- Men det var min sak att nobba. | But it was my proposal to turn down. |
- idiotiskt att nobba en New York-resa. | A free trip to New York. I'd be an idiot to turn that down. |
Du kom väl inte hit efter 20 år bara för att nobba mig? | You didn't come all this way just to turn me down again, after 20 years, did you? |
Du sabbade ett perfekt tillfälle att nobba honom. | I gave you a window to throw him out of and you went limp. |
Du vet den första summan pengar du erbjöd mig du förstår varför jag var tvungen att nobba dig? | You know that first amount of money you offered me... you understand why I had to turn you down? |
- Jag trodde du skulle nobba. | I was sure you'd turn that down. |
- Men det var min sak att nobba. | But it was my proposal to turn down. |
- idiotiskt att nobba en New York-resa. | A free trip to New York. I'd be an idiot to turn that down. |
Alltså, hon var bara för vacker för att jag skulle nobba henne. | I mean, she was just too beautiful to turn down. |
Du kom väl inte hit efter 20 år bara för att nobba mig? | You didn't come all this way just to turn me down again, after 20 years, did you? |
- Hundra dollar på att hon nobbar honom inom en minut. | Hundred bucks says she shuts you down in less than a minute. |
Eller så går du bort och hon nobbar dig inför alla här. | Or you could go over there, make your move and... she shoots you down cold, in front of everyone. |
En man som nobbar en flicka är skyldig henne något. | You don't know me, but when a man rejects a woman he owes her something. |
Först nobbar du mig och sen grips du när du är tillbaka. | First, You say you don't love me, spend two nights at a man's villa, finally, when you return you're arrested. |
Han nobbar kontraktsförslaget. | - He doesn't want to sign his deal. |
Du har det jobbigt och borde slippa att bli nobbad. | Last night - was totally my fault. Okay? Ryan was extremely bummed that he didn't get to make his blockbuster night. |
Jag är inte van att bli nobbad på ett sånt jävla vis. | -I 'm not used to being rejected in this way... -I didn't mean it! -Damn I feel so cheap! |
-Ni nobbade allihop, inte sant? | - You turned them all down, didn't you ? |
-Vilken idiot nobbade henne? | - What fool turned her down ? You did, sire. |
Det var inte bara mig du nobbade igår kväll. | You know, you didn't just stand me up last night. |
Det visste du inte när du nobbade mig, eller hur? | Didn't figure that when you dumped me, did you? |
Du nobbade mig så nu jagar jag nyheter istället. | Since you didn't wanna grab dinner, I spent the time searching out news. |