Jag har nåt jag vill ge dig, nåt av värde och det är inte att coacha ditt kärleksliv, det är... | I have something to give you, something of value, and it's not the coaching of your love life. It's not all... Come on! |
Jag kom för att coacha basketspelare, och ni blev studenter. | l came to coach basketball players, and you became students. |
Pappas läkare sa att stressen med att coacha skulle bli hans död. | My dad's doctors told him that the stress of coaching was gonna kill him, so... |
- Hans intervju är om 3 dagar, så jag bad en person att komma till Atlantis och... "coacha" honom. | I've thought about that. His interview's not for three days, so I've asked somebody to come to Atlantis and... "coach" him. |
-Jag kan äntligen coacha ett lag. | True. I can finally coach little league. |
-Jo, hon skulle coacha oss. | Well, she would coach us. |
Du kommer få coacha, du kommer få att undervisa... | It's Fort Worth. High school coaching jobs don't get any better. |
Hon ville se mig coacha. | She wanted to see me coach. |
- Okej. Nu coachar du. | Now you're coaching. |
Det här är Mangy som coachar basket... baseboll... alla sporter. | This is Coach Mangie, Mangie, Mangie, basketball... baseball, basketball. - All sport coach. - Hi, Mr. Mangie. |
Det är antalet matcher som min man tom coachar på lincoln college varje säsong. | It's the number of games my husband Tom coaches at Lincoln College every season. |
Jag coachar dig dag och natt. | I'll coach you day and night. |
Jag coachar nu men jag brukade spela. | I coach now, but I used to play. |
Dolores coachade mig genom hela grejen. | Dolores coached me through the whole thing. |
Han coachade din lilla League. | He coached your little league team. |
l coachade engelska under två säsonger. | I coached English for 2 seasons. |
Jag har coachat många lag genom åren men inget har spelat som ni gjorde i kväll. | Now, l've coached a lot of basketball over the years. But l've never had a team play better than you all did tonight. |