Arvan, et olen alati vihanud. Ma alati virisen ja vingun ja kaeblen ja ma ei taha selline mees olla. | I mean, I'm always bitching and whining and complaining, and I don't want to be that guy. |
Ja vingun ning virisen. | And bitch and complain, |
Ma kisan palju. Ja vingun ning virisen. Eeldan, et kõik teavad, mida ma tahan, ilma et seda ütleksin. | I yell a lot... and bitch and complain, and I keep expecting people to guess what I want, but I never really say it. |
Ma vingun ja oigan selle üle. | I bitch and moan about it. |
- Sa vingud nagu mõni eit. | I'm not whining like a bitch. |
Alguses vingud nagu lits krikus, kui meil temaga susisema hakkas. | First you're whining like a bitch when I move in with her. |
Iga kord vingud nagu lita. | Every time I do something, bitch, bitch, bitch. |
Kõigepealt ajate mehed eemale, siis irisete ja vingute, kui teil meest pole. | Look. First y'all drive men away, then y'all wanna bitch and moan when y'all ain't got one. |
Millised mälestused teil koolist olema saavad, kui te muud ei tee kui vingute ja irisete selle üle? | I mean, what kind of memories are you going to have if all you did in high school is bitch and moan about it? |
Julie, naised vinguvad ehitajate üle karjudes nende peale. | Julie, women bitch about construction workers yelling at them. |
Protestijad ja põllumajandus- tootjad kurdavad ja vinguvad. | Protesters and farmers bitch and moan. |
Sa vingusid mu kallal, et tapan kellegi külmavereliselt, sa kõnnid lihtsalt sinna ja tulistad teda snaiperi pärast näkku? | You, who bitched about me killing somebody in cold blood, you're just gonna walk up, shoot somebody in the face - for a sniper rifle? |
Ta vingus tühiasjade pärast. | I mean, she bitched about a few minor things. |
- Nr. 9 - vingu töö kallal ja siis kutsu ta enda juurde oma uut musta kitlit vaatama. | Number nine: bitch about the job, and then invite her back to your place... to see your new black robe. |
Ainult siis muretse sõduri pärast, kui ta enam ei vingu. | Only time you worry about a soldier is when he stops bitching. |
Ma ei vingu nagu eit. | I'm not whining like a bitch. |
Benedetto hakkab jälle külma hommikusöögi pärast vinguma. | Benedetto's going to bitch. Another cold breakfast. |
Kas sa hakkad mul siin nüüd vinguma või? | Are you really gonna bitch... to me? |
Aga neile meeldib teda taga rääkida ja oma vara hinna üle vinguda, on nii? | But they sure like to bitch about him and their property values, don't they? |
Ei taha küll vinguda. | Not to bitch. |
Siis ei vinguks keegi, et nad ratastoolis istuvad. | Then nobody would bitch about being in one. |