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Ronronner (to purr) conjugation

18 examples

Conjugation of ronronner

Present tense
je ronronne
I purr
tu ronronnes
you purr
il/elle/on ronronne
he/she/it purrs
nous ronronnons
we purr
vous ronronnez
you all purr
ils/elles ronronnent
they purr
Present perfect tense
j’ai ronronné
I purred
tu as ronronné
you purred
il/elle/on a ronronné
he/she/it purred
nous avons ronronné
we purred
vous avez ronronné
you all purred
ils/elles ont ronronné
they purred
Past impf. tense
je ronronnais
I was purring
tu ronronnais
you were purring
il/elle/on ronronnait
he/she/it was purring
nous ronronnions
we were purring
vous ronronniez
you all were purring
ils/elles ronronnaient
they were purring
Future tense
je ronronnerai
I will purr
tu ronronneras
you will purr
il/elle/on ronronnera
he/she/it will purr
nous ronronnerons
we will purr
vous ronronnerez
you all will purr
ils/elles ronronneront
they will purr
Past perfect tense
j’avais ronronné
I had purred
tu avais ronronné
you had purred
il/elle/on avait ronronné
he/she/it had purred
nous avions ronronné
we had purred
vous aviez ronronné
you all had purred
ils/elles avaient ronronné
they had purred
Past preterite tense
je ronronnai
I purred
tu ronronnas
you purred
il/elle/on ronronna
he/she/it purred
nous ronronnâmes
we purred
vous ronronnâtes
you all purred
ils/elles ronronnèrent
they purred
Past anterior tense
j’eus ronronné
I had purred
tu eus ronronné
you had purred
il/elle/on eut ronronné
he/she/it had purred
nous eûmes ronronné
we had purred
vous eûtes ronronné
you all had purred
ils/elles eurent ronronné
they had purred
Future perfect tense
j’aurai ronronné
I will have purred
tu auras ronronné
you will have purred
il/elle/on aura ronronné
he/she/it will have purred
nous aurons ronronné
we will have purred
vous aurez ronronné
you all will have purred
ils/elles auront ronronné
they will have purred
Present subjunctive tense
que je ronronne
that I purr
que tu ronronnes
that you purr
qu’il/elle/on ronronne
that he/she/it purr
que nous ronronnions
that we purr
que vous ronronniez
that you all purr
qu’ils/elles ronronnent
that they purr
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie ronronné
that I have purred
que tu aies ronronné
that you have purred
qu’il/elle/on ait ronronné
that he/she/it have purred
que nous ayons ronronné
that we have purred
que vous ayez ronronné
that you all have purred
qu’ils/elles aient ronronné
that they have purred
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je ronronnasse
that I would purr
que tu ronronnasses
that you would purr
qu’il/elle/on ronronnât
that he/she/it would purr
que nous ronronnassions
that we would purr
que vous ronronnassiez
that you all would purr
qu’ils/elles ronronnassent
that they would purr
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse ronronné
that I had purred
que tu eusses ronronné
that you had purred
qu’il/elle/on eût ronronné
that he/she/it had purred
que nous eussions ronronné
that we had purred
que vous eussiez ronronné
that you all had purred
qu’ils/elles eussent ronronné
that they had purred
Conditional mood
je ronronnerais
I would purr
tu ronronnerais
you would purr
il/elle/on ronronnerait
he/she/it would purr
nous ronronnerions
we would purr
vous ronronneriez
you all would purr
ils/elles ronronneraient
they would purr
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais ronronné
I would have purred
tu aurais ronronné
you would have purred
il/elle/on aurait ronronné
he/she/it would have purred
nous aurions ronronné
we would have purred
vous auriez ronronné
you all would have purred
ils/elles auraient ronronné
they would have purred
Imperative mood
let's purr!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie ronronné
have purred
ayons ronronné
let's have purred
ayez ronronné
have purred

Examples of ronronner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Ce moteur haute performance semble ronronner comme un puma, mais cette fois, tu as sérieusement surchauffé mon moteur et j'exige des tours de décélération à ton retour, - si tu vois ce que je veux dire.This high-performance engine may purr like a puma on the prowl, but this time, Derek, you have seriously overheated my engines and I will require some cool-down laps upon your return, if you know what I mean by that.
- Est-ce que tu pourrais ronronner...- I've been wondering if you could purr... - Shut up.
- Exact, l'ordre. Quand je mets le contact et que le moteur se met à ronronner... je sais qu'il y a un peu d'ordre dans cet univers.When I slide this key into that ignition and I hear that engine purr I know there's order in the universe.
Ben alors, l'Ane... on s'est attendris un poil, mais ronronner?Well, well, well, Donkey. I know it was kind of a tender moment back there, but the purring?
C'était elle ou une avec des chats qui disaient : "Tu me fais ronronner."It was between this or some cats that said, "You're purr-fect!"
Mais alors je lui ai offert un régal, il a ronronné sur mes genoux cette nuit-là.But then I offered him a treat, He purred on my lap that night.
Oh, j'ai ronronné deux fois.Oh, I purred twice.
On a fait la sieste... et maman a ronronné sur mon ventre.We took a nap together today. Mom fell asleep on my tummy and purred.
"Je fais le dos rond et ronronne, ma reconnaissance de La malédiction des hommes-chats", écrivit James Agee."I arch my back and purr deep-throated approval of The Curse of the Cat People, " wrote James Agee.
(Le chat ronronne) Il voulait embaucher un serrurier pour réduire sa charge de travail, mais il n'a trouvé personne à sa hauteur.(Cat purring) He wanted to hire a good locksmith to cut down on his workload, but he couldn't find anybody up to his standards.
- C'est la chatte qui ronronne pour faire croire qu'il y a encore du feu.It's the cat purring that makes you think there's still a fire.
- Elle ne ronronne plus.- She's not purring.
- Maintenant, elle ronronne.- Seems to be purring along now, huh?
Ensuite... quand tu changes de vitesses... la pédale d'embrayage glissant à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur d'elle, elle remue fermement, ronronnant d'un doux grondement, heureuse d'être sous ton contrôle.And then... when you shift her in a gear... the clutch pedal, sliding in and out of her, she moves steadily, purring with a soft growl, happy to be under your control.
Le rouet, le rouet, ronronnant et bruissant, tournant et brûlant.Spinning wheel, spinning wheel, whirring and purring, turning and burning.
Qu'a-t-iI compris, tout ronronnant,And what the purring cat, all gray,
Si c'est pas le cas, je te vois bien enroulé au sol, et ronronnant à mes pieds.'Cause if it's not... you'd look real good... curled on the floor... around my feet... purring.
Toi et tes merdes achetées par catalogue serez partis. Et la chatte m'attendra en ronronnant gaiement.You and all your junk from the catalogs will be gone... and the cat will be there waiting for me, purring contentedly.

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