- Sen murinan? | The growl? No. |
Beezus, kuulitko tuon murinan? | Beezus, did you hear that growling? |
Se oli murinan esiaste. | It was the embryo of a growl. |
- Harjoittele vielä murinaa. | We gotta work on that growl. |
- Koska se on clusterliskon murinaa | Why not? Because it's a Cluster lizard growl. |
Baal meni perässä, - ja sitten alkoi kuulua murinaa ja huutoa. | Ba'al came and he went into the alley. Then I heard this growling and screaming. When I looked, some big-ass wolf was killing Ba'al. |
He pitivät matalaa murinaa varoittaen minua susista, jotka metsästivät pikkutyttöjä. | growling deep in their throats... and warning me there were wolves on the hunt... with a taste for little girls. |
Kunnon murinaa eikä mitään muminaa. | Give me some growls, not "Grr. " |
Aloitetaan murinasta ja ulvonnasta. | All right, let's get to growling and howling. |
Kiitos koskettavasta murinasta, Tina. | Thank you, Tina, for those touching grunts and growls. |
Kyse ei ole ukkosesta, vaan vatsani murinasta. | So if you think you hear thunder, it's just my stomach growling. Ha! I love Lobster. |
Pyysin matkimaan sitä ja se kuulosti murinalta. | But I asked him to imitate it, and it sounded like a growl to me. |
- Tavallaan vinkuva murina, vai kuinka? | Kind of a whining growl, isn't it? |
-Entä se murina? | What about the growls? |
Joten tarkkana, milloin se murina tulee. | So you gotta watch me for that growl, okay? |
Ne eivät tienneet, kuka olit, - joten oli pakko käydä läpi kiertely, haistelu ja murina. | But more importantly, they did not know who you were, so you had to go through all that business of circling and sniffing and growling. |
Sellainen vinkuva murina. | Like this whining growl. |