Incorporar (to incorporate) conjugation

64 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: fold, to fold, stir gently

Conjugation of incorporar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I incorporate
you incorporate
he/she/it incorporates
we incorporate
you all incorporate
they incorporate
Present perfect tense
he incorporado
I have incorporated
has incorporado
you have incorporated
ha incorporado
he/she/it has incorporated
hemos incorporado
we have incorporated
habéis incorporado
you all have incorporated
han incorporado
they have incorporated
Past preterite tense
I incorporated
you incorporated
he/she/it incorporated
we incorporated
you all incorporated
they incorporated
Future tense
I will incorporate
you will incorporate
he/she/it will incorporate
we will incorporate
you all will incorporate
they will incorporate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would incorporate
you would incorporate
he/she/it would incorporate
we would incorporate
you all would incorporate
they would incorporate
Past imperfect tense
I used to incorporate
you used to incorporate
he/she/it used to incorporate
we used to incorporate
you all used to incorporate
they used to incorporate
Past perfect tense
había incorporado
I had incorporated
habías incorporado
you had incorporated
había incorporado
he/she/it had incorporated
habíamos incorporado
we had incorporated
habíais incorporado
you all had incorporated
habían incorporado
they had incorporated
Future perfect tense
habré incorporado
I will have incorporated
habrás incorporado
you will have incorporated
habrá incorporado
he/she/it will have incorporated
habremos incorporado
we will have incorporated
habréis incorporado
you all will have incorporated
habrán incorporado
they will have incorporated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I incorporate
(if/so that) you incorporate
(if/so that) he/she/it incorporate
(if/so that) we incorporate
(if/so that) you all incorporate
(if/so that) they incorporate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya incorporado
I have incorporated
hayas incorporado
you have incorporated
haya incorporado
he/she/it has incorporated
hayamos incorporado
we have incorporated
hayáis incorporado
you all have incorporated
hayan incorporado
they have incorporated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have incorporated
(if/so that) you have incorporated
(if/so that) he/she/it have incorporated
(if/so that) we have incorporated
(if/so that) you all have incorporated
(if/so that) they have incorporated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have incorporated
(if/so that) you have incorporated
(if/so that) he/she/it have incorporated
(if/so that) we have incorporated
(if/so that) you all have incorporated
(if/so that) they have incorporated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera incorporado
I had incorporated
hubieras incorporado
you had incorporated
hubiera incorporado
he/she/it had incorporated
hubiéramos incorporado
we had incorporated
hubierais incorporado
you all had incorporated
hubieran incorporado
they had incorporated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese incorporado
I had incorporated
hubieses incorporado
you had incorporated
hubiese incorporado
he/she/it had incorporated
hubiésemos incorporado
we had incorporated
hubieseis incorporado
you all had incorporated
hubiesen incorporado
they had incorporated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have incorporated
(if/so that) you will have incorporated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have incorporated
(if/so that) we will have incorporated
(if/so that) you all will have incorporated
(if/so that) they will have incorporated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere incorporado
I will have incorporated
hubieres incorporado
you will have incorporated
hubiere incorporado
he/she/it will have incorporated
hubiéremos incorporado
we will have incorporated
hubiereis incorporado
you all will have incorporated
hubieren incorporado
they will have incorporated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's incorporate!
Imperative negative mood
no incorpores
do not incorporate!
no incorpore
let him/her/it incorporate!
no incorporemos
let us not incorporate!
no incorporéis
do not incorporate!
no incorporen
do not incorporate!

Examples of incorporar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Al elegir a convertirse en humano, ha elegido deliberadamente incorporar una aceleración del biodeterioro en sus propios genes.By electing to become human, he has deliberately chosen to incorporate accelerating bio-deterioration in his very genes.
Bueno. esto funciona así, voy a hacerte una pregunta... y tu trata de incorporar la pregunta en tu respuesta.Okay. The way this works is, I'll ask you a question... You try to incorporate the question into your response.
Creemos que podría producir la tecnología para incorporar un motor electrónico en sus modelos actuales.We believe we could produce the technology to incorporate an electronic motor in your current models.
De cualquier forma... podemos almacenar cada aspecto de tu actividad en el juego y luego escoger qué vamos a incorporar en nuestro escenario de entrenamientoAnyway, we can store every aspect of your activity in the game, then later choose what to incorporate into our programming of the training scenario.
Durante 10 años, Jiro contempló modos de incorporar este concepto a su menú. Siete años atrás, ideó la estructura del curso de sabores que sirve hoy.For ten years, Jiro pondered ways to incorporate this concept into his menu.
La primera cosa que pensé es como incorporo sal en mi postre, porque me gustan los margaritas.First thing I think about is how I can incorporate salt into my dessert, because I like margaritas.
- Entonces, ¿tú los incorporas?So, you incorporate it?
Me encanta cuando estás en el medio de un sueño y se enciende el despertador; e incorporas el sonido al sueño para poder seguir durmiendo.I love when you're in the middle of a dream and your alarm goes off, you incorporate the sound into the dream so you can keep sleeping.
Me pareció maravilloso, pues yo era una directora bastante joven... ...observarcómofluyelavida y tú la incorporas.It was wonderful to me, because l was a fairly young director then, to observe that, to see how life comes in and you incorporate it.
Pero por otro lado, si la incorporas quién sabe qué conclusión puede surgir desde el fondo.But on the other hand, you incorporate it, and I don't know, who knows what insight might rise up here from the depths.
A estos seres nobles los llamamos Enciclópodos, porque su ADN incorpora el ADN de cada especie en extinción que fueron hallando, para así recrearla en caso de que se extinguiera.We call these noble beings the Encyclopods, because their DNA incorporates the DNA of every endangered species they encountered, so they can recreate them if they go extinct.
Alton hizo un film en particular que me parece muy influyente, llamado El Gran Combo, que es muy simple y poco elegante, y en cierta forma brutal, y que incorpora estos elementos gráficos y luminosos minimalistas.Alton did one picture particularly that I feel is very influential called The Big Combo which is a very simple, inelegant film, that is somewhat brutal in a way, but which incorporates these very sparse lighting elements and graphic elements
Aunque la Capoeira incorpora elementos de baile, es una forma altamente peligrosa de arte marcial.Although Capoeira incorporates elements of dance, it is a highly dangerous form of martial arts.
Bueno, todo lo que hacemos incorpora bits y piezas...Well, everything we do incorporates bits and pieces...
De esta sección cruzada, verán que incorpora un dispositivo que, para entendernos, puede describirse mejor como un telescopio electrónico.From this cross-section, you'll see that it incorporates a device which, in layman's terms, can best be described as an electronic telescope.
Frecuentemente incorporamos estímulos externos a nuestros sueños, música relojes despertadores.We frequently incorporate external stimuli into our dreams... music, alarm clocks.
Ha llegado hasta nosotros la imagen que este domingo incorporamos al culto con el nombre de El Cristo Del Océano y que espero sabréis venerar con vuestra devoción.And so this strange and mysterious... image has come down to us this Sunday... we'll incorporate it into our worship... with the name "The Christ of the Ocean"... and I hope you'll learn to venerate it... with your devotion.
Incorporamos no sólo el resto del mundo, sino que incorporamos nuestro propio conocimiento o quiénes somos y qué somos, lo que incluye cosas superficiales, físicas, como el hecho de que tenemos dos manos y cinco dedos en cada mano,We incorporate not only the rest of the world, but we incorporate our own understanding of who we are and what we are, which includes superficial, physical things like the fact that we have two hands and five fingers on each hand,
Mi esposa y yo incorporamos mucha tecnología en nuestra relación conyugal.Me and wifey, we incorporate a lot of technology in our marital relations.
Nos acostumbramos a la pena y simplemente lo incorporamos a nuestra rutina.We grow used to the sadness, simply incorporate it into our days.
- No nos incorporan,- We aren't incorporated.
Los encantos más poderosos siempre incorporan a Belladonna.Thank you. The most powerful spells... always incorporate belladonna.
Prometheus es la tercera de una serie de diseños que incorporan tecnología humana y alienígena.This is the third in a series of designs that incorporates human and alien technology.
Sus respuestas se incorporan al proceso y nosotros vemos los resultadosThose responses are then incorporated, processed, and we see the results.
Y es lo que incorporan a esa música.And that's what's incorporated.
Lo que no consideré era que, cuando incorporé en mi acto a ese hombre, él tenía todo el poder sobre mí.What I didn't count on was that when I incorporated this bloke into my act, he had complete power over me.
Pensé que sonaba bien, así que lo incorporé a mi repertorio.I thought it sounded good, so I incorporated it into my patter.
Sabía, unos 20, 30 minutos en ella, que no iba a funcionar, así que me incorporé un poco de chorizo, un poco de la rampa en el arroz, salteados eso por un minuto, y luego se cocina fuera con el conejo.I knew, about 20, 30 minutes into it, that wasn't going to work, so I incorporated a little bit of chorizo, a little bit of ramp into rice, sauteed that for a minute, and then cooked it off with the rabbit.
Se alimentan de una gran cantidad de nuestros árboles de corteza, así que conseguí un poco de corteza y la incorporé a mi sazón de estilo sureño.They eat a lot of our mesquite trees out there, so I shaved off some mesquite bark off the tree and incorporated it into my southwest cajun-style seasoning.
Sospecho que la escuchaste, y la incorporaste a tu sueño.I suspect you heard it, and incorporated it into your dream.
Sí, pero los incorporaste a tu mitología privada.Yeah, but you've incorporated it into your private mythology.
lncluso me incorporaste en el espectáculo.In fact, you even incorporated me into the show.
Aristófanes incorporó la arenga pólitica a sus comedias.Aristophanes incorporated political rallies in his comedies.
Así que el agente que escribió Alicia en el País de las maravillas incorporó artefactos a su narración.So the Warehouse agent who wrote Alice In Wonderland incorporated artifacts into the narrative.
Creo que el Dr. Soong los incorporó en mi programador de datos para que se activasen al alcanzar un cierto nivel de desarrollo.I believe Dr. Soong incorporated those circuits into my base programming intending to activate them once I had reached a certain level of development.
En la edad media se le incorporó... un componente oculto y muchos alquimistas... fueron quemados en la hoguera.In the Middle Ages it even incorporated an occult component and many alchemists were burned at the stake.
Este año, el MIT incorporó módulos a su diseño.This year, MIT has incorporated modularity into their design.
A cambio, los incorporaron a la milicia romana.ln exchange, these warriors were incorporated into the Roman military.
Ah, lo más interesante es, que los Antiguos parecían ser conscientes de las deficientes habilidades mímicas de las ballenas así que incorporaron un especie de filtro acústico del lenguaje dentro del receptor- Interesting thing is Ancients seemed aware of the whales'deficient mimicry skills. So they incorporated an acoustic language filter into the receiver.
Cuando se incorporaron, por supuesto, separaron con un muro las clases económicas.When they incorporated, they effectively put up a wall between the economic classes.
En algún momento los insectos se alimentaron de los humanos y de alguna forma incorporaron nuestro ADN al suyo.At some point, the insects fed on humans and somehow incorporated our DNA into theirs.
Ha dicho que incorporaron las ondas cerebrales de un investigador.You said they incorporated the brain patterns of one of their researchers.
A partir de mañana, de hecho, la Jefa Johnson estará dirigiendo una nueva división denominada "Crímenes Mayores", que incorporará unidades de homicidio de toda la ciudad.As of tomorrow, actually, deputy chief Johnson will be heading a new division called "major crimes," which will incorporate homicide units from across the city.
Así que continua enloqueciendo a Rachel Berry, la segunda fase incorporará al atormentador de Will Schuester.As you continue to gaslight Rachel Berry, phase two will incorporate the tormenting of Will Schuester.
El proyecto de Delrona Beach incorporará esta zona incluyendo el área entre Lincoln Beach y la Exley Plantation.The proposed boundary for Delrona Beach will incorporate this area including Lincoln Beach all the way to the Exley Plantation track.
Pero él incorporará kung fu...But he will incorporate kung fu as an homage to Chinese new wave cinema.
Yo incorporaría a mis propiedades la mina que ahora tiene la Sra. Ellsworth.I would incorporate into my holdings the claim now owned by Mrs. Ellsworth
Yo incorporaría en cualquier distribución la esquina de Wilshire y Grand.I would incorporate, in any distribution, the corner of Wilshire and Grand.
Asegúrate de que Wilhelmina las incorpore.make sure wilhelmina incorporates them.
El cual, después de que lo incorpore con otro nombre, valdrá muchísimo más que los 20 millones que nos estás ofreciendo.Which, after he incorporates under a different name, will be worth a hell of a lot more money than the $20 million that you're offering.
¿Quieres que incorpore las leyes estatales y federales a mi programa?Do you want me to incorporate state and federal law directly into my programming?
Pero si es ese el caso, Sugiero que incorporemos algo más que una tostadora esta vez.But if that's the case I suggest that we incorporate you with something other than a toaster oven this time.
Quiero que incorporen esto con colores vivos, básicos, en el poncho.l want you to incorporate these with bright, basic colors into your ponchos.
Todas las estructuras sociales, desde la infancia en la familia hasta la escuela, hacen que incorporen, que interioricen la relación masculino-femenino.It means that a gamut of social structures from childhood, in the family, at school, etc., lead them to incorporate, to internalise, the masculine/feminine relationship.
- No lo sé. Han incorporado su maquinaria a la nuestra.They've incorporated their own machine.
...y no permitas, Rey eterno, que quien en el bautismo fue incorporado a tu iglesia, se vea ahora alejado de Tí sino que por tus méritos gloriosos concédele el lugar de la luz, de la felicidad y de la paz,... and do not let eternal King, who in baptism was incorporated into your church, look away from you but by your glorious merits grant them the place of light, happiness and peace,
A lo largo de la historia que figura en los registros, los rituales de coronación han incorporado dispositivos como La Piedra del Destino, como una forma de relacionar al nuevo gobernante con seres superiores, que están más allá de nuestro mundo.Throughout recorded history, coronation rituals have incorporated devices like the Stone of Destiny as a way of linking the new ruler with superior beings beyond our world.
Ahora ya está plenamente incorporado en nuestra tribu.Now you're fully incorporated into our tribe.
Bienvenidos al asentamiento incorporado de los desterrados que llamamos orgullosamente "Los Suburbios".Welcome to the off-the-grid unincorporated settlement we proudly call "The Outlands."
"Línea completa de partes de interocitores... incorporando grandes avances que no sabemos aún en el campo de la electrónica.""Complete line of interocitor parts... incorporating greater advances than Hitherto known in the field of electronics".
De tal modo que cuando miramos estas construcciones, encontramos que están mapeadas de acuerdo al mismo principio. e incorporando la misma información.So when we look at these buildings, we find they are mapped according to the same principle, and incorporating the same information.
Desde el 11-S, el FBI recopila una base de datos de terroristas de todo el mundo incorporando archivos de los servicios de inteligencia de unos 70 países.Since 9/11, the bureau's compiled a worldwide terrorist database incorporating files from over 70 foreign intelligence services.
Este reloj del carruaje barroco... es un particular festivo favorito de mío... incorporando el Aleluya el Coro... del "Mesías" de Handel... todas las horas en la hora.This baroque carriage clock... is a particular festive favourite of mine... incorporating the Hallelujah Chorus... from Handel's "Messiah"... every hour on the hour.
Este árbol refleja la rica tradición de la Navidad de la isla, incorporando adornos tradicionales con un elemento de cristal irlandés.This tree reflects the rich Christmas tradition of island, incorporating traditional ornaments with an element of Irish crystal.

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