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Surestimer (to overestimate) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of surestimer

Present tense
je surestime
I overestimate
tu surestimes
you overestimate
il/elle/on surestime
he/she/it overestimates
nous surestimons
we overestimate
vous surestimez
you all overestimate
ils/elles surestiment
they overestimate
Present perfect tense
j’ai surestimé
I overestimated
tu as surestimé
you overestimated
il/elle/on a surestimé
he/she/it overestimated
nous avons surestimé
we overestimated
vous avez surestimé
you all overestimated
ils/elles ont surestimé
they overestimated
Past impf. tense
je surestimais
I was overestimating
tu surestimais
you were overestimating
il/elle/on surestimait
he/she/it was overestimating
nous surestimions
we were overestimating
vous surestimiez
you all were overestimating
ils/elles surestimaient
they were overestimating
Future tense
je surestimerai
I will overestimate
tu surestimeras
you will overestimate
il/elle/on surestimera
he/she/it will overestimate
nous surestimerons
we will overestimate
vous surestimerez
you all will overestimate
ils/elles surestimeront
they will overestimate
Past perfect tense
j’avais surestimé
I had overestimated
tu avais surestimé
you had overestimated
il/elle/on avait surestimé
he/she/it had overestimated
nous avions surestimé
we had overestimated
vous aviez surestimé
you all had overestimated
ils/elles avaient surestimé
they had overestimated
Past preterite tense
je surestimai
I overestimated
tu surestimas
you overestimated
il/elle/on surestima
he/she/it overestimated
nous surestimâmes
we overestimated
vous surestimâtes
you all overestimated
ils/elles surestimèrent
they overestimated
Past anterior tense
j’eus surestimé
I had overestimated
tu eus surestimé
you had overestimated
il/elle/on eut surestimé
he/she/it had overestimated
nous eûmes surestimé
we had overestimated
vous eûtes surestimé
you all had overestimated
ils/elles eurent surestimé
they had overestimated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai surestimé
I will have overestimated
tu auras surestimé
you will have overestimated
il/elle/on aura surestimé
he/she/it will have overestimated
nous aurons surestimé
we will have overestimated
vous aurez surestimé
you all will have overestimated
ils/elles auront surestimé
they will have overestimated
Present subjunctive tense
que je surestime
that I overestimate
que tu surestimes
that you overestimate
qu’il/elle/on surestime
that he/she/it overestimate
que nous surestimions
that we overestimate
que vous surestimiez
that you all overestimate
qu’ils/elles surestiment
that they overestimate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie surestimé
that I have overestimated
que tu aies surestimé
that you have overestimated
qu’il/elle/on ait surestimé
that he/she/it have overestimated
que nous ayons surestimé
that we have overestimated
que vous ayez surestimé
that you all have overestimated
qu’ils/elles aient surestimé
that they have overestimated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je surestimasse
that I would overestimate
que tu surestimasses
that you would overestimate
qu’il/elle/on surestimât
that he/she/it would overestimate
que nous surestimassions
that we would overestimate
que vous surestimassiez
that you all would overestimate
qu’ils/elles surestimassent
that they would overestimate
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse surestimé
that I had overestimated
que tu eusses surestimé
that you had overestimated
qu’il/elle/on eût surestimé
that he/she/it had overestimated
que nous eussions surestimé
that we had overestimated
que vous eussiez surestimé
that you all had overestimated
qu’ils/elles eussent surestimé
that they had overestimated
Conditional mood
je surestimerais
I would overestimate
tu surestimerais
you would overestimate
il/elle/on surestimerait
he/she/it would overestimate
nous surestimerions
we would overestimate
vous surestimeriez
you all would overestimate
ils/elles surestimeraient
they would overestimate
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais surestimé
I would have overestimated
tu aurais surestimé
you would have overestimated
il/elle/on aurait surestimé
he/she/it would have overestimated
nous aurions surestimé
we would have overestimated
vous auriez surestimé
you all would have overestimated
ils/elles auraient surestimé
they would have overestimated
Imperative mood
let's overestimate!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie surestimé
have overestimated
ayons surestimé
let's have overestimated
ayez surestimé
have overestimated

Examples of surestimer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Aimer cette fille? J'ai dû vous surestimer.Look, Columbo, I overestimated you
C'est curieux comme il est facile pour certaines personnes... de surestimer la valeur.It's amazing how easy it is for some people... to overestimate worth.
Drago... Toujours à surestimer ce que tu as dans ton carquois.Oh, Drago, you always were a man who overestimated what he had in his quiver.
Il est courant de surestimer son potentiel de loisirs... d'où surcharge.It is a common mistake to overestimate one's potential free time and consequently over-pack.
Je leur ai dit et je vous le dis : il est impossible de surestimer Bauer.I told them,and i'm telling you,it is impossible to overestimate bauer.
- J'ai surestimé le filet.I overestimated the net.
- Vous avez surestimé mon joli minois.Guess you overestimated that Avery sparkle, huh?
Apparemment, ils ont surestimé la limite de poids, et un ... un tas de gamins obèses a été blessé.Apparently, they overestimated the weight limit, and a... a bunch of fat kids got hurt.
Après ta démonstration, je considère t'avoir surestimé.After this last performance, the only possibility I would consider... is that I have overestimated you.
Bien sûr, l'Officier Kobrin a surestimé ses compétences de pilote.Plainly, Officer Corbrind overestimated his piloting skills.
- Peut-être que moi je te surestime.- Perhaps I overestimated you.
- ou je surestime votre loyauté ?- or your loyalty I overestimate?
Je crois qu'il surestime mes capacités, Monsieur.I think he overestimates my abilities, sir.
Je crois que le général surestime mes talents de diplomate.I think the general overestimates my skills of diplomacy, sir.
Lui se surestime.He overestimates himself.
"Vous me surestimez."You overestimate me.
- Vous me surestimez, M. Gates.You overestimate me, Mr. Gates.
- Vous surestimez mon affection pour le Dr Fell.- You overestimate my affection for the genuine Dr. Fell.
- Vous surestimez son impact.- You overestimate his effect on people.
Agent Cooper, vous surestimez votre autorité.Agent Cooper, you've overestimated your authority.

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