Kuid need, kes kavandasid Paabeli Torni, ei suutnud seda ehitada. | ...but those who had conceived of the Tower of Babel could not build the Tower of Babel. |
Mu õde kavandas selle. | I think my sister was conceived on this baby. |
Sam, kui J.J. Riley kavandas Sparta turniiri, tahtis ta luua ajaloo suurimat MMA vaatemängu. 5 miljonit dollarit, Bryan. | Sam, when J.J. Riley conceived Sparta, he wanted to create, quite simply, the biggest mixed martial arts spectacle in history. $5 million, Bryan. $5 million. |
Sam, kui J.J. Riley kavandas Sparta turniiri, tahtis ta luua ajaloo suurimat MMA vaatemängu. | Sam, when J.J. Riley conceived Sparta, he wanted to create, quite simply, the biggest mixed martial arts spectacle in history. |
Ma pidin seda kavandama ja teostama, sa ei saa eeldada, et ma sellega otsast alustan. | l had to conceive it and execute it, and you can't just expect me to start over. |
Mind võis kavandada tulevik, aga ma pole nende marionett. | I might have been conceived in the future, but I'm not their puppet. |
Einstein poleks kunagi midagi sellist kavandanud. | Einstein could never have conceived of something like this. |
Kuid käed, kes Paabeli Torni ehitasid, et teadnud midagi unistusest, millest selle kavandanud pea fantaseeris. | But the hands that built the Tower of Babel knew nothing of the dream of which the head that had conceived it had been fantasising. |