Debe saber que si hago la operación tendré que perforar el útero. | I have to tell you that if I do the surgery, I'll need to perforate the uterus. |
Debía perforar el cráneo y llegar al cerebro con una especie de pequeño arpón. | He had to perforate the skull and reach the brain, with something like a small harpoon. |
La que tenía puntas del codo y amenazó con perforar, un boquete en tu caja torácica y convertirte en un planetario? | The one who had the elbow spikes and threatened to perforate you, stick a light in your ribcage and turn you into a planetarium? |
La úlcera se va a perforar. | That ulcer's going to perforate. |
La causa de la muerte fue hemorragia sangrante. de los dos puntos de su cuello, separados 25 milímetros uno de los cuales perforo la carótida | Cause of death was exsanguinating haemorrhage from the two puncture wounds to her neck, 25 millimetres apart, one of which perforated the carotid artery. |
Meatravesasteel hombroycasi me perforas el pulmón. | Well, you perforated my shoulder and damn near got my lung. |
Al insertar la caña en el canal medular, perfora y destruye la médula espinal, suprimiendo así los reflejos del animal. | When inserting the cane in the channel of the medular, it perforates and it destroys the spinal marrow, suppressing therefore the reflections of the animal. |
Le dispararon una ráfaga con una Scorpion 765 que le perfora los pulmones. | It fired a burst with a Scorpion 765 that perforates the lungs. |
Una bala perfora tu corazón. | A bullet perforates your heart. |
Oh, mira esas luces oh, siento que perforan mi alma | look at spaces in white in that. I Feel like them would perforate my soul. |
Para despellejarlas, las ovejas se "perforan". | In order to skin them, the sheep perforate themselves. |
Le perforaste la nariz. | You perforated his septum. |
Le perforaste un pulmón. | You perforated his lung. |
- La bala perforó su pulmón izquierdo. | The bullet perforated his left lung. |
- Se le perforó. | - He's perforated. |
Al parecer, la bala perforó el corazón branquial y acabó en el corazón oxigenador. | Looks like the bullet perforated the bronchial hearts and lodged right in the oxygenating heart. |
Alguna clase de proyectil perforó la arteria ilíaca. | Some kind of a projectile perforated the iliac artery. |
Bueno, la bala perforó la vena braquiocefálica derecha... y la arteria torácica interna. | Well, the bullet perforated the right brachio-cophalic vein and the internal uhoracic! |
Las proximas dos rondas fueron a su abdomen perforaron su estomago y su intestino delgado probablemente lo puso en el suelo | The next two rounds went into his abdomen, perforated his stomach and lower intestine. Probably put him on the ground. |
Y en lo tocante a las punciones, perforaron la piel, la grasa subcutánea, el músculo abdominal y el peritoneo. | As for the, uh, puncturing implements, they perforated the skin, subcutaneous fat, abdominal muscle, and the peritoneum. |
Si no lo llevamos a que le hagan una cirugía ahora su estómago se perforará. | If we don't get him to surgery now, his stomach will perforate. |
¡Ya me oíste, cabezón, salgan del auto antes de que los perfore! | You heard me, pinhead. Get outta the car before I perforate you. |
Ve a que te perforen la piel, imbécil. | Go and get your skin perforated, you idiot. |
¿Te puedes creer que esa gente haga cola para que le perforen los tímpanos? | Can you believe that people actually wait in line to have their ear drums perforated? |
- Debe tener un intestino perforado. | She must have a perforated bowel. |
- El borde no está perforado. | Well there's no perforated edge right? |
-No tiene borde perforado. | Well, there's no perforated edge, right? |
Buster heredó el corazón perforado y Gob, las entradas. Nosotros nos salvamos. | Buster got a perforated heart and Gob got that receding hairline... but you and I pretty much dodged the bullet. |
Columna lacerada esternón quebrado clavícula hecha trizas hígado perforado y una gran jaqueca. | Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache. |
El arma pudo haber pasado a través del octavo espacio intercostal, perforando el pulmón, provocando que se desangrase hasta la muerte. | The weapon could have passed through the eighth intercostal space, perforating the lung, causing her to bleed to death. |
La primera bala entró en el abdomen de tu padre, perforando el intestino y yendo a parar cerca de la columna. | Uh, the first round entered your father's abdomen, perforating the bowel and coming to rest near the spine. |
Laceraciones en la arteria meníngea media, y una lesión perforando el cerebro. | Lacerations to the middle meningeal artery, and a perforating injury to the brain. |
Se tiene que hacer, Jordi, si no el hueso acabará perforando el muñón, y eso es muy doloroso, créeme. | -It has to be done, Jordi, otherwise, the bone will end up by perforating the stump, and that's very painful, believe me. |
Si pensabas que era Skull perforando su sala de estar con el laser el fuego de tu propio jet, tendrías razón. | If you thought it was Red Skull perforating your living room with laser fire from your own jet, you'd be right. |