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Chiquer (to chew tobacco) conjugation

7 examples

Conjugation of chiquer

Present tense
je chique
I chew tobacco
tu chiques
you chew tobacco
il/elle/on chique
he/she/it chews tobacco
nous chiquons
we chew tobacco
vous chiquez
you all chew tobacco
ils/elles chiquent
they chew tobacco
Present perfect tense
j’ai chiqué
I chewed tobacco
tu as chiqué
you chewed tobacco
il/elle/on a chiqué
he/she/it chewed tobacco
nous avons chiqué
we chewed tobacco
vous avez chiqué
you all chewed tobacco
ils/elles ont chiqué
they chewed tobacco
Past impf. tense
je chiquais
I was chewing tobacco
tu chiquais
you were chewing tobacco
il/elle/on chiquait
he/she/it was chewing tobacco
nous chiquions
we were chewing tobacco
vous chiquiez
you all were chewing tobacco
ils/elles chiquaient
they were chewing tobacco
Future tense
je chiquerai
I will chew tobacco
tu chiqueras
you will chew tobacco
il/elle/on chiquera
he/she/it will chew tobacco
nous chiquerons
we will chew tobacco
vous chiquerez
you all will chew tobacco
ils/elles chiqueront
they will chew tobacco
Past perfect tense
j’avais chiqué
I had chewed tobacco
tu avais chiqué
you had chewed tobacco
il/elle/on avait chiqué
he/she/it had chewed tobacco
nous avions chiqué
we had chewed tobacco
vous aviez chiqué
you all had chewed tobacco
ils/elles avaient chiqué
they had chewed tobacco
Past preterite tense
je chiquai
I chewed tobacco
tu chiquas
you chewed tobacco
il/elle/on chiqua
he/she/it chewed tobacco
nous chiquâmes
we chewed tobacco
vous chiquâtes
you all chewed tobacco
ils/elles chiquèrent
they chewed tobacco
Past anterior tense
j’eus chiqué
I had chewed tobacco
tu eus chiqué
you had chewed tobacco
il/elle/on eut chiqué
he/she/it had chewed tobacco
nous eûmes chiqué
we had chewed tobacco
vous eûtes chiqué
you all had chewed tobacco
ils/elles eurent chiqué
they had chewed tobacco
Future perfect tense
j’aurai chiqué
I will have chewed tobacco
tu auras chiqué
you will have chewed tobacco
il/elle/on aura chiqué
he/she/it will have chewed tobacco
nous aurons chiqué
we will have chewed tobacco
vous aurez chiqué
you all will have chewed tobacco
ils/elles auront chiqué
they will have chewed tobacco
Present subjunctive tense
que je chique
that I chew tobacco
que tu chiques
that you chew tobacco
qu’il/elle/on chique
that he/she/it chew tobacco
que nous chiquions
that we chew tobacco
que vous chiquiez
that you all chew tobacco
qu’ils/elles chiquent
that they chew tobacco
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie chiqué
that I have chewed tobacco
que tu aies chiqué
that you have chewed tobacco
qu’il/elle/on ait chiqué
that he/she/it have chewed tobacco
que nous ayons chiqué
that we have chewed tobacco
que vous ayez chiqué
that you all have chewed tobacco
qu’ils/elles aient chiqué
that they have chewed tobacco
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je chiquasse
that I would chew tobacco
que tu chiquasses
that you would chew tobacco
qu’il/elle/on chiquât
that he/she/it would chew tobacco
que nous chiquassions
that we would chew tobacco
que vous chiquassiez
that you all would chew tobacco
qu’ils/elles chiquassent
that they would chew tobacco
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse chiqué
that I had chewed tobacco
que tu eusses chiqué
that you had chewed tobacco
qu’il/elle/on eût chiqué
that he/she/it had chewed tobacco
que nous eussions chiqué
that we had chewed tobacco
que vous eussiez chiqué
that you all had chewed tobacco
qu’ils/elles eussent chiqué
that they had chewed tobacco
Conditional mood
je chiquerais
I would chew tobacco
tu chiquerais
you would chew tobacco
il/elle/on chiquerait
he/she/it would chew tobacco
nous chiquerions
we would chew tobacco
vous chiqueriez
you all would chew tobacco
ils/elles chiqueraient
they would chew tobacco
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais chiqué
I would have chewed tobacco
tu aurais chiqué
you would have chewed tobacco
il/elle/on aurait chiqué
he/she/it would have chewed tobacco
nous aurions chiqué
we would have chewed tobacco
vous auriez chiqué
you all would have chewed tobacco
ils/elles auraient chiqué
they would have chewed tobacco
Imperative mood
chew tobacco!
let's chew tobacco!
chew tobacco!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie chiqué
have chewed tobacco
ayons chiqué
let's have chewed tobacco
ayez chiqué
have chewed tobacco

Examples of chiquer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Elle va m'apprendre à chiquer du tabac et à brûler une croix.She promised to teach me how to chew tobacco and burn a cross.
Et à chiquer comme un homme.- And chew tobacco like a man.
Si je veux me brunir les dents, je préfère chiquer du tabac.I figure if I want brown teeth, I'll chew tobacco.
- Non, mais je chique parfois du tabac.- No, but I chew tobacco sometimes.
Il ne chique même pas.He won't even chew tobacco.
Je chique. Je bois...I chew tobacco and I drink.
Je chique...I chew tobacco.

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