- Varför fumla runt i mörkret? | - Why do we have to stumble in the dark? |
Om man blir intim med en kvinna, så vill man ju inte att hon ska fumla där bak. | Say you're getting intimate with a woman you don't want her fumbling and struggling back there. |
- Du fumlar ju bara med bollen. | Fortunately you do not do football, you missed the ball there. |
- Jag fumlar inte runt med främlingar. | - I don't kid around with strangers. |
- Visst. Om du inte fumlar bort det. | As long as you don't get nervous and make an ass of yourself. |
Annars fumlar du bara med den, och då kan jag bara göra en sak. | 'Cause you'll pull it out, you'll get nervous, you'll wind up missin' me, then I gotta do what I gotta do with what I got. Look at me. |
Du fumlar med den där återvändsgränds kommer-ingenstans-saknad-mamma-storyn. | I know what you're doing. You're diddling around with this dead-end, Go-nowhere missing-mom story. |