Koditon noun declension

96 examples

Conjugation of koditon

accusative nom.
accusative gen.
(of) homeless
(part of) homeless
(in) homeless
(out of) homeless
(into) homeless
(at) homeless
(from) homeless
(onto) homeless
(as) homeless
(into) homeless
(without) homeless
accusative nom.
(of) homeless
(part of) homeless
(in) homeless
(out of) homeless
(into) homeless
(at) homeless
(from) homeless
(onto) homeless
(as) homeless
(into) homeless
(with) homeless
(without) homeless
(together with) homeless

Examples of koditon

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"kuin kodittoman loisten tappaminen.""than to kill bugs off of a homeless man's flesh..."
- Etsin vain erään kodittoman.- Just to find a homeless man.
- Minä murhaan kodittoman? Oletko hullu?I murder some homeless girl?
- Noah ja minä veimme hänet - juhlimaan synttäreitä ja hän oli ihan masentunut - ja sekosi nähtyään kodittoman naisen kadulla.Noah and I took her out for her birthday. And she starts having conniptions over this homeless lady in the street.
"Kaksi koditonta pummia kadulla..." Mahtavaa."Two homeless deadbeats go out onto the streets." Wow, this is great stuff.
- Esitän koditonta.I'm supposed to be homeless, man.
- Kaksi koditonta lasta...- With two homeless kids.
- Katso tuota koditonta.Ooh, look at the homeless guy.
- Mitä pari koditonta kuollutta muka on?Some homeless people died. Big deal.
Onko tässä kodittomassa yksilössä jotain erityistä vai palvelemmeko me nykyisin kaikkia Lontoon kodittomia?Is there anything about this particular individual or do we serve the entire homeless population of London? The kitchen would like to know.
- Kysy häneltä kodittomasta.All right, ask him about the homeless guy.
- Teette kodittomasta puusta onnellisen.- I will take this one. - Ah. You make homeless tree very happy.
-Miksi valehtelisin jostain kodittomasta miehestä? Oletettiin, että Marty kuoli koska hänen elimistönsä oli liian heikko taistellakseen influenssaa vastaan.Why would I lie about knowing some homeless guy? The assumption was that Marty died because his system was too weak to fight off the flu.
Ei edelleenkään mitään kodittomasta tyypistä mutta todistaja näki valkoisen mustangin parkkeerattuna lastausaluleelle klubin ulkopuolelle viimeisen kolmen päivän ajan.Still got no word on that homeless guy, but a bodega owner saw a white Mustang parked in the loading zone right outside the club for the past three days. Okay.
Hukkasin muistivihkoni, jossa oli muistiinpanoni kodittomasta miehestä.I've misplaced my memo book containing my notes from the homeless man scene.
- Verratessa kodittomaan mieheen, jonka tapoimme ja laitoimme Steadmanin autoon, - mutta tuhosimme kaikki ulkopuoliset DNA-näytteet, joten ei ole mitään mihin verrata.To compare against the homeless guy we killed and put in steadman's car, but we destroyed all exterior dna samples, so that there'd be nothing to compare them to.
Aloin saamaan kontakteja muutamista suojista ympäri kaupunkia, ja lopulta törmäsin yhteen tiettyyn kodittomaan mieheen jonka uskoin eläneen tunneleissa.I started getting in contact with a few of the shelters around the city, and eventually I came across one particular homeless man who I had believed had been living in the tunnels.
Ei hän ole vaarallinen, ainakaan kodittomaan sotaveteraaniin verrattuna.Yeah, this boy's not dangerous, not compared to a dirty, homeless ex-soldier.
Harhaiseen kodittomaan ei käytetä tappavaa voimaa.Here's what you don't do your first day on the beat; use lethal force on the homeless...
Otan tämän puolen kodittomaan asti.I'm gonna take everything to this side of the homeless guy.
- Onko kodittomalla varaa tähän?Think a homeless man can afford this?
Kuin kodittomalla.Mom! What? You're, like, a homeless in these pants.
Miksi kodittomalla olisi päivyri ja 300 dollarin käsilaukku?Sara... what's a homeless woman doing with a day planner and a $300 handbag?
Miten kodittomalla olisi muuten varaa Chanelin huulipunaan?How do you think a homeless person could have Chanel lipstick? It's gross. Your mom gives her Chanel lipstick?
Mitkä kengät kodittomalla oli?What was the homeless guy wearing?
- Näytät tämän kaverin laihalta, rumalta kodittomalta veljeltä.You look like this guy's skinny, ugly, homeless brother.
Anteeksi, mutta sinä et näytä kovin kodittomalta.Excuse me, but, uh, you don't exactly look homeless to me.
En paina juttua julkisesta kokoontumisesta, kynttilävalvojaisista kaupungintalolla, jonka pääkommentti on nimettömältä kodittomalta naiselta.I'm not running a story about a public gathering-- A candlelight vigil at city hall, in fact-- Where the lede anecdote and quote is from an unnamed homeless woman.
En ymmärrä miksi minun pitää näyttää kodittomalta homomieheltä todistaakseni, että pidän tästä naisesta.I don't see why I have to look like a gay homeless man in order to prove that I like this woman.
Et näytä kodittomalta.You don't look homeless to me!
- Ei kodittomalle naiselle.That's so sad. It worked out for the homeless woman.
- Luoja, heitä kodittomalle taala.For god's sakes, give a buck to a homeless guy.
Annetaan tähteet kodittomalle.We'll just give the leftovers to a homeless person.
Annoin sen kodittomalle naiselle.I gave it to a homeless woman.
Apua kodittomalle?Help the homeless.
Adrian Lamo tunnettiin "kodittomana hakkerina", kavereiden nurkissa lojuvana murtautujana, joka oli tuomittu The New York Timesin hakkeroinnista.Adrian Lamo was known as "the homeless hacker, " a couch-surfing computer infiltrator who had been convicted of hacking into The New York Times.
Haluatko nähdä minut kodittomana?Do you want me homeless?
Hän on ollut kodittomana jo useampia vuosia.She's been homeless for quite a few years.
Hän on ollut pitkään kodittomana.He is homeless.
Hän tuli viime viikolla teinien kriisikotiin kodittomana täällä DC:ssä.Apparently, she wandered into a teen crisis center here in D.C. Last week homeless.
- En halua hänen joutuvan kodittomaksi.I mean, I don't want her to be homeless. Walt was right.
- Olet melko komea kodittomaksi.You're pretty handsome for a homeless fellow
Aika lihaksikas hulluksi kodittomaksi.You know, for a crazy homeless person, he's pretty cut.
Arviolta 25 miljoonaa eläintä joutuu kodittomaksi joka vuosi.An estimated 25 million animals become homeless every year.
En pukenut sinua kodittomaksi nistiksi.I don't recall dressing you like a homeless dope fiend. It's not that bad.
"Lähettäkää minulle kodittomat ja myrskyissä kärsineet.""Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me."
- Entä kodittomat palestiinalaiset?Now what happens to the homeless Palestinians?
- Entä kodittomat?Whoa, what about the homeless?
- Entäs kodittomat? - Siirry.- How about the homelesses?
- Hän teki lahjoituksen joka vuosi, - jotta kodittomat saisivat ruokaa kiitospäivänä.- She made a donation every year to feed the homeless on Thanksgiving.
"Muuten, ne kodittomien murhat""By the way, all that stuff about homeless people getting killed
- Elaine, voitko lopettaa? - Mitä? Jerry, sinä mainostat keräystapahtumaa kodittomien ihmisten vaatettamiseksi.No, Jerry, you are promoting a benefit to clothe homeless people.
- En tilaisi kodittomien nuorten aivoja kotiini.I wouldn't have had the brains of murdered homeless teens delivered to my house like pizza.
- Ruumis löytyi kodittomien leiristä.Yeah. Body was found in a homeless camp.
- Se on kodittomien suoja.It's a homeless shelter.
"vailla syytä elää" tyyppisiä kodittomia."I've lost the will to live" type homeless guys.
- Eli kukaan ei tappanut kodittomia.- So no one killed any homeless men.
- En muista tarkalleen. Järjestämme myyjäisiä - ruokimme kodittomia ja sen sellaista.Um, I can't remember exactly which country... but we do bake sales and, like, feeding the homeless and that kind of stuff.
- Jos poika puhuu totta, - joku parivaljakko sieppaa kodittomia lapsia.Well, if the boy we have is telling the truth, there's a couple of kidnappers out there abducting homeless children in numbers.
- Koska olin ulkona auttamassa kodittomia, kun sinä olit täällä luuserina.I was helping the homeless while you were being a loser.
Ettekö voi pysyä kodittomissa alkkiksissa?Jesus Christ, why can't you guys stick to homeless alkies?
* Kaikista kodittomista pidetään huolta *They take really good care of all their homeless
- Entä kodittomista uutisointi?The homeless coverage? You're covered.
- Meidän versiomme kodittomista.- It's our version of the homeless.
- Miksi satuilit kodittomista?Look, what the hell was that back there? I mean, homeless guys in cages?
- Toimittaja teki juttua kodittomista nuorista ja poikani oli eräs heistä. - Voi luoja.A reporter just did a story on homeless teens, my son is one of them.
Tuo liittyy kodittomiin, karttoihin ja myrkkyyn, - tuo skitsofreenikoihin ja Nørrebron jengiin.Over there we've got the homeless, maps and poison. The schizophrenics and the gang in Norrebro.
Kehitellessään tätä huumetta hän teki kokeiluja kodittomilla.When he was developing this drug, he experimented on the homeless.
Koen tietäväni, millaista kodittomilla on.I feel like I know what it's like to be homeless.
Nesteistä ja hiusnäytteistä päätellen - vanhoilla kodittomilla oli orgiat.From bodily fluid and hair samples, We determined that a bunch of old, homeless dudes had an orgy in the car.
Olen harjoitellut öisin - pienillä eläimillä ja kodittomilla.I mean, I've been practicing at night on tiny, defenseless animals and homeless people.
Onko kodittomilla iPhonet?You have an iPhone? Aren't you homeless? So?
-He näyttävät kodittomilta.- They look homeless.
-Varastitko kodittomilta?You stole food from a homeless shelter?
En ymmärrä - minkälainen ihminen varastaa kodittomilta lapsilta.I don't understand what type of person steals from homeless children.
Kerjuumaksu kodittomilta. Rehellistä työtä.Charging the homeless a panhandle tax, that's real upstanding.
Kommentteja kodittomilta.React quotes from the homeless?
"Vanha leipä annettiin kodittomille."They ate stale bread, and then gave the bread to the homeless. The end.
* California * * On niin hyvä kodittomille *California Supercool to the homeless
* California, on upea kodittomille *California Is nice to the homeless
* Californiassa ollaan mukavia kodittomille *Californiania Supercool to the homeless
* Ollaan niin kilttejä kodittomille * He johdattavat ne muualleThey're so nice to the homeless built a port about it
He asuivat motellissa, kodittomina - ja Sam tuki heitä.They were living in a motel, homeless, and Sam supported them.
Niiden ympärille kasvavat pankit ja firmat riistävät ihmisiltä omaisuutta, kunnes lapset heräävät kodittomina isiensä valloittamalta mantereelta.the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Pyysimme kerran apuasi nääntyneinä ja kodittomina, - mutta käänsit selkäsi.We came to you once. Starving, homeless. Seeking your help.
Vai oletko se Tyr, joka petti Orca Priden, - jätti meidät avuttomina ja kodittomina, Tyr joka jätti minut?Or are you really the other tyr, the tyr who betrayed orca pride, who left us defenseless, homeless, the tyr who abandoned me?
Alamaiseni joutuvat kodittomiksi.All my subjects will be homeless.
Harvat eloonjääneet - hakeutuivat turvaan Vukovarin kaupunkiin - jonne sadat kodittomiksi jääneet olivat paenneet serbiarmeijaa.The few survivors of this massacre have sought refuge... in the mixed Serbo-Croatian city of Vukovar... where already hundreds of homeless people roam the streets... fleeing the Serbian army.
Kun lapset joutuvat kodittomiksi - kommunikaatiokyky kärsii.One of the things that happens when kids become homeless is they start to lose communication skills.
Meitä luullaan kodittomiksi narkkareiksi.They think we're a bunch of homeless meth addicts.
Muuten rahamme loppuu ja päädymme kodittomiksi.Otherwise, we're gonna go broke, maybe homeless.
"Hänestä tuli koditon.""Made it homeless."
"Minusta voi tulla koditon.""I could actually become homeless."
"Mutta ajan kuluessa siitä tuli koditon.""But the shower of time made it homeless."
"Mutta ajan myötä hänestä tuli koditon.""But the shower of time made it homeless."
"Mutta ajan myötä siitä tuli koditon.""But the shower of time made it homeless."

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