Alati leidub keegi, kes ei usu mind. | There's always one in every crowd who doesn't believe me. |
Ju Trenku Kleinil ikkagi leidub veel paar trikki käises. | I guess Coach Klein does have a few tricks up his sleeve after all. |
Kas leidub mõni mees, kes teid ei ihaldaks? | - What? - Stop it. I- - Is there any man in this world who doesn't fancy you? |
Nagu ka headus, tarkus, paindlikkus ja läbipaistvus, mis iseloomustavad neid üksikuid tõelisi kristlikke demokraate, kes maailmas leiduvad. | Along with the goodness, wisdom, flexibility, transparency that undeniably make up the few real Christian Democrats that exist in the world. |
Nii, Anna kehas leiduvad DNA jäljed ei kattu Orinsky kehast võetutega. | Well, the combinant DNA in Anne's body doesn't match what I found in Orinsky's. |
..kus iganes merikarpe leidus. | I didn't need to. |
Aga me ei teadnud, et leidus põhjus, miks tänavad tühjad olid. | What we didn't know was there was a reason why the streets were so empty. |
Ma ei teadnud, et leidus minusuguseid. | I didn't realize there were other people like me. |
Nii halb kui ka Diego oli, leidus hullemaid bandiite ümbruskonnas... ja ta pidi valvel olema ja küla nende eest kaitsma. | As bad as Diego was, there were worse bandidos in the area, and he had to keep watch and protect the village from them. |
- Ei leidu. | - I do not. |
- Kas sul hirmutavamat S-i ei leidu? | - Uh, do you have a scarier S than that? |
- Kuidas ei leidu? | - How doesn't exist? |
Aga ei leidu seda meie "armastust". | But it doesn't exist, this "love" of yours |
Amanda, neid ei leidu kohvikus. | amanda, they don't have any in the cafeteria. |
Ei, ma ei arva, et seriaalides peaks rohkem liba-nalju leiduma, mis toitlustaks interneti veebikolumniste... | No, I don't think shows should do more meta jokes that cater to the online bloggers, agrees with me. |
Igaühes meis peab leiduma killuke lootust ja me peame tegema oma osa ning liituma teistega, kuni muutume pimestavaks valguseks, mis ületab pimeduse. | Each of us must be a ray of hope and do our part and join with the others till we've become a blinding light triumphant over darkness. |
Isegi siit pidi leiduma tee vabadusse. | Even here, there must be a way to freedom. |
Aga usun, et neile võib leiduda vääriline vastane. | Do the British stand a chance against such American athletes as Charlie Paddock and Jackson Scholz? |
Ajaloos võib leiduda palju rohkemat kui lihtsalt mingid kuupäevad ja igivanad esemed. | History can be about so much more than random dates and ancient artifacts. |
Ma arvan, ta karistab neid, kes tema meelest on süüdi, mis tähendab, et võib leiduda kümneid potentsiaalseid ohvreid. | I think she's punishing who she assumes is guilty, which means that there could be dozens of potential victims. |
Ning siis, kogu mu kehas veel leidunud gaaside purskava abiga, ma plurtsatasin lihapalli kõrist välja. | I ain't done living yet." And with every ounce of gas I had left in my body, I burped that meatball right across the room. |
Kas muidu leiduks selline hull... | Who the hell would do that, if he's not? |
Muidugi, kui ma president oleks, leiduks arvatavasti ainult paar asja, mida ma muudaks. | Of course, if I was president, there are probably a few things I would do differently. |