Obsesionar (to obsess) conjugation

73 examples

Conjugation of obsesionar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I obsess
you obsess
he/she/it obsesses
we obsess
you all obsess
they obsess
Present perfect tense
he obsesionado
I have obsessed
has obsesionado
you have obsessed
ha obsesionado
he/she/it has obsessed
hemos obsesionado
we have obsessed
habéis obsesionado
you all have obsessed
han obsesionado
they have obsessed
Past preterite tense
I obsessed
you obsessed
he/she/it obsessed
we obsessed
you all obsessed
they obsessed
Future tense
I will obsess
you will obsess
he/she/it will obsess
we will obsess
you all will obsess
they will obsess
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would obsess
you would obsess
he/she/it would obsess
we would obsess
you all would obsess
they would obsess
Past imperfect tense
I used to obsess
you used to obsess
he/she/it used to obsess
we used to obsess
you all used to obsess
they used to obsess
Past perfect tense
había obsesionado
I had obsessed
habías obsesionado
you had obsessed
había obsesionado
he/she/it had obsessed
habíamos obsesionado
we had obsessed
habíais obsesionado
you all had obsessed
habían obsesionado
they had obsessed
Future perfect tense
habré obsesionado
I will have obsessed
habrás obsesionado
you will have obsessed
habrá obsesionado
he/she/it will have obsessed
habremos obsesionado
we will have obsessed
habréis obsesionado
you all will have obsessed
habrán obsesionado
they will have obsessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I obsess
(if/so that) you obsess
(if/so that) he/she/it obsess
(if/so that) we obsess
(if/so that) you all obsess
(if/so that) they obsess
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya obsesionado
I have obsessed
hayas obsesionado
you have obsessed
haya obsesionado
he/she/it has obsessed
hayamos obsesionado
we have obsessed
hayáis obsesionado
you all have obsessed
hayan obsesionado
they have obsessed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have obsessed
(if/so that) you have obsessed
(if/so that) he/she/it have obsessed
(if/so that) we have obsessed
(if/so that) you all have obsessed
(if/so that) they have obsessed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have obsessed
(if/so that) you have obsessed
(if/so that) he/she/it have obsessed
(if/so that) we have obsessed
(if/so that) you all have obsessed
(if/so that) they have obsessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera obsesionado
I had obsessed
hubieras obsesionado
you had obsessed
hubiera obsesionado
he/she/it had obsessed
hubiéramos obsesionado
we had obsessed
hubierais obsesionado
you all had obsessed
hubieran obsesionado
they had obsessed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese obsesionado
I had obsessed
hubieses obsesionado
you had obsessed
hubiese obsesionado
he/she/it had obsessed
hubiésemos obsesionado
we had obsessed
hubieseis obsesionado
you all had obsessed
hubiesen obsesionado
they had obsessed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have obsessed
(if/so that) you will have obsessed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have obsessed
(if/so that) we will have obsessed
(if/so that) you all will have obsessed
(if/so that) they will have obsessed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere obsesionado
I will have obsessed
hubieres obsesionado
you will have obsessed
hubiere obsesionado
he/she/it will have obsessed
hubiéremos obsesionado
we will have obsessed
hubiereis obsesionado
you all will have obsessed
hubieren obsesionado
they will have obsessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's obsess!
Imperative negative mood
no obsesiones
do not obsess!
no obsesione
let him/her/it obsess!
no obsesionemos
let us not obsess!
no obsesionéis
do not obsess!
no obsesionen
do not obsess!

Examples of obsesionar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Voy a volver a obsesionar a Camomile White.I'm going to go back to obsessing over Camomile White.
"Protejo la inocente lluvia en sus paseos, me obsesiono por la muerte de mi padre ¡y molesto a los que roban cosas! ""I protect the innocent rain on everyone's parade, obsess about my dad's death and bother people who steal things!"
"Usted quiere que yo diga que yo me obsesiono? ""You want me to say that I'm obsessed?"
A veces encuentro un hombre con el que yo me obsesiono.Sometimes, I meet a man that I obsess over a little bit myself.
Así que me obsesiono con cosas, colecciono cosas, ya sabes, tengo tantos papelitos y recortes, de cosas que se encuentran por la calle, o cubiertas.So l get obsessed about things, l collect things, you know, l've got so many bits and scraps of paper, of things that you find on the street, or wrappers.
Bueno, Henry se obsesiono bastante con este lugar, uh, después de que descubrió los cuerpos en el granero.Well, Henry became pretty obsessed with this place, uh, after he discovered the bodies in the barn.
- ...cuando tienes mucho tiempo libre estás por aquí y te obsesionas con esto y te vuelves loca.- "Little test"? - ...when you had too much time on your hands, you'd sit around here and obsess about it and drive yourself crazy.
- Te obsesionas.- You're obsessing.
Bueno, siempre te obsesionas con el césped cuando hay algo que te preocupa.Well, you always obsess about the lawn when there's something bothering you.
Bueno, sí, vale, creo que te obsesionas con los casos, y piensas que yo los evito.I mean, yeah, okay, I think that you obsess about cases, and you think I avoid them.
Cuando te obsesionas con el enemigo, te conviertes en el enemigo.When you become obsessed with the enemy, you become the enemy.
"El impulso a rebelarse ahora obsesiona nuestras mentes... "The urge to rebel now obsesses our minds..."
Bueno, te diré algo... ¿sabes quién se obsesiona con la debilidad?Well, I'll tell you... you know who obsesses about weakness?
El episodio obsesiona tanto a 51, que lo comentará con su amante, Sarah Robski.That episodes obsesses 51 so much, that he retells it to his lover, Sarah Robski.
En París tengo una posibilidad de dar con éI y eso me obsesiona.There's a tiny chance I might find him in Paris: It obsesses me.
Es sólo que la forma en que se obsesiona sobre el asunto de la virginidad me asusta.Just the way she obsesses Over the virginity issue scares me.
Así que nos obsesionamos con estas tontas pequeñeces.So we obsess on these silly little things.
De todas formas, si queremos seguir adelante, debemos aprender a olvidar. Si nos obsesionamos con el pasado, nos hacemos débiles.However, if we are to move on, we must also learn to forget if we're obsessed with the past, we are powerless
Durante un mes nos obsesionamos con Terri Schiavo pero ¿osamos mostrar el cadáver de un soldado?We'll spend a month obsessing about Terri Shiva... but dare we show a body oaf fallen soldier?
Hablamos de chicos, nos obsesionamos con el cuerpo y nos burlamos de la gente.Talk about boys, obsess about our bodies, and make fun of people.
Luego nos obsesionamos con la llamada casual.Then we obsess about the casual call.
Sois vosotros los que os obsesionáis con los linajes.You guys are the ones who are obsessed with names.
"¿Por qué los tíos se obsesionan tanto por esto?"Why are guys so obsessed with this?
- Magnífico. Muchos se obsesionan en limpiar la empuñadura y el gatillo.Most people get obsessed cleaning the grip and trigger.
- Te obsesionan los enanos.- You're obsessed with midgets! - No, I'm not!
- Yo se como ustedes los nerds se obsesionan con los lentes solo quiero ayudarte a escoger algunos.I know how you neuro-typical people are obsessed with having friends. I'm only trying to help you get some.
- ¿Por qué todos se obsesionan con eso?- Why is everybody obsessed with that?
Al final evité el tema, lo aplacé y me obsesioné con ella, y con encontrar el momento apropiado de decírselo.So in the end I hedged and procrastinated and... obsessed over her. And over the right moment to speak.
Allí rápidamente me obsesioné con la ciencia de la electricidad.Here I quickly became obsessed with the science of electricity.
Bien, quizá me obsesioné un poco.Okay, maybe I'm a little bit obsessed.
Como que me obsesioné con él.€ I kind of became obsessed with him-
Convencido de que la muerte de mis padres no fue un accidente me obsesioné con la magia negra y las maldiciones antiguas.Convinced my parents' death was no accident... I became obsessed with dark magic and ancient curses.
La última vez que te obsesionaste tanto, lo atrapaste.The last time you obsessed this much, you caught him.
Lo que sea, dijo que salisteis un par de veces y entonces te dio una patada y tú te obsesionaste con ella.Anyway, she said you guys went out a couple times and then she dumped you and you became obsessed with her.
Ni bien pudiste hablar, te obsesionaste con Wammy.As soon as you could talk, you were obsessed with Wammy.
Perdiste el enfoque, te obsesionaste.You lost focus, became obsessed.
Piensan que comenzaste como una agente ambiciosa y luego te obsesionaste con este fantasma.They think you started out as an ambitious federal agent and you became obsessed by this phantom.
- Se obsesionó con ella.No. You became obsessed with her.
-Uno se obsesionó con Donna.- One's obsessed with Donna.
A Peter le hizo muy bien cuando se obsesionó con su mundo de fantasía.I mean, it really helped Peter out... when he became obsessed with that fantasy world of his.
Agustín se obsesionó con la fuente del pecado en la desobediencia a Dios de Adán y Eva, y su respuesta fue un legado para la Iglesia Latina Occidental, una idea que ha sido encontrada por todos los Cristianos en la Biblia - el pecado original.Augustine became obsessed with the source of sin in Adam and Eve's disobedience to God, and his answer bequeathed the Western Latin Church an idea which not every Christian has found in the Bible - original sin.
Ahí fue donde se obsesionó con el Rey.That's where he became obsessed with the King.
Adolf Hitler y su círculo íntimo se obsesionaron con las ciencias ocultas, creían que las artes oscuras eran clave para su plan de dominar al mundo.Adolf Hitler and his inner circle became obsessed with the occult, believing that the black arts were key to their plan for world domination.
Adolf Hitler y su círculo íntimo se obsesionaron con las ciencias ocultas, creían que las artes oscuras eran clave para su plan de dominar el mundo.Adolf Hitler and his inner circle became obsessed with the occult, believing that the black arts were key to their plan for world domination.
Años de observación de pacientes en la sala de operaciones obsesionaron a Hameroff en intentar comprender el vínculo entre actividad cerebral y consciencia.Years watching over patients in the operating room made Hameroff obsessed with understanding the link between brain activity and consciousness.
Después se lo enseñó a Kevin, y se obsesionaron, y había trocitos de papel por todo el apartamento.Then she taught it to Kevin, and they got obsessed, and there were little pieces of paper all over the apartment.
Hace años, se obsesionaron con la magia negra, necromancia, hechizos de inmortalidad.Years ago, they got obsessed with dark magic, necromancy, immortality spells.
La prensa se obsesionará con esto.The press will obsess about those.
Comenzó a trabajar en el retrato, que lo obsesionaría el resto de su vida.He begins to work on the portrait, that would obsess him to the rest of his life.
Durante los siguientes 10 años una pregunta obsesionaría a cientos de mundos.For the next 10 years... one question would obsess 100 worlds:
Son todos títulos por los que un adolescente se obsesionaría pero Randy hizo esa lista cuando Brandon era solo un niño.These are all titles that a teenage kid would obsess over, but Randy made that list when Brandon was just a kid.
- No quiero que se obsesione.- I don't want him obsessed.
-Pero debo recordarle antes de que una leyenda urbana obsesione a la otra que esta noche será el anfitrión de la Expo Energía aquí.-Yes, well, might I remind you before one urban legend becomes too obsessed with another you are hosting the Wayne Industries Energy Expo here tonight.
Así que, por favor, ¿podrías ser más preciso, en lugar de decirme "que no me obsesione"?Well, I'm stopping to say this so be more precise instead of calling a person something like "obsessive"!
De todas formas, me parece muy bien que te obsesione el matrimonio.I think it's great to be obsessed with marriage.
Es tan extraño que se obsesione con estas cosas, ¿sabes?It's so weird the way he gets obsessed with these things, you know?
! podíamos encontrar a la paciente u otros colegas que sepan de sus obsesiones...we could find the patient she told you about, other colleagues he developed obsessions with.
"No se preocupe, hay obsesiones peores que el ajedrez.""Don't worry, there are worse things to be obsessed by then chess".
"Nos hace sentir con fuerza las obsesiones..."We feel strongly obsessions...
- Bueno, no te obsesiones con eso.Well, don't obsess about it.
- Dime, esas obsesiones...- Say, this obsessions ...
No me sorprende que nos obsesionemos con el trasero.- You know, it's no wonder we have such an obsession with the posterior.
No se como alguien puede tener sentido de si mismo en estos... tiempos modernos, fracturados de media... tiranizado, fascista, obsesionad con el cuerpo.... dominación global, turbulencia política, human...I don't know how anyone can have a sense of self in this... fractured modern time of mediate... tiranized, fascist, body-obsessed... global domination, political turmoil, human...
" Está obsesionado luchando por su padre. ""He's obsessed with fighting for his father."
"El señor Saldua, ahora obsesionado con su propia recuperación,"Mr. Saldua, now obsessed with his own recovery,
"Estoy loco, loco, obsesionado ...""I'm crazy, mad, obsessed.." "in her memories, I live.
"Estoy obsesionado.""I'm obsessed"
"Estoy tan obsesionado contigo...""I'm so obsessed with you..."
- Te estás obsesionando.- You're obsessing.
Abby, ¿no crees que te estás obsesionando?Abby, don't you think you're obsessing?
Bien Daniel, no me extraña que estuvieras obsesionando con venir aquí.Well, Daniel, no wonder you've been obsessing about coming here.
Creo que te estás obsesionando.I think you're obsessing.
El problema que me has causado me está obsesionando.The problem you've raised is obsessing me.

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