- Has tenido que intubar, ¿no? | - You had to intubate? - Sats were low. |
- Hay que intubar! | - We need to intubate! |
- Hay que intubar, 7,5. | - We need to intubate, 7.5. |
- Hay que intubar. | - I need to intubate. |
- Listo para intubar. | - Ready to intubate. |
- Cuando entres le intubo. | - I'll intubate after it's in. |
- Yo le intubo. 8.0. | - I'll intubate, 8.0. |
Lo que quiero decir es que cada vez que intubo a un paciente recuerdo lo lejos que hemos llegado gracias a los logros del "Dr. King". | Point is every time I intubate a patient, I am reminded of how far we've come because of the accomplishments of "Dr. King." |
Bueno, así es como intuba un residente de segundo año. | Now, that is how a second-year resident intubates. |
Le punzamos e intubamos en el escenario. | We needled his chest and intubated in the field. |
Lo bajé de un autobús. con problemas respiratorios y lo intubamos. | I carried him off a city bus in respiratory distress and we intubated him. |
Lo sedamos, intubamos, colocamos tubos toráricos bilaterales para descompresion. | We sedated, intubated, placed bilateral chest tubes for decompression. |
Muy bien, lo intubamos. | - [Monitor beeping steadily] - Drew: All right, we got her intubated. |
Primero le intubamos y luego encontramos la última voluntad. | We intubated him first, and then we found the DNR. |
Sí, intubé a una paciente que no quería ser resucitada. | Yeah, I intubated a DNR patient. |
También lo intubó. | Also she intubated. |
Le hicieron unos diez minutos de RCP y la intubaron. | They did about ten minutes of cpr and intubated her. |
Lo intubaron y le pusieron suero. | He has been intubated and placed on multiple IV drips. |
Por favor, mire... cuando lo operaron, lo intubaron. | Come on, look. When you had your surgery, you were intubated. |
Bueno, enfermera, necesito que lo intube. | Now, nurse, I need him intubated. |
Dra. Pineda, intube, por favor. | Dr. Pineda, intubate, please. |
Una vez que lo intube, os dejaré la cirugía a vosotros. | Once he intubates, I will leave the surgery to you. |
Y mi intuición me dice que le intube | Yeah, and my gut says intubate. |
¿Tiempo antes que intubes? | How long before we can intubate? |
Dr. Warren, intubemos. | Dr. Warren, let's intubate. |
Señora Martin, ¿quiere que la intubemos? | Mrs. Martin, do you want us to intubate? |
Si, hasta que lo intubemos. | Yeah, for a few minutes till we get him intubated. |
- Aseguren vías respiratorias e intuben. | - Secure an airway and intubate. |
- Está intubado e hipotenso. | - He's intubated and hypotensive. |
- He intubado... | - I've intubated... |
- Los paramédicos le han intubado. | - Paramedics intubated him. |
- Luka, has estado paralizado e intubado. | - Luka, you were paralyzed and intubated. |
- Séptico, intubado... | - He's septic, intubated... |
- Sí, Pratt lo está intubando. | Pratt's intubating. |
La están intubando para ayudarla a respirar. | They're intubating her to help her breathe. |
Luka, el residente está intubando. | Luka. Luka, that R2 is intubating. |
Si no, uno que sea experto intubando. | Or failing that, one who is adept at intubating. |
Tal vez por eso su cricotirotomía no tuvo éxito y no pudo hallar el cartílago y tuvo problema intubando, lo que privó de aire a la paciente durante como tres minutos. | Well, then it's possible that's why your cricothyroidectomy was unsuccessful and possibly why you couldn't find the cartilage and why you were having trouble intubating, which deprived the patient of air for something like three minutes. |