- Ma hingan hääletult. | - I don't breathe audibly, but I breathe. |
- Ma hingan, aga... | - Just breathe. |
Aga, kui sa talle selle kohta sõnakestki hingad, siis ma vannun jumala nimel, et sa ei näe enam kunagi päevavalgust. | But you breathe a word of this to her, and, I swear to God, you will never again see the light of day. |
Enne mingeid "-isme" on elu alused ja nagu ma just kirjeldasin, on need lihtsalt tingimused, mida vajad järgmise hingetõmbe tegemiseks, ja need puudutavad nii õhku, mida hingad, vett, mida kasutad, kindlustunnet, mis sul on, haridust, millele on sul ligipääs - kõiki asju, mida jagame, kasutame ja ilma milleta ei saaks elu üheski kultuuris hakkama. | Before there's any "I'sm", we have a life ground... and the life ground is as I've just described most easily as all the conditions... required to take your next breath... and that involves the air you breathe... the water you get, the safety you have... the education you can access, all... these things that we share and use and that... no life, in any culture, can do without. |
Enne mingeid "-isme" on elu alused ja nagu ma just kirjeldasin, on need lihtsalt tingimused, mida vajad järgmise hingetõmbe tegemiseks, ja need puudutavad nii õhku, mida hingad, vett, mida kasutad, kindlustunnet, mis sul on, | Before there's any "Ism", we have a life ground and the life ground is as I've just described most easily as all the conditions required to take your next breath and that involves the air you breathe |
Hinga. Kas hingad? | - Just breathe. |
( Mary Beth chuckles , hingab sügavalt ) | (Mary Beth chuckles, breathes deeply) |
- Ei, ta hingab! Mida ma teen? | No, she breathes! |
- Kuid ta siiski hingab õhku - Keda huvitab? | - But she still breathes air - Who cares? |
- See on täiesti normaalne. Me kõik hingame vedelikku 9 kuud, Bud. | We all breathed liquid for nine months, Bud. |
- Siis hingame suu kaudu. | We'll breathe through our mouths. |
Anna saadab meile punase vihma kaela ja nüüd on see kõiges. Pinnases, õhus, mida hingame, vees, mida joome... | Anna dumps red rain on us, and now it's in everything... the soil, the air we breathe, the water we drink. |
Evolutsioon on teaduslik fakt, nagu näitekes ka õhk mida me hingame nagu gravitatsioon. | Evolution is scientific fact, like the air we breathe like gravity. |
340 kilo saastet hingate te juba iga aasta. | 750 pounds of refuse, uh, you breathe every year. |
Kui hingate, tehke seda aeglaselt. | When you breathe, you breathe slowly. |
Kui sina või Humphrey sellest kellelegi hingate, isegi ühe sõna, siis te kahetsete seda oma ülejäänud elu. | If you or Humphrey ever breathe a word of this-- one word to anyone-- You'll regret it for the rest of your lives. Do you understand? |
- Nad hingavad, pilgutavad silma, nutavad. | - They breathe, they blink, they cry. |
Enamus asju, mis elavad ja hingavad vihkavad pimedust ja armastavad valgust. | Most things that live and breathe hate the dark and love the light. |
Isegi kui nad hingavad sinu suunas, rebin ma nende pead otsast, alustades Arist. | I made it very clear. They even breathe in your direction, I'm ripping their heads off, starting with Ari. |
Ja miljonite inimeste kopsudes, kes teda kogu aeg hingavad. | ...and the lungs of millions of people who breathe him every time they breathe! |
Ja sa lubad, et ei hinga mitte sõnakestki Winchesteridele ja ma kaon siit minema. | And your promise to not breathe a word about this to the Winchesters, and I'll be on my merry way. |
Sest me ei hinga. | Because we do not breathe. |
Arvan, et hingasin sisse mingit uut meteoriiti. | I think I breathed in some sort of new meteor rock. |
Ma hingasin elu sisse masinale. | I have breathed life into a machine. |
Ma hingasin vaikselt ja tasakesti. | I breathed slowly and silently. |
Ma hingasin, aga vaevalt olin elus | I breathed, but barely was alive |
Seni kuni sa ära olid, Ma hingasin väävlil põhinevas keskkonnas... ..mida laev tootis. | While you were gone, I breathed some of the sulphur-based environment... ..being created by the ship. |
Hetkest, mil vallutajad saabusid, ...hingasid meie õhku, sõid ja jõid, ...olid nad hukule määratud, | From the moment the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doomed. |
Kopsud, mis hingasid igavesti. | I had eyes that cut through lies, lungs that breathed eternity. |
Alison valetas rohkem, kui ta hingas. | Alison lied mo than she breathed. |
Ma nägin unes, et mu kaasa leidis mind surnult... ..ning suudlustega hingas sellist elu mu huultesse, et ärkasin... ..kui keiser. | I dreamt my lady came and found me dead and breathed such life with kisses in my lips that I revived and was an emperor. |
Aasalillede lõhn täitis õhu, mida hingasime. | the scent of the flowers in the fields filled the air that we breathed. |
Olime kindlad, et käitume õieti, kõik me hingasime ühte ja sedasama õhku. | We were certain to do the right thing, we breathed the same air as everybody else. |
"Lihtsalt hinga."? | Try to breathe? |
"Ma ütlesin ära hinga, loll." | "I said don't breathe, stupid." |
"Võta rahulikult, ära liigu, ära hinga!" | "Take it easy, don't move, don't breathe!" |
*Lõdvesta oma põlved ja hinga.* | [Relax your toes and breathe.] |
- Crispina, hinga! | - Crispina, breathe! |
- Hingake, hingake. | - He jumped. - Breathe, breathe. |
- Ärge hingake. | - Don't breathe. |
- Ärge liigutage, ega hingake. | - Don't move! Don't breathe! |
Algab kaunis päev ja tormide tsükkel on lõppemas. Seega ajage oma tagumikud majadest välja ning hingake meie väikse paradiisi puhast õhku. | 'It's a beautiful day, it's the end of the whiteout cycle, 'so get off your arses, out of your houses 'and breathe the clean air of our little paradise.' |
Aseta see suu ja nina peale ja hingake normaalselt. | Place it over your mouth and nose, and breathe normally. |
Esimene reegel: ära hinga kemikaalide auru. | Rule number one-- do not breathe in the vapors of these chemicals. |
- # kes on nüüd õppinud hingama # | - # Who now has learned to breathe # |
- Ma pean hingama. | - I have to breathe. |
- Mees peab hingama. | - A man has to breathe. |
"Ed, mis siin juhtus?" "Unustasin hingata." | "Ed, what happened?" "I forgot to breathe." |
"Et hingata kõrgklassi õhku" | To breathe an atmosphere that simply wreaks with class |
"Ma tahan lihtsalt iga päev hingata. | "I just want to breathe in every day. |
"Mitte sisse hingata, hingata. | "Do not inhale, breathe. |
Aja jaoks, kui me polnud veel sündinud. Kui me veel ei hinganud. Ega näinud valgust. | For the state in which we are before we're born, before we breathed or saw light. |
Aja jaoks, kui me polnud veel sündinud. Kui me veel ei hinganud. | For the time before we were born, before we breathed |
Ma olen su sisse hinganud, ja nüüd ma lämbun. | I have breathed you in and I am suffocating. |
Ma pole nädal aega hinganud. | I ain't even breathed for a week. |
Jah, vööt, mis su südame kohal on ja see võib suvalisel hetkel hakata südant pooma ja sa lakkad hingamast ja sured. | - Yeah, the stripe you have right across your heart and how at any moment it could just start strangling your heart and you stop breathing and die. |
Ole neetud hingamast, sa lõdvalõugne idioot! | Curse you for breathing , you slack-jawed idiot! |
Ole paigal või sa lakkad hingamast. | -Keep still or you'll stop breathing. |
See tähendab, et keegi lakkas hingamast. - Tubli. | - That means somebody stopped breathing. |