Rakastella (to make love) conjugation

102 examples
kotus type 67/tulla, no gradation

Conjugation of rakastella

Present tense
I make love
you make love
he/she makes love
we make love
you all make love
they make love
is made love
Past tense
I made love
you made love
he/she made love
we made love
you all made love
they made love
was made love
Conditional mood
I would make love
you would make love
he/she would make love
we would make love
you all would make love
they would make love
would be made love
Imperative mood
make love!
make love!
let's make love!
make love!
make love!
be made love!
Potential tense
I probably make love
you probably make love
he/she probably makes love
we probably make love
you all probably make love
they probably make love
probably is made love
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to make love
to make love
while making love
while making love
making love
making love
making love
making love
making love
making love
making love
making love
just about to make love
Passive infinitives
while not making love
not making love
making love
made love
made love
Passive participles
not made love
not made love
Present negative tense
en rakastele
I do not make love
et rakastele
you do not make love
ei rakastele
he/she do not make love
emme rakastele
we do not make love
ette rakastele
you all do not make love
eivät rakastele
they do not make love
ei rakastella
is not made love
Past negative tense
en rakastellut
I did not make love
et rakastellut
you did not make love
ei rakastellut
he/she did not make love
emme rakastelleet
we did not make love
ette rakastelleet
you all did not make love
eivät rakastelleet
they did not make love
oli rakasteltu
had been made love
Conditional negative tense
en rakastelisi
I would not make love
et rakastelisi
you would not make love
ei rakastelisi
he/she would not make love
emme rakastelisi
we would not make love
ette rakastelisi
you all would not make love
eivät rakastelisi
they would not make love
Imperative negative mood
älä rakastele
do not make love!
älköön rakastelko
let him/her/it not make love!
älkäämme rakastelko
let's not make love!
älkää rakastelko
do not make love!
älkööt rakastelko
do not make love!
Potential negative tense
en rakastelle
I probably do not make love
et rakastelle
you probably do not make love
ei rakastelle
he/she probably does not make love
emme rakastelle
we probably do not make love
ette rakastelle
you all probably do not make love
eivät rakastelle
they probably do not make love
Present perfect tense
olen rakastellut
I have made love
olet rakastellut
you have made love
on rakastellut
he/she has made love
olemme rakastelleet
we have made love
olette rakastelleet
you all have made love
ovat rakastelleet
they have made love
on rakasteltu
has been made love
Past perfect tense
olin rakastellut
I had made love
olit rakastellut
you had made love
oli rakastellut
he/she had made love
olimme rakastelleet
we had made love
olitte rakastelleet
you all had made love
olivat rakastelleet
they had made love
Conditional perfect tense
olisin rakastellut
I would have made love
olisit rakastellut
you would have made love
olisi rakastellut
he/she would have made love
olisimme rakastelleet
we would have made love
olisitte rakastelleet
you all would have made love
olisivat rakastelleet
they would have made love
olisi rakasteltu
would has been made love
Imperative perfect tense
ole rakastellut
you have made love!
olkoon rakastellut
he/she have made love!
olkaamme rakastelleet
we have made love!
olkaa rakastelleet
you all have made love!
olkoot rakastelleet
they have made love!
olkoon rakasteltu
has been made love!
Potential perfect tense
lienen rakastellut
I probably have made love
lienet rakastellut
you probably have made love
lienee rakastellut
he/she probably has made love
lienemme rakastelleet
we probably have made love
lienette rakastelleet
you all probably have made love
lienevät rakastelleet
they probably have made love
lienee rakasteltu
probably has been made love
Present perfect negative tense
en ole rakastellut
I have not made love
et ole rakastellut
you have not made love
ei ole rakastellut
he/she has not made love
emme ole rakastelleet
we have not made love
ette ole rakastelleet
you all have not made love
eivät ole rakastelleet
they have not made love
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut rakastellut
I had not made love
et ollut rakastellut
you had not made love
ei ollut rakastellut
he/she had not made love
emme olleet rakastelleet
we had not made love
ette olleet rakastelleet
you all had not made love
eivät olleet rakastelleet
they had not made love
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi rakastellut
I would not have made love
et olisi rakastellut
you would not have made love
ei olisi rakastellut
he/she would not have made love
emme olisi rakastelleet
we would not have made love
ette olisi rakastelleet
you all would not have made love
eivät olisi rakastelleet
they would not have made love
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole rakastellut
you have made love!
olkoon rakastellut
he/she have made love!
olkaamme rakastelleet
we have made love!
olkaa rakastelleet
you all have made love!
olkoot rakastelleet
they have made love!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene rakastellut
I probably have not made love
et liene rakastellut
you probably have not made love
ei liene rakastellut
he/she probably has not made love
emme liene rakastelleet
we probably have not made love
ette liene rakastelleet
you all probably have not made love
eivät liene rakastelleet
they probably have not made love

Examples of rakastella

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"Haluan rakastella kanssasi."I wanna make love to you.
- Aiotko rakastella kanssani?Are you gonna make love to me?
- Anteeksi, rakastella sinua.Sorry, make love to you.
- Ei osaa rakastella.Doesn't know how to make love.
- En voi rakastella, kun tuo tuijottaa.I can't make love to you with her looking at me.
- Haluatko, että rakastelen sinua?-You want me to make love to you?
- Minä rakastelen naisten kanssa.(scoffs) I make love to ladies.
-Kurt... Minä rakastelen miehiä, ei naisia.I make love with the man, not the woman.
Aamuun asti vaan Sua rakastelen♪ All through the night ♪ ♪ I'll make love to you ♪
Aioin jättää sinut yksin ja vain lähteä, mutta - sitten tajusin, että mieluummin tappelen kanssasi, kuin rakastelen jonkun muun kanssa.And I was going to leave you alone and just take off but... Then I realized I'd rather fight with you than make love with anyone else.
- Haluan, että rakastelet kanssani.I want you to make love with me. What?
Haluan että rakastelet kanssani niin kuin sinä yönä.I want you to make love to me like that night.
Haluan, että rakastelet kanssani.I want you to make love to me.
Haluan, että rakastelet minua.I want you to make love to me.
Ei nainen piittaa, mistä mies saa elantonsa - vaan siitä, miten hän rakasteleeA woman doesn't care how a man makes his living... only how he makes love.
En makaa kanssasi tietääkseni, miten ranskalaistyttö rakastelee.What? Forget it. I am sure i'm going to go to bed with you so i can see how some stupid french girl makes love.
Erityisesti kun hän lauloi, "Hän ottaa aivan kuin nainen." "Ja hän rakastelee aivan kuin nainen.Especially when he sang, "She takes just like a woman... and she makes love just like a woman.
Hän on hammaslääkärin avustaja Carbondalesta. Ja hän rakastelee kuin hammaslääkärin avustaja.Look,she's a dental hygiest from carbondale, and she makes love like one.
Hän rakastelee kaunista Clairea.He makes love to a pretty girl named Claire.
"Kruuna, me rakastelemme.- Heads, we make love. Tails, I go away and don't bother you again.
- Haluan nähdä meidät kun rakastelemme.I want to be able to see us when we make love.
- Luuletko, että joku päivä me rakastelemme?- You think someday we'll make love?
- Me rakastelemme, idiootti.We're gonna make love, you idiot. AII right!
-Haluatko katsoa, kun rakastelemme?Would you like to watch us make love? No.
Jos rakastelette kanssani.If you make love to me.
Niinpä haluan, että sinä ja Matthew - rakastelette edessäni.So I'd like you... and Matthew... to make love in front of me.
Pane penni purkkiin joka kerran, kun rakastelette 1 . aviovuotena - ja ota penni pois joka kerran, kun rakastelette 2. aviovuotena.If you put a penny in a jar every time you make love in the first year of marriage, and then you take a penny out of the jar every time you make love in the second year, you know what you have?
Varmistakaa vain, - että rakastelette vähintään kerran viikossa ja jatkatte terapiaa.Just make sure... to make love at least once a week and continue therapy.
- He tekevät asioita yhdessä. Kuten rakastelevat.They do things together... like make love.
- Kuinkahan usein he rakastelevat?- How often do you think they make love?
Catherine on kaunis ja perheessä on ongelmia ja he rakastelevat.So Catherine's young and pretty... and she comes from an unhappy family... and they make love.
Charlotte, ajat samalla tavalla kuin vanhukset rakastelevat.You drive like old people make love.
Ei, kalat rakastelevat siinä.No, thank you, sir. No. Fish make love in it.
- Eli siis rakastelin?Oh, made love.
-Mitä tapahtui sille, jonka kanssa rakastelin vessassa?I'm doing it for you guys. What happened to the guy I made love with in the bathroom of Kentucky Fried Chicken?
60-luvulla rakastelin monia naisia, usein ulkona mudassa ja sateessa.In the'60s, I made love to many, many women. Often outdoors. In the mud and the rain.
Aamu oli aurinkoinen, rakastelin vaimoani, söin maukasta munakasta - ja voitin nämä.A fantastic start. I woke up to a gloriously sunny day, made love to my wife... had the finest Swiss cheese omelette since time began... and then I won this at the craps table.
Aluksi se oli silkkaa laskelmointia kun rakastelin hänen kanssaan.At first, it was totally a question of expediency when l made love with him.
- Sinä rakastelit sen miehen kanssa...- You made love to a man...
- Sinä tulit sinä iltana tänne ja rakastelit kanssani kiihkeästi. Et kertonut, mitä oli tapahtunut.You came here that night and you made love to me... and it was so intense and so passionate, but you hadn't even talked to me.
Etkö loukannut perhettäsi, kun rakastelit kanssani?You weren't disrespecting your family when you made love to me?
Ja koska viimeksi rakastelit minua?And when was the last time you made love to me?
Kauanko siitä on ollut, kun viimeksi rakastelit naisen kanssa?How long has it been since you've made love to a woman?
"Tällä paikalla lordi Nelson rakasteli lady Hamiltonin kanssa."Always. "We are now passing the spot "where Lord Nelson first made love to Lady Hamilton."
- Joe Strummer luultavasti - rakasteli äitisi kanssa, ja teki siitä laulun, Al.Joe Strummer most likely made love to your mother Al and wrote a song about it.
-Winston rakasteli häntä.- He made love to her.
Anteeksi, rakasteli lammasta.Sorry, he made love with a sheep.
Hän rakasteli kanssani ja sanoi sitten, että minun täytyy lähteä, - koska hänellä on treffit.He made love to me and then said I had to leave because he has a date.
"Me rakastelimme 14 tuntia."We made love for 1 4 hours."
- Me rakastelimme juuri.'We made love.
- Mehän rakastelimme juuri.All right, we just made love.
- Mehän rakastelimme.- But you made love to me.
- Muistatko sen parkkipaikan - jossa rakastelimme Volvosi penkillä joulujuhlien jälkeen?Howard, you remember that lay-by we made love in after the Christmas party? - In your Volvo.
Eikö niin? Kun hän oli hereillä, te rakastelitte.And while she was awake, you made love.
Eilisiltana, kun te rakastelitte.Last night, when they made love.
Ennen kuin rakastelitte.Before you made love?
Ja te rakastelitte.And you made love to him.
Jos saan kysyä, milloin rakastelitte viimeksi?- Lf you don't mind me asking. When was the last time you and your wife made love?
"Hikisinä ja yhtyneinä he rakastelivat naisen kotimaan hiekkarannoilla.""about her dream, the two of them together, their "bodies covered in sweat as they made love on the crystal white sands of her homeland."
Aikaisemmin illalla Eddie ja Cheryl rakastelivat.Earlier in the evening, Eddie and Cheryl made love.
Entä sitten, jos he rakastelivat?So they had made love, so?
He kävivät tanssimassa ja rakastelivat auton takapenkillä.They went out dancing. They made love in the back seats of cars.
He rakastelivat Afroditeen temppelissä.They made love in the temple of Aphrodite.
Jos lupaisit, rakastelisin heti kanssasi.If you did that, I would make love to you right now.
Olin tuomittu kohtaloon jossa rakastelisin äitini kanssa Ja siittäisin hirviömäisiä lapsia!It was destined that I would make love with my mother and that I would beget monstrous children!
Unelmoimme, että pyhimykset rakastelisivat sängyssä.We enacted how each saint would make love in bed.
- Kapua sänkyyn, Randy, ja rakastele minua, - kuten isäsi rakastelee äitiäsi.Catalina ? Climb in bed, Randy, and make love to me the way your father does to your mother.
- Miksemme enää rakastele?Why don't we make love?
- Miksemme rakastele?So why don't we make love?
- Ole hiljaa ja rakastele kanssani.Shut up and make love to me already.
Eikä rakastele.Does not make love.
Ottakaa lasi grappaa, tulkaa tänne ja rakastelkaa.Are you getting all this? After dinner, grappa-- one glass-- then bring her home, make love to her-- two Viagra-- any questions?
Syökää, tupakoikaa, haaveilkaa, rakastelkaaEat, smoke, dream, make love.
Clark Kent toi minut tähän hotelliin rakastellakseen kanssani.Clark Kent brought me up to this hotel to make love to me.
"Kaksi ihmistä rakastelemassa.""Two people making love."
Luulin olevani yksin - mutta pelialueella olikin nuoripari rakastelemassa.I thought I was alone, but down on the 50-yard line there was a young couple making love.
Mies vastaa: "Kaksi ihmistä rakastelemassa."And the man says, "Two people making love."
Minun ääneni rakastelemassa miehen kanssa joka ei ollut Phil - oli kuin huuto Bubban korvaan - Luojalta itseltään.The sounds of me making love to a man who wasn't Phil was like a shout in Bubba's ear from the creator himself.
Pash, oletko koskaan ajatellut vanhempiasi rakastelemassa?Pash. Have you ever thought about your parents making love?
Ja nyt, jos olet kiinnostunut menemään yläkertaan ja rakastelemaan miehesi kanssa vain itsesi vuoksi...Now if you're interested in going upstairs and making love to your husband simply because you...
Ja rakastelemaan kuin lähetyssaarnaaja.Mm-hm. And making love like a missionary.
Juttelin äidin kanssa ja yksi asia johti toiseen, Ja päädyimme rakastelemaan autoni takapenkille.I went round to my girlfriend's house to see if they'd have her back and what have you and he wasn't there, so I had a word with her mum and one thing led to another and we ended up making... making love in the back of my van.
Olemme hiipineet projektorihuoneeseen lounastunnilla rakastelemaan.We've been sneaking into the projection room on our lunch hour and making love.
Paras tapa todistaa se oli huijata joku teistä rakastelemaan häntä.And the best way to do that was to trick one of you two into making love to her.
Holdenilla on se käsitys - että voimme tuhlata koko päivän Gable Creekissä - dippailemalla iholta ja rakastelemalla.Holden had the notion to spend the day skinny-dipping and making love.
Kerro minulle, elätkö loput päiväsi rakastelematta?Tell me, will you live the rest of your days without making love?
Oli mukavaa olla rakastelematta.It was nice not making love.
Eikö sinusta lakimiehesi kanssa rakasteleminen, olisi näppärä tapa kostaa hänelle?Don't you think making love to your divorce lawyer would be a nifty way to get back at him?
Ensimmäisen miehen tappaminen, - oli kuin rakasteleminen ensi kertaa.Killing my first man... was like making love to my first woman.
Jalkapallon pelaaminen on kuin erittäin kauniin naisen rakasteleminen.That football is like making love to a really beautiful woman.
Minulla on vain yksi tapa unohtaa. Ja se on rakasteleminen.I have only one way to forget the things that I don't want to remember and that way is through making love.
Onko rakasteleminen pelkkää kilpailua?Is making love really nothing more than a pop quiz?
Ajattele rakastelemista avoautossa.Think of making love as being, say, on a roller coaster.
Eivät ajattele muuta kuin rakastelemista.They think about nothing but making love.
Ensimmäisen miehen tappaminen, - oli kuin rakastelemista ensi kertaa.Killing my first man... was like making love to my first woman.
Hetken aikaa ajattelin rakastelemista kanssasi.For a moment there, I thought of making love to you.
Kaipasin rakastelemista kanssasi.God, I missed making love with you.
"Mikä oli vaimosi mielestä - "eksoottisin paikka jossa olet häntä rakastellut?""Where did your wife say... was the most exotic place you ever made love?"
- En ole vielä rakastellut häntä.you could think of me? Well, I haven't made love to him yet.
- Kuin olisin rakastellut meteoriparven kanssa.- Like I made love to a meteor shower.
- Ole koskaan rakastellut naisen kanssa?- Never made love to a woman?
- Oletko koskaan rakastellut pilvessä? - Minäkö?- Have you ever made love high?

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