- Actually, there were four, but let's not quibble over that little detail, shall we? | |
- Do not quibble, son, you're on. | |
- Don't let's quibble. | |
- It's a small quibble,but- - don't help. | |
- Let's not quibble about it. $200 it is. | |
- Actually, there were four, but let's not quibble over that little detail, shall we? | |
- Do not quibble, son, you're on. | |
- Don't let's quibble. | |
- It's a small quibble,but- - don't help. | |
- Let's not quibble about it. $200 it is. | |
I got no quibbles with God. | |
I had my quibbles. | |
I have a few quibbles about emphasis. | |
I told you all those quibbles in a different... era. | |
If I could get a word in edgeways around here with one of my unimportant quibbles, we'll get somewhere! | |
I got no quibbles with God. | |
I had my quibbles. | |
I have a few quibbles about emphasis. | |
I told you all those quibbles in a different... era. | |
If I could get a word in edgeways around here with one of my unimportant quibbles, we'll get somewhere! | |
And when have we ever quibbled about what's yours and mine? | |
I quibbled his paperwork and he became aggressive. | |
Mézières only quibbled over the horses. | |
Well, there were a couple that quibbled a little. | |
l should be recompensed l never quibbled about money | |
"Herr Hamsun, why do you persist in this legal quibbling?" | |
- I'm not quibbling. | |
- Let's stop quibbling. | |
- Let's stop the quibbling. | |
- Now you're quibbling. | |
And when have we ever quibbled about what's yours and mine? | |
I quibbled his paperwork and he became aggressive. | |
Mézières only quibbled over the horses. | |
Well, there were a couple that quibbled a little. | |
l should be recompensed l never quibbled about money | |
"Herr Hamsun, why do you persist in this legal quibbling?" | |
- I'm not quibbling. | |
- Let's stop quibbling. | |
- Let's stop the quibbling. | |
- Now you're quibbling. | |