- Ma ei tea, kui kaugele ma jaksan minna. | - I don't know how much further I can go. |
Ehk jaksan su maha lüüa. | I might have to take you down. |
Kui astmaatikust tohtrihärra seda suudab, siis jaksan mina ka. | If you can little doctor asthma, i can do it too |
Ma ei tea kui kaua jaksan ma seda draamat kannatada. | I'm telling you, I don't know how much longer I can put up with all this drama. |
- Neela, kuis jaksad. | - Munch them down. |
Aga ära kunagi võta kinni, kui sa pole kindel, et jaksad kinni hoida. | But don't ever grab unless you're sure you can hold on. |
Jumal annab Su õlgadele täpselt sellise koorma, mida kanda jaksad. | God doesn't give you more than you can handle. |
Kas jaksad selle eest tõsta? - Jah. | Can you do this? |
Kuidas küll Athena-tüüp jaksab. | I don't know how that Athena guy does it. |
Jumal annab meile nii palju, kui me kanda jaksame, isegi kui me ei usu. | God gives us what we can handle, even if we don't believe it ourselves. |
Kui me jaksame seda paigal hoida, siis suudame ka sellega sinna kõndida. | After all we weigh it down, we could walk it right over there. |
Miks me ei võiks võtta nii palju, kui jaksame kanda, ja ära minna? | Why don't we just take what we can carry and get out of here? |
Mis sa arvad, kui sööks palju jaksame, Scoob? | What do you say we eat all we can eat, Scoob? |
Kuidas te küll neid valgusteid tõsta jaksate? | how do you guys lift these lights? |
Kuidas te seda kanda jaksate? | God, how do you guys wear this stuff? |
Ma ei mõista, kuidas nad nii kalleid jooke jaksavad osta. | I don't see how they afford these prices. |
Noh, söör, kui sa ikka tahad selle asja kätte saada, pean ma minema alla ja kontrollima, kas gravipaneelid ikka jaksavad tõmmata 1,5 tonni. | Well, sir... if you simply must possess this thing, then I must go downstairs and make sure that the gravity panels still drag in a ton and a half. |
Seni, kuni kotti jaksavad kanda, mis vahet seal on? | Hey, as long as they can carry a bag, what difference does it make? |
Ma ei jaksa enam kauem. | I cannot do this for much longer. |
Vandusin nii, kuidas jaksasin, et see oli mu ainus relv, kuid nad ei uskunud, et keegi võib nii rumal olla ja puhta nahaga pääseda. | I swore up and down that that was the only weapon I had, but they said they didn't believe anyone could be so stupid and get away with it. |
Kuidas sa jaksasid nii mitu aastat? | - "Riding on the dashboard" - I don't know how you did it for so many years. |
- Ei jaksa, janu on nii suur. | I'm too thirsty to do this. |
- Ei, ma ei jaksa enam. | No, I don't think I can. |
- Jõudsin alles, ei jaksa praegu. | Where? Deb, I just walked in, I don't feel like taking the desk apart. |
- Sa ei jaksa kõndidagi. | - You don't even have power to walk. |