A veces me dan ganas de agredir a alguien. | At times, I'd like to assault someone. |
Diez horas antes de ir rogue, usted confesó públicamente a agredir a Lewis y mentir al respecto en el juicio. | Ten hours before you went rogue, you publicly confessed to assaulting Lewis and lying about it at his trial. |
La mujer que tú dices que intentó agredir, dijo que se sorprendió cuando lo vio, que se asustó, corrió y resbaló. | The woman you allege he intended to assault said she was surprised when she saw him, became scared, ran, then tripped. |
Les pagó a unos sujetos para agredir a otro. | He paid some guys in a bar to assault another guy. |
No tenía ningún derecho a agredir a un policía. | You had no right whatsoever to assault a police officer. |
-Los agredes. | -The assaulting. |
Esto no ayuda. ¡Eres duro y tú lo agredes cada que se mueve! | You're callous and you assault him. |
Te detienen y agredes al Oficial que hace el arresto. | You get pulled over and assault the arresting officer. |
Te sientes culpable y agredes a un policía. | The guilt again? You feel guilty, so you assault a cop. |
Primero lo agrede a usted, le quita su arma. | First he assaults you, takes your gun. |
Se droga, asalta "Il Giornale",... agrede a los trabajadores que no hacen huelga, secuestra dirigentes, inutiliza el camión de bomberos... | A drug addicted who assaults Il Giornale. He attacks workers that don't strike. |
¿Y luego agrede a Foster? | And then he assaults Foster? |
No agredimos a nuestros prisioneros. | We don't assault our prisoners. |
A la mayoría de las prostitutas las agreden violan, sin hablar de muertes. | Most prostitutes are assaulted or raped, left alone to murderers. |
Hace meses que no agreden a nadie. | There are few assaults. |
He sido perseguido por esa gente en todo el viaje, y ellos hablan cosas sin sentido todo el tiempo y tambien me agreden verbalmente. | I'd been chased by those same people that whole trip, and they were talking nonsense the whole time, like verbally assaulting me. |
Pero Denny Crane y su firma agreden al ambiente. | But Denny Crane's firm is assaulting the environment. |
¿Cómo vas preso por agresión cuando es a ti a quien agreden? | How do you go to prison for assault when you're the one that's assaulted? |
- Está enojada. Me temo que va a acudir a la policía y dirá que la agredí. | I'm afraid she's gonna go to the police, say I assaulted her. |
En la secundaria, estaba enamorado de ti y te agredí físicamente frente a un grupo de personas. | You were my high school crush, by the way, and I just physically assaulted you in front of a bunch of people. |
No los agredí. Simplemente... | I never assaulted them. |
Nunca agredí a nadie. | I never assaulted anyone. |
Si, pero en realidad nunca antes agredí a un auditor. | But l never actually assaulted an auditor before. |
- La mujer a la que agrediste. | - It's the woman you assaulted. |
- Técnicamente, agrediste a alguien. | - Technically you've assaulted someone. |
-Me agrediste. | ~ You assaulted me. |
Durante la Reunión de Estrategia, agrediste a un oficial superior. | During a strategy meeting, you assaulted a superior officer. |
El policía al que agrediste terminó dos meses en un hospital. ¿Qué esperabas? | Cop you assaulted ended up in hospital for two months. What did you expect? |
- En la playa donde agredió a la Sargento Bordey, - hubo un tiroteo allí hace dos noches. | The beach where you assaulted Sergeant Bordey, there was a shooting there two nights ago. |
- Es el tío que me agredió. | - That's the guy that assaulted me. |
- Esa mujer me agredió. | This woman assaulted me! |
- Este gordo matón me contagió una enfermedad venérea. Y me agredió. | - This fat bully gave me an s.T.D. And assaulted me. |
- Me agredió. | - He assaulted me. |
- Entonces cuando le asesinaron no fue la primera vez que lo agredieron. | So his murder wasn't the first time he was assaulted. |
- Pero a usted no le agredieron. | - But you weren't physically assaulted. |
- ¿Y no la agredieron? | - You weren't assaulted? |
A Ud. lo agredieron. | You were assaulted. |
- Sí. Pero-- - Y su personal tiene el 49% más de probabilidades de que un reo los agreda... | –Yes, but –And your staff, like the staff of most private prisons, is 49% more likely to be assaulted by the inmates in their charge. |
Estoy indignada de que agreda a un hombre mayor sin provocación. | I am shocked that you would assault an old man without provocation. |
La verdad, se está comportando maravillosamente esta mañana, pero dentro de su repertorio, puede que agreda al personal, le gusta tirar del pelo. | He's actually behaving beautifully this morning, but within his repertoire, he can assault staff, he likes to pull hair. |
Permítale que le agreda a usted, Sr. Fogg. | Let him assault you, Mr. Fogg. |
Una en particular es que mi futura esposa no agreda a los empleados públicos. Se portó mal. | One in particular is that my future wife not assault city employees. |
La proxima vez que agredas a alguien, intenta estar sobrio. | Next time you assault someone, try being sober. |
Lo siento, no te daré permiso para que agredas a nadie. | Sorry, I'm not giving you permission to assault someone. |
"Dentro del P.O.V", acaba de publicar un vídeo en el que se muestra cómo la ex estrella infantil James Martin Elliott, más conocido entre su legión de fans como "J-me", es agredido violentamente en el centro de Los Ángeles. | A video just released by Inside P.O.V. shows former child star James Martin Elliott, better known to his legion of fans as "J-me," being violently assaulted in downtown Los Angeles. |
- Jackson Brodie has agredido a un oficial de policía | - Jackson Brodie, you've now assaulted a police officer |
- La han agredido. | - She was assaulted. |
- Me ha agredido, tío. | - Hey, he assaulted me, man. |
- Un líder de partido agredido. | - A party leader has been assaulted. |
- ¡Me está agrediendo! | You're assaulting me! |
Caos en Polonia esta noche como ven en las imágenes de una turba enfurecida agrediendo a un sacerdote católico. | 'Chaos in Poland this evening as footage emerges of an angry 'mob assaulting a Catholic priest. |
El violador ha estado agrediendo mujeres en todo el Northside. | This rapist has been assaulting women all over the Northside. |
Ella prácticamente le estaba agrediendo, pero a él no parecía importarle demasiado. | She was practically assaulting him, but he didn't seem to mind too much. |
Está agrediendo un agente federal. | You're assaulting a federal officer. |