Kui ma midagi valesti ei tee, siis inimesed pettuvad minus. | When I don't do the wrong thing, people are disappointed. |
Pange mõni oma headest võitlejatest tema vastaseks, te ei pettu. | Why not set up fight with your good fighters? You will not be disappointed. |
"Ootasin seda ainet teisel kursusel väga, aga pettusin täielikult. | "I had been looking forward to this course, but I was disappointed. |
Ja kuigi ma pettusin, et me ei saanud abielluda enne tema lahkumist... ...olen ma siiski õnnelik, et ta saadeti täitma seda tähtsat ülesannet. | And although I was disappointed we could not marry before his departure... ...I am happy that he got sent on this important assignment. |
- Ta ei pettu. | He won't be disappointed. |
Ja ma luban, te ei pettu. | And I promise you won't be disappointed. |
Kas sa tõesti arvad, et meie pere ei pettu, kui me lükkame edasi seda. | You really don't think our family is going to be disappointed that we're delaying? |
- Sa ei pea pettuma. | I've got to give them the tour. - You won't be disappointed. |
- Te ei pea pettuma! | You won't be disappointed! |
Hea siis, et sina pettuda ei saa. | I guess it's... ...good you can't be disappointed. Yes. |
Ja sellise tehingu puhul, härrased, ei tule teil pettuda. | And with that deal, you gentlemen won't be disappointed. |
Jaah, õnnistatud saavad need, kes ei küsi midagi, seega ei tohiks nad ka milleski pettuda. | Yeah. Blessed are those who ask for nothing... For they shall never be disappointed. |
Isegi kui oled telekast söötasid ostnud ja neis hiljem pettunud Ja uskuge mind, ma tean, mida te tunnete. - Hei! | even if you've bought lures off of tv in the past and been disappointed-- and believe me,I know how you feel- hey. |
Ma arvan, et Aleksander oleks olnud meis pettunud. | L think Alexander would have been disappointed in us. |
Ma oleks olnud väga pettunud, kui te mu kätt muljunud poleks. | My goodness, l would have been disappointed... if you hadn't crushed my hand. Oh, listen. |
Ma olen olnud pettunud sinu mineviku esinemistes aga ma pole kunagi sulle midagi öelnud. | I have been disappointed with your performance in the past but it's nothing I haven't said to you. |
Ma olen olnud pettunud sinu mineviku esinemistes... ...aga ma pole kunagi sulle midagi öelnud. | I have been disappointed with your performance in the past... ...but it's nothing I haven't said to you. |