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Figurer (to figure) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of figurer

Present tense
je figure
I figure
tu figures
you figure
il/elle/on figure
he/she/it figures
nous figurons
we figure
vous figurez
you all figure
ils/elles figurent
they figure
Present perfect tense
j’ai figuré
I figured
tu as figuré
you figured
il/elle/on a figuré
he/she/it figured
nous avons figuré
we figured
vous avez figuré
you all figured
ils/elles ont figuré
they figured
Past impf. tense
je figurais
I was figuring
tu figurais
you were figuring
il/elle/on figurait
he/she/it was figuring
nous figurions
we were figuring
vous figuriez
you all were figuring
ils/elles figuraient
they were figuring
Future tense
je figurerai
I will figure
tu figureras
you will figure
il/elle/on figurera
he/she/it will figure
nous figurerons
we will figure
vous figurerez
you all will figure
ils/elles figureront
they will figure
Past perfect tense
j’avais figuré
I had figured
tu avais figuré
you had figured
il/elle/on avait figuré
he/she/it had figured
nous avions figuré
we had figured
vous aviez figuré
you all had figured
ils/elles avaient figuré
they had figured
Past preterite tense
je figurai
I figured
tu figuras
you figured
il/elle/on figura
he/she/it figured
nous figurâmes
we figured
vous figurâtes
you all figured
ils/elles figurèrent
they figured
Past anterior tense
j’eus figuré
I had figured
tu eus figuré
you had figured
il/elle/on eut figuré
he/she/it had figured
nous eûmes figuré
we had figured
vous eûtes figuré
you all had figured
ils/elles eurent figuré
they had figured
Future perfect tense
j’aurai figuré
I will have figured
tu auras figuré
you will have figured
il/elle/on aura figuré
he/she/it will have figured
nous aurons figuré
we will have figured
vous aurez figuré
you all will have figured
ils/elles auront figuré
they will have figured
Present subjunctive tense
que je figure
that I figure
que tu figures
that you figure
qu’il/elle/on figure
that he/she/it figure
que nous figurions
that we figure
que vous figuriez
that you all figure
qu’ils/elles figurent
that they figure
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie figuré
that I have figured
que tu aies figuré
that you have figured
qu’il/elle/on ait figuré
that he/she/it have figured
que nous ayons figuré
that we have figured
que vous ayez figuré
that you all have figured
qu’ils/elles aient figuré
that they have figured
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je figurasse
that I would figure
que tu figurasses
that you would figure
qu’il/elle/on figurât
that he/she/it would figure
que nous figurassions
that we would figure
que vous figurassiez
that you all would figure
qu’ils/elles figurassent
that they would figure
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse figuré
that I had figured
que tu eusses figuré
that you had figured
qu’il/elle/on eût figuré
that he/she/it had figured
que nous eussions figuré
that we had figured
que vous eussiez figuré
that you all had figured
qu’ils/elles eussent figuré
that they had figured
Conditional mood
je figurerais
I would figure
tu figurerais
you would figure
il/elle/on figurerait
he/she/it would figure
nous figurerions
we would figure
vous figureriez
you all would figure
ils/elles figureraient
they would figure
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais figuré
I would have figured
tu aurais figuré
you would have figured
il/elle/on aurait figuré
he/she/it would have figured
nous aurions figuré
we would have figured
vous auriez figuré
you all would have figured
ils/elles auraient figuré
they would have figured
Imperative mood
let's figure!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie figuré
have figured
ayons figuré
let's have figured
ayez figuré
have figured

Examples of figurer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Et pas parce qu'elle était homo, même si je vois maintenant comment ça pourrait y figurer.And not because she was gay, although I can now see how that might figure into it.
J'ai besoin de mieux me figurer toutes ces choses pour pouvoir le faire, je ne dois pas tuer ces gens et les rendre aigris.I need to figure this stuff out better so that l can do this, so that l'm not killing these people and not making them mad.
J'aurais pu te laisser figurer ça tout seul.Let you figure out life all on your little lonesome.
Je me suis dit que, comme c'est moi qui ai conçu le site Web, et qui le mets régulièrement à jour, je méritais de figurer dans le site Web.Well, I figured since I'm the one who put the Web site together and I'm the one continuously updating the Web site, then I should be featured prominently on the Web site.
Je ne peux pas figurer comment il..l can't figure how he..
Je me le suis toujours figuré.I always figured on being reasonable.
Je ne me suis évidement toujours pas... figuré comment faire avec ça à l'intérieur.I still obviously haven't... figured out how to deal with it inside.
Maintenant, qui ont figuré tu veux boire à l'abreuvoir favoris pour nous humbles journalistes ?Now, who would've figured you'd want to drink at the favorite watering hole for us lowly journalists?
Uh, figuré dehors une manière de déterminer quelles élèves sont des patients du mari de Becca.Uh, figured out a way to determine which alumni are patients of Becca's husband.
Vous vous êtes probablement figuré que vous pourriez rafler quelques pennies et ainsi jouer plus longtemps.Probably figured you could shave a few pennies
"Blondie" semble être une figure importante dans le graffiti."Blondie" seems to be an important figure within the graffiti art style.
"Fernandico, tu as de la valeur, du talent, et si tu voulais, tu pourrais être une figure de scène""Fernandico, you are much valuable, you have talent, and if you would, you could be a figure in the music scene"
"I can't quite figure out"♪ "I can't quite figure out" ♪
"Il a couru à la fin du train et regarda sa figure, une fois gigantesque, diminué maintenant dans ses yeux, mais a plus que jamais dans son coeur. ""He ran to the end of the train and watched as her figure, once gigantic, now shrank in his eyes, but grew more than ever in his heart."
"Je ne pourrais jamais être une figure paternelle pour quelqu'un avec mon coeur brisée""I can never be a father figure to no one with this broken heart of mine."
Je suis un voyageur du temps figurez-vous.I'm a time traveller - figure it out.
Vous débarquez ici sur votre cheval blanc et vous vous figurez que...And you come in here on your white horse, and you just figure...
Vous figurez "prendre soin de M. Sheldon"You figure "take care of Mr. Sheldon"
Vous vous figurez que vous alliez voler la mienne ?So you figured you'd steal mine?
Vous vous figurez sortir d'ici comme ça, Vous croyez?Need to figure out how to get out of here, you know?

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