Stan, sa ütlesid, et integreeru ja ma tegin seda. | Stan, you told me to integrate, that's what I did. I integrated. |
Siis kooli juhtkond sundis meid integreeruma. | Then the school board forced us to integrate. |
Kuulutan maailmale, et meie pole ainus inimkond ning mina olen vabastaja ja lasen neil integreeruda ja rahus meie hulgas elada. | Announcing to the world that humanity was not alone, that I was freeing your people to integrate and live peacefully among us. |
Me ei taha integreeruda! | We don't want to integrate! (BUS HORN HONKlNG) |
Nii et teie julgeolekuosakonnaga ja ülemus Aniya poliitiliste tutvustega saame integreeruda Pealinna Politsei Organisatsiooni, struktureerides end nõnda täielikult ümber. | So, with your Public Security Division we can integrate ourselves with the Capital Police ...and thus reform our internal structures completely. |
Edukas, täielikult integreerunud immigrant. | A successful fully integrated immigrant. |