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Rattacher (to link) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of rattacher

Present tense
je rattache
I link
tu rattaches
you link
il/elle/on rattache
he/she/it links
nous rattachons
we link
vous rattachez
you all link
ils/elles rattachent
they link
Present perfect tense
j’ai rattaché
I linked
tu as rattaché
you linked
il/elle/on a rattaché
he/she/it linked
nous avons rattaché
we linked
vous avez rattaché
you all linked
ils/elles ont rattaché
they linked
Past impf. tense
je rattachais
I was linking
tu rattachais
you were linking
il/elle/on rattachait
he/she/it was linking
nous rattachions
we were linking
vous rattachiez
you all were linking
ils/elles rattachaient
they were linking
Future tense
je rattacherai
I will link
tu rattacheras
you will link
il/elle/on rattachera
he/she/it will link
nous rattacherons
we will link
vous rattacherez
you all will link
ils/elles rattacheront
they will link
Past perfect tense
j’avais rattaché
I had linked
tu avais rattaché
you had linked
il/elle/on avait rattaché
he/she/it had linked
nous avions rattaché
we had linked
vous aviez rattaché
you all had linked
ils/elles avaient rattaché
they had linked
Past preterite tense
je rattachai
I linked
tu rattachas
you linked
il/elle/on rattacha
he/she/it linked
nous rattachâmes
we linked
vous rattachâtes
you all linked
ils/elles rattachèrent
they linked
Past anterior tense
j’eus rattaché
I had linked
tu eus rattaché
you had linked
il/elle/on eut rattaché
he/she/it had linked
nous eûmes rattaché
we had linked
vous eûtes rattaché
you all had linked
ils/elles eurent rattaché
they had linked
Future perfect tense
j’aurai rattaché
I will have linked
tu auras rattaché
you will have linked
il/elle/on aura rattaché
he/she/it will have linked
nous aurons rattaché
we will have linked
vous aurez rattaché
you all will have linked
ils/elles auront rattaché
they will have linked
Present subjunctive tense
que je rattache
that I link
que tu rattaches
that you link
qu’il/elle/on rattache
that he/she/it link
que nous rattachions
that we link
que vous rattachiez
that you all link
qu’ils/elles rattachent
that they link
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie rattaché
that I have linked
que tu aies rattaché
that you have linked
qu’il/elle/on ait rattaché
that he/she/it have linked
que nous ayons rattaché
that we have linked
que vous ayez rattaché
that you all have linked
qu’ils/elles aient rattaché
that they have linked
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je rattachasse
that I would link
que tu rattachasses
that you would link
qu’il/elle/on rattachât
that he/she/it would link
que nous rattachassions
that we would link
que vous rattachassiez
that you all would link
qu’ils/elles rattachassent
that they would link
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse rattaché
that I had linked
que tu eusses rattaché
that you had linked
qu’il/elle/on eût rattaché
that he/she/it had linked
que nous eussions rattaché
that we had linked
que vous eussiez rattaché
that you all had linked
qu’ils/elles eussent rattaché
that they had linked
Conditional mood
je rattacherais
I would link
tu rattacherais
you would link
il/elle/on rattacherait
he/she/it would link
nous rattacherions
we would link
vous rattacheriez
you all would link
ils/elles rattacheraient
they would link
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais rattaché
I would have linked
tu aurais rattaché
you would have linked
il/elle/on aurait rattaché
he/she/it would have linked
nous aurions rattaché
we would have linked
vous auriez rattaché
you all would have linked
ils/elles auraient rattaché
they would have linked
Imperative mood
let's link!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie rattaché
have linked
ayons rattaché
let's have linked
ayez rattaché
have linked

Examples of rattacher

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Mais aucun élément ne permet de rattacher ce meurtre à un propos ou à un acte antisémite.But nothing indicates that this murder is linked to anti-semitism.
Cet achat doit être rattaché à une adresse.. trouve la.That purchase is gonna be linked to an address-- find it.
Mon nom ne sera pas rattaché à un...I won't have my name linked with a...
Je n'ai rien trouvé qui rattache le meurtre de Grant Gabriel à Lex... Parce que je ne cherche pas.I didn't find anything linking Grant Gabriel's murder to Lex... because I'm not looking.
Je vais attraper Miguel, et le seul lien qui nous rattache à l'accident s'envolera.I'll get Miguel, and the only link to the accident goes away.

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