulukirjutajad on teinud salmi-refrääni asja kogu aeg. | Songwriters have been doing... the verse-chorus thing forever. |
Ma ei tea järgmist salmi. | I don't know the next verse. |
Ma vannun pühalikult... et pole mingit seaduslikku takistust sellele... et pole mingit seaduslikku takistust sellele... miks mina, Lydia Jane Hibbott... miks mina, Lydia Jane Hibbott... ei saaks salmida abielu... | - I do solemnly declare... - I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott, why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott, may not be johned in matrimony may not be joined in matrimony to Bernard Geoffrey Sidd... |