Jalkapohjien paiseet täytyy avata, tai menetät vielä jalkasi. | Whoa. You got some serious abscesses. You're gonna need to let somebody |
- Märkiviä paiseita rinnassasi. | - Pus-filled abscesses in your chest. |
-SieIIä oIi paiseita aspergiIIuksesta. | They were abscesses from a fungal infection. Aspergillus. But we still have no idea why. |
Sieni-infektio aiheuttaa haavaumia varpaiden väliin. Vuoto saattaa aiheutua massoilta vaikuttavilta uusiutuvista paiseista. | Fungal infection can cause ulceration between the toes and bleeding could be from recurring abscesses that appear to be recurring masses. |
Herra Cohn, ennemmin imaisen paiseen tyhjäksi - tai juon metroaseman vessanpytystä. | I'd rather suck the pus out of an abscess. I'd rather drink a subway toilet. |
Kunhan kuivaamme paiseen ja poistamme sirpaleen, antibiootit parantavat infektion. | Once we drain the abscess and remove the shrapnel, the antibiotics can do their job. |
Suoli on vapautettava paiseen muodostamasta kuroutumasta. | We need to free the bowel from the adhesions caused from the abscess. |
Tunsin siellä paiseen. | Let him finish. I can feel a swollen abscess I'm going to clean out. |
Tämä on hoitamattoman paiseen aikaansaannosta. | That is the work of an untreated abscess. |
Se voi olla kiveä tai paisetta. Ei verikokeiden mukaan. | Could be an obstructing calculus or a perinephric abscess. |
- Hän puhuukin paiseesta. | Oh! He's talking about an abscess. |
- Luultavasti siellä on paise. | Probably an abscess. |
- Saattaa olla paise. | Could be an abscess. |
- Se voi olla paise tai tulehdus. | - Could be an abscess, infection. |
- Täytyy avata Hansonin paise. | I'll be right back, I have to quickly drain poor. Mr. Hanson's abscess before it bursts. |
-Ellis Hightower on paise. | Ellis Hightower is an abscess. |