Apoyar (to support) conjugation

136 examples

Conjugation of apoyar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I support
you support
he/she/it supports
we support
you all support
they support
Present perfect tense
he apoyado
I have supported
has apoyado
you have supported
ha apoyado
he/she/it has supported
hemos apoyado
we have supported
habéis apoyado
you all have supported
han apoyado
they have supported
Past preterite tense
I supported
you supported
he/she/it supported
we supported
you all supported
they supported
Future tense
I will support
you will support
he/she/it will support
we will support
you all will support
they will support
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would support
you would support
he/she/it would support
we would support
you all would support
they would support
Past imperfect tense
I used to support
you used to support
he/she/it used to support
we used to support
you all used to support
they used to support
Past perfect tense
había apoyado
I had supported
habías apoyado
you had supported
había apoyado
he/she/it had supported
habíamos apoyado
we had supported
habíais apoyado
you all had supported
habían apoyado
they had supported
Future perfect tense
habré apoyado
I will have supported
habrás apoyado
you will have supported
habrá apoyado
he/she/it will have supported
habremos apoyado
we will have supported
habréis apoyado
you all will have supported
habrán apoyado
they will have supported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I support
(if/so that) you support
(if/so that) he/she/it support
(if/so that) we support
(if/so that) you all support
(if/so that) they support
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya apoyado
I have supported
hayas apoyado
you have supported
haya apoyado
he/she/it has supported
hayamos apoyado
we have supported
hayáis apoyado
you all have supported
hayan apoyado
they have supported
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have supported
(if/so that) you have supported
(if/so that) he/she/it have supported
(if/so that) we have supported
(if/so that) you all have supported
(if/so that) they have supported
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have supported
(if/so that) you have supported
(if/so that) he/she/it have supported
(if/so that) we have supported
(if/so that) you all have supported
(if/so that) they have supported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera apoyado
I had supported
hubieras apoyado
you had supported
hubiera apoyado
he/she/it had supported
hubiéramos apoyado
we had supported
hubierais apoyado
you all had supported
hubieran apoyado
they had supported
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese apoyado
I had supported
hubieses apoyado
you had supported
hubiese apoyado
he/she/it had supported
hubiésemos apoyado
we had supported
hubieseis apoyado
you all had supported
hubiesen apoyado
they had supported
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have supported
(if/so that) you will have supported
(if/so that) he/she/it will have supported
(if/so that) we will have supported
(if/so that) you all will have supported
(if/so that) they will have supported
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere apoyado
I will have supported
hubieres apoyado
you will have supported
hubiere apoyado
he/she/it will have supported
hubiéremos apoyado
we will have supported
hubiereis apoyado
you all will have supported
hubieren apoyado
they will have supported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's support!
Imperative negative mood
no apoyes
do not support!
no apoye
let him/her/it support!
no apoyemos
let us not support!
no apoyéis
do not support!
no apoyen
do not support!

Examples of apoyar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Con el fin de apoyar la cooperación y la relación entre Alemania y Dinamarca.""In order to support the German-Danish cooperation and relationship."
"Cuando el Congreso rechazó apoyar la misión de mantenimiento de paz en el valle del Jordán, el presidente desplegó las tropas igual y estableció su autoridad como comandante en jefe"."When Congress refused to support a peacekeeping mission in the Jordan Valley, the president deployed troops anyway, stating his authority as Commander in Chief."
"Debes venir enseguida, para apoyar a Henri Langlois y hacer que lo regresen a la Cinémathèque"."Youmustcomequickly, to support Henri Langlois andhaveit return the Cin? math? que ".
"Gracias a Franz Wong de Amsterdam, el primero en apoyar el proyecto, al Banco Worms..."Thanks to Franz Wong Amsterdam the first to support the project, Worms Bank...
"Habían ido al mitin ..." ".. para apoyar a nuestro primer ex ministro"They were those who came to the rally to support our former prime minister.
"A mi mentor, Richard Castle, sin cuyo apoyo y orientación este libro nunca hubiera visto la luz del día""To my mentor, Richard Castle, "without whose support and guidance "this book never would have seen the light of day."
"Agradecemos al pueblo de Maryland su apoyo y les pedimos que respeten nuestra intimidad en esta tragedia familiar.""We're grateful to the people of Maryland for their support "and ask them to respect our privacy as we handle this family tragedy."
"Changde está bajo ataque desde los tres frentes." "Por favor, presten apoyo"."Changde is under attack from three fronts." "Please lend support." Yes!
"Con el apoyo de la Organización Cultural de Tanaka..."with support from the cultural organisation Tanaka...
"Con solo 28 años de edad, ha demostrado coraje político... con su liderazgo y su apoyo incondicional... a los derechos de las minorías y los pobres".All right, while-- while only 28 years old, you demonstrated political courage by your leadership and your unrelenting support for the rights of minorities and the poor.
- Incluso, tú apoyas la idea del museo.- You even support the idea of the museum.
- Lo apoyo porque lo apoyas tú. Antes no lo apoyaba, ¿no?I only support Palace 'cause you do, son I never did as a kid, did I ?
- No me apoyas ni a mí ni a la banda.- Am I a partner or am I not? You don't support me. You don't support me and my band.
- Tú apoyas al Orystal Palace.Well, you support Crystal Palace as well Or Tottenham
- ¿No apoyas a las tropas? - ¿Qué?Are you not supporting the troops?
"El Centro para Gays y Lesbianas apoya oficialmente al Jefe James Stockwell en su campaña para alcalde, y alaba sus esfuerzos para cerrar establecimientos sexuales que han sido una XXXX en la imagen de nuestra comunidad."The gay and lesbian center Officially supports chief james stockwell In his mayoral campaign,
"El Gran Visir Halil Pasha me apoya.The Grand Vizier Halil Pasha supports me.
"Ferrara apoya asesinato"?"Ferrara supports murder"?
"Son para alguien muy importante para mí, alguien que siempre me apoya", me dijo."I'm sending it to someone important to me, who always supports me", she said.
"Son para alguien muy importante para mí, alguien que siempre me apoya"."I'm sending it to someone important to me, who always supports me."
- Ambos te apoyamos.- I support you.
- La queremos y apoyamos.-We love and support her.
- Lo apoyamos al cien por cien.- We support that 100 percent. - Yeah, we do.
- No apoyamos sus políticas.- We don't support your policies.
- Realmente nos apoyamos unos a otros fuera del trabajo.We really support each other outside of work, too.
- Me gustaría pensar que apoyáis su prórroga.I'd like to think you'd support its extension.
Ahora la apoyáis, pero fui yo la que siempre creí en Shirono.Now you support her. But I'm the one that believed Shirono.
Ambos apoyáis los sueños del otro.You support each other's dreams.
Los conductores de los V.E. escribieron cartas a los defensores en su sitio web, para decir "¿Os dais cuenta de lo que apoyáis?"So the EV drivers got together and started writing letters to some of these people that were listed on their web site. as being supporters, and said "Do you realise what you're supporting here?"
Os apoyáis el uno al otro.You support each other.
"El Estado vela por quienes apoyan al Estado..."The State protects those who support the State.
"Incluso los capítulos del Partido Liberal en Ostergotland, Blekinge y Gotland que apoyan a Johnny Lundstedt exigen que Holst se retire."Even the liberal Party chapters in OstergotIand, BIekinge and GotIand support Johnny Lundstedt's demand that HoIst steps down.
"Las multitudes te apoyan"The crowds support you
"Pervertidos apoyan los boxes."Perverts support the pits.
"¿Ellos, por qué apoyan algo así?""Why would they support something like this?"
- Pero te apoyé.But I supported you.
- Te apoyé.- I supported you.
- i te apoyé en todos los sentidos para ayudarle a reformes.I supported you in every way to help you reform.
Acción que yo apoyé, por supuesto, porque era parte de la plantilla.I supported the action, of course, I was part of the staff.
- De acuerdo, entonces lo apoyaste.- Right, so you supported it.
- ¿Tomaron decisiones que tú apoyaste?Those guys made decisions you supported?
Claramente tú apoyaste esta propaganda de las reclusas.Clearly, you supported this prisoner propaganda.
Creíste en mí, y me apoyaste.You believed in me, and you supported me.
Cuando nuestro padre estaba vivo, aprobaste y apoyaste mi decisión.When our father was alive, you approved and supported my decision.
"Daniel Webster la apoyó y ahora me propondrán para un premio de 100.000 $."Daniel Webster supported it and now they're going to vote me a $100,000 award."
"Quien apoyó a la SS por encima y más allá del llamado del deber. "'Who has supported the SS above and beyond the call of duty.'
- ¿Y usted apoyó eso?- And you supported that?
- Él nunca apoyó mis decisiones.- He never supported my choices.
-Blackmun apoyó la pena de muerte.- He supported the death penalty.
- Te apoyaron desde el principio.- They supported you from the beginning.
Ahora todos sabemos que el gobierno de los EE.UU. y la CIA apoyaron a los contras en Nicaragua a mediados de los 80s.Now we all know that the U.S. government and the CIA supported the contras in Nicaragua, in the middle '80s.
Así que insto a los socios capitalistas que me apoyaron en la última votación que ahora apoyen a Julius...So I would urge the equity partners who supported me in the last vote to now support Julius...
Así que no quiero, si no me apoyaron.So I would not, if not supported me.
Booker T. Washington hacía lo mismo, porque creía que el alcohol reducía el progreso de la gente de color, mientras que miles de blancos sureños la apoyaron, en parte porque pensaban que el alcohol embrutecía a las personas de color.So was Booker T. Washington because he believed alcohol undermined black progress, while hundreds of thousands of southern whites supported it, as well, in part because they believed alcohol turned black people into brutes. There was a lot in the temperance movement and the prohibition movement that was really temperance and prohibition for somebody else.
"Yo, Robert Green, prometo y declaro que apoyaré y defenderé la Constitución... ""I, Robert Green, hereby pledge and declare that I will support and defend the Constitution..."
"que apoyaré y defenderé la Constitución y las leyes..."...that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws...
"que apoyaré y defenderé"that I will support and defend
- ...que apoyaré...- ...that I will support...
- Francisco confió en mí porque sabe que te apoyaré, siempre.- Francis trusted me because he knows I will support you, always.
¿Me apoyarás?You will support me?
- Demostrad que puede confiar en vos. - Os apoyará. Id a verlo.- He will support you.
- Monrad apoyará nuestra decisión.- Monrad will support our decision.
A cambio, la Liga apoyará cualquier acción tomada por la flota.In return, the League will support any action taken by the fleet.
Bueno, este policía Savalkar te apoyará.Okay, this constable Savalkar will support you.
Como sea que decida manejar esto, jefe, esta oficina lo apoyará.- However you decide to handle it, chief, this office will support you.
El Partido Libertario le apoyaremos.The Freedom Party will support you.
El naufragio te pone en línea directa hacia el trono mi buen Stephen lo que apoyaremos llegado el día.This shipwreck puts you in direct line to the throne, my good Stephen, which we will support when the time comes.
La elección del presidente es la correcta y apoyaremos al departamento de defensa en esta cuestión, al máximo de nuestras capacidades.And we will support the Department of Defense in this matter... to the maximum of our capabilities.
Le apoyaremos contra toda esa gente que lo quiere ver hundido.We will support him against all those people who want to see him brought low.
Le decimos que cuando vuelva le apoyaremos incondicionalmente.We just tell him that when he comes back,We will support him unconditionally.
A quién sea que elija como socio en la siguiente fase de este proyecto, lo apoyaréis.Whoever I choose as partner for the next phase of this project, you will support.
Quiero saber que tenemos vuestra confianza que el elegido protegerá vuestros intereses y que apoyaréis la comisión.I wanna know that we have your trust, that whoever we do get will look out for your interests, and that you will support the commission.
"Los que quieran exponer su conciencia social, apoyarán a Michael Samuels."Those who wish to air their social consciences will support Samuels.
Algunos compañeros te escupirán y otros te apoyarán.Some colleagues will spit at you, others will support you.
Creemos que le apoyarán para que dirija su país.We believe they will support you to lead your country.
Cuando estén en problemas, sus amigos los apoyarán ¿entendido?When you are in trouble Your friends will support you Get it?
El hablará con sus superiores y estoy segura que apoyarán mi autoridad en esta situación.He'll speak to your superiors, and I'm certain they will support my authority in this situation.
- ¿Monmouth apoyaría el asesinato de su propio padre?Monmouth would support the murder of his own father.
Dije que la apoyaría y llevó las vacunas al refugio.l said l would support her and she took the vaccines back to the shelter
Escribió una nota en su expediente diciendo que si alguna vez volviera él la apoyaría.He put a letter in your permanent file saying that, should you ever reapply, he would support you.
Estaba seguro de que el Ejército nos apoyaría-I was sure the Army would support the revolution-
Hay una medida que yo apoyaría que considera la marihuana medicinal seriamente.There is a measure that I would support that takes medical marijuana seriously.
- Porque tendrás al bebé. Elena no creyó que apoyarías la píldora del día después.Because you're having a baby Elena didn't think you would support the morning after pill.
Pensaba que precisamente tú me apoyarías.I thought you, of all people, would support me.
Si lo entendieras, me apoyarías, cariño.If you understand that, you would support me, babe.
Una vez me dijiste que apoyarías cualquier decisión que yo hiciera respecto a Inglaterra.You told me once that you would support whatever decision I made in regards to England.
¡Si tuvieras huevos, me apoyarías!If you had any balls at all, you would support me!
Así que hablé con su familia en Irlanda y les dije que lo apoyaríamos y que nos aseguraríamos de que obtuviera asesoría legal y todo eso.So I talked to his family in Ireland, and told them that we would support him and make sure he got represented and everything like that.
Le prometimos a esa gente que los apoyaríamos.We promised these people that we would support them.
Prestan atención y ven cosas que son maravillosas, y dicen: "Sí, queremos más de eso, votaríamos por eso, apoyaríamos eso con nuestro tiempo, energía y dinero. ""yes we want more of those, we would vote for that, we would support that with our time and energy and money."
Sr. Presidente, muchos de nosotros apoyaríamos su acuerdo comercial... pero estamos muy presionados desde Brasil para votar en su contra.Mr. President, many of us would support your trade agreement, but we are under terrific pressure from Brazil to vote against you.
- ¿Cómo saber cuántos me apoyarían?- How do you know how many would support me? - Mendozas and Pachecos are my family
- ¿Entonces, crees que te apoyarían si te pusieras al mando?- So you think that they would support you if you took over his operation?
Demócratas declararon que apoyarían el juicio político.A number of Democrats have come out saying they would support impeachment.
Las estadísticas apoyarían eso.Stats would support that.
Los chicos de la escuela no querían que fuera al baile con Carrie, pero sabía que todos en la barbería me apoyarían.The kids at school didn't want me to go to the dance with carrie, but I knew everyone at the barbershop would support me.
"Ahora es el momento para que la Marina apoye decididamente el Pacto Tripartito."now is the time for the Navy to decisively support the Tripartite Pact.
"No hay información científica legítima que apoye esa declaración de que el feto experimenta dolor"."There is no legitimate scientific information that supports the statement that a fetus experiences pain."
"No tenéis ninguna prueba que apoye esa afirmación."'You've no evidence to support that.'
"dudo que haya algún dato científico que apoye...""I doubt there's any scientific data to support..""
- Coged algo para que apoye las piernas.- Get something to support his legs.
- Todo irá bien. - ¡Estoy tan contenta de que me apoyes tanto!- Everything will be fine. - I'm so happy you're so supportive!
- Y espero que me apoyes en esto.- And I hope you'll support me on this.
A partir de hoy quiero que me apoyes.From today onwards I want you to support me
Ahora mismo, solo quiero que me apoyes.Right now, I just want your support.
Ahora necesito que tú me apoyes a mí.Now I need you to be supportive of me.
- Yo digo que apoyemos al capitán.I say we support the Captain.
A estas alturas creo que es importante que nos apoyemosIt 's important in times like this we offer each other some support.
A los negros no les gustará que apoyemos a un poli violento.- Why? Blacks won't react well to our supporting a brutal cop.
A pesar de todo, él era un líder de la comunidad y aunque no apoyemos esa comunidad es un hecho.Yeah. Say what you will but, the man was a community leader. Just because it's a community we don't support doesn't change the fact.
A veces creo que la retórica de la Casa Blanca... oculta el apoyo conservador de las grandes empresa... quiere asustarnos y que apoyemos la prospección petrolera.Sometimes I think it's just White House rhetoric... masking conservative support of big business... designed to scare us into oil exploration.
#No apoyéis el estilo de vida lujosa del hombre rico##Don't support that rich man's style ofluxury #
Así que espero poder... confiar en que me apoyéis... durante este tiempo.So I hope I can um... rely on your support, uh, again at this time.
Kurt, creía que entenderías todo el estrés emocional bajo el que estoy ahora, y necesito que me apoyéis un poco.Kurt, I would think that you would understand all the emotional stress that I'm under right now, and I need you guys to just be a little supportive.
No importa a quién apoyéis, estad allí el martes y votad.No matter who you support, get out there on Tuesday and vote.
Sam ha demostrado su validez. Así que quiero que apoyéis a nuestro nuevo vicepresidente.So I would like you all to give your support to our new vice president.
"La mujer utiliza la inteligencia para hallar motivos que apoyen su intuición"."A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition".
"Pedimos a quienes piensan en el futuro que apoyen la campaña para destituir a Mecham.""to support the campaign to recall Governor Mecham."
- ...y apoyen a la maestra Tiplar.- and support Master Tiplar.
- Aunque no nos apoyen...- and even though they don't support us...
- que apoyen esa historia.- that support that story.
Ejércitos de Kalisz y Sieradz, apoyad el ala derecha.Proceed immediately to support Mazovia
Hola, a todos. Proclamad la autonomía política y económica de Madagascar y apoyad a los aliados.Proclaim Madagascar's political and economic autonomy, and support the Allies.
No seáis selectivos. Ayudad y apoyad a todo el mundo por igual.Help and support everybody equally...
Por favor, todos, apoyad a Amy como directora de la campaña de Selina.Please, all, do support Amy as Selina's campaign manager.
"La suerte nos ha apoyado"."Luck has supported us."
"Muchos de nuestros súbditos engañados por una desesperada conspiración de hombres peligrosos y malintencionados han olvidado la lealtad que le deben al poder que los ha protegido y apoyado, y se han declarado en rebelión y traicioneramente nos han hecho la guerra."Many of our subjects, misled by a desperate conspiracy of dangerous and ill-designing men, have forgotten the allegiance which they owe to the power that has protected and supported them, and have declared rebellion and traitorously levied war against us.
'Como mi amigo y mi abogado, siempre me has apoyado.'As my friend and my lawyer, you have always supported me#
- Ellos la han apoyado, milord.-They were well supported, my lord.
- Me siento apoyado.- I do feel supported.
"Es mi entendimiento de que nos están apoyando su pelotón "."It's my understanding that we are supporting your platoon."
"Gracias por su carta apoyando nuestra decisión de poner fin al Programa del Reactor Avanzado de Metal Líquido que incluye al Reactor Rápido Integral."Thank you for your letter supporting our decision to terminate the Department of Energy's Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor program including the Integral Fast Reactor.
"No hay razón para que la administración continúe escudando a falsos aliados que están apoyando ya sea directa o indirectamente a terroristas cuya meta es matar americanos. ""There is no reason for the administration to continue to shield make believe allies who are supporting either directly or indirectly terrorists whose goal is to kill Americans."
'El Royal Museum está apoyando al Orgullo Gay'.'The Royal Museum is supporting Gay Pride'.
- Estaba apoyando a RIck.I was supporting Rick.
Bueno, amigo, ya sabés, simplemente cerrá tu laptop y apoyá a tu estudio local.Well, dude, you know, just close your laptop and support your local studio.

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