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Chicaner (to quibble) conjugation

11 examples

Conjugation of chicaner

Present tense
je chicane
I quibble
tu chicanes
you quibble
il/elle/on chicane
he/she/it quibbles
nous chicanons
we quibble
vous chicanez
you all quibble
ils/elles chicanent
they quibble
Present perfect tense
j’ai chicané
I quibbled
tu as chicané
you quibbled
il/elle/on a chicané
he/she/it quibbled
nous avons chicané
we quibbled
vous avez chicané
you all quibbled
ils/elles ont chicané
they quibbled
Past impf. tense
je chicanais
I was quibbling
tu chicanais
you were quibbling
il/elle/on chicanait
he/she/it was quibbling
nous chicanions
we were quibbling
vous chicaniez
you all were quibbling
ils/elles chicanaient
they were quibbling
Future tense
je chicanerai
I will quibble
tu chicaneras
you will quibble
il/elle/on chicanera
he/she/it will quibble
nous chicanerons
we will quibble
vous chicanerez
you all will quibble
ils/elles chicaneront
they will quibble
Past perfect tense
j’avais chicané
I had quibbled
tu avais chicané
you had quibbled
il/elle/on avait chicané
he/she/it had quibbled
nous avions chicané
we had quibbled
vous aviez chicané
you all had quibbled
ils/elles avaient chicané
they had quibbled
Past preterite tense
je chicanai
I quibbled
tu chicanas
you quibbled
il/elle/on chicana
he/she/it quibbled
nous chicanâmes
we quibbled
vous chicanâtes
you all quibbled
ils/elles chicanèrent
they quibbled
Past anterior tense
j’eus chicané
I had quibbled
tu eus chicané
you had quibbled
il/elle/on eut chicané
he/she/it had quibbled
nous eûmes chicané
we had quibbled
vous eûtes chicané
you all had quibbled
ils/elles eurent chicané
they had quibbled
Future perfect tense
j’aurai chicané
I will have quibbled
tu auras chicané
you will have quibbled
il/elle/on aura chicané
he/she/it will have quibbled
nous aurons chicané
we will have quibbled
vous aurez chicané
you all will have quibbled
ils/elles auront chicané
they will have quibbled
Present subjunctive tense
que je chicane
that I quibble
que tu chicanes
that you quibble
qu’il/elle/on chicane
that he/she/it quibble
que nous chicanions
that we quibble
que vous chicaniez
that you all quibble
qu’ils/elles chicanent
that they quibble
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie chicané
that I have quibbled
que tu aies chicané
that you have quibbled
qu’il/elle/on ait chicané
that he/she/it have quibbled
que nous ayons chicané
that we have quibbled
que vous ayez chicané
that you all have quibbled
qu’ils/elles aient chicané
that they have quibbled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je chicanasse
that I would quibble
que tu chicanasses
that you would quibble
qu’il/elle/on chicanât
that he/she/it would quibble
que nous chicanassions
that we would quibble
que vous chicanassiez
that you all would quibble
qu’ils/elles chicanassent
that they would quibble
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse chicané
that I had quibbled
que tu eusses chicané
that you had quibbled
qu’il/elle/on eût chicané
that he/she/it had quibbled
que nous eussions chicané
that we had quibbled
que vous eussiez chicané
that you all had quibbled
qu’ils/elles eussent chicané
that they had quibbled
Conditional mood
je chicanerais
I would quibble
tu chicanerais
you would quibble
il/elle/on chicanerait
he/she/it would quibble
nous chicanerions
we would quibble
vous chicaneriez
you all would quibble
ils/elles chicaneraient
they would quibble
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais chicané
I would have quibbled
tu aurais chicané
you would have quibbled
il/elle/on aurait chicané
he/she/it would have quibbled
nous aurions chicané
we would have quibbled
vous auriez chicané
you all would have quibbled
ils/elles auraient chicané
they would have quibbled
Imperative mood
let's quibble!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie chicané
have quibbled
ayons chicané
let's have quibbled
ayez chicané
have quibbled

Examples of chicaner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Et ces jours-ci... un siŠge spongieux est trop important pour moi... pour chicaner... donc, je te fais une offre.And these days, a soft stool is too important to me... for something to quibble, so I'll make you a deal.
Il m'a laissé ici pour gribouiller et chicaner comme un foutu civil.Left me here to scribble and quibble like a damned civilian.
Je suis trop excité pour chicaner.You know what? I'm too excited to quibble.
Je veux pas chicaner, tout mon cash passera par vous tant que vos taux augmentent pas.I don't want to quibble, I'll be happy wash all my cash to you as long as you don't jack up your rates.
Mais étant donné les circonstances qui sommes-nous pour chicaner ?But under the circumstances, who are we to quibble?
Alors que nous, on permet à Savelli de voler et tuer pour une chicane juridique.While in our case we allow Savelli to steal and kill for a quibble.
Point de chicane, coquine servante.Let us not quibble, saucy wench.
Charles, ne chicanez pas.Charles, don't quibble.
Ne chicanez pas sur des fractions.Don't quibble over fractions, Colonel.
Ne chicanez pas sur les pourcentages.Don't quibble over fractions.
Ne chicanez pas.Don't quibble.

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