Kogu see aeg sõidad sa klassikalise autoga ja hoorad naistega. | All the while, you drive a classic car and fornicate with women. |
Ta võrgutab mitte midagi kahtlustava kuti, ta hoorab temaga ja siis pakub väikse lonksu viskit. | She seduces an unsuspecting fellow, she fornicates with him and then she offers up a little sip of whiskey. |
Kogu maailm teab, et Isand Robert käib teie kambris ja te hoorate temaga! | The world knows Lord Robert visits your chambers and you fornicate with him! |
- Sest inimesed hooravad selle järgi. - Ma pole seda öelnud. | - Because people fornicate to it. |
Kui minu jumalad söövad, joovad ja hooravad, siis lasku aga käia! | If my gods eat, drink and fornicate, good for them. |
Roddy rääkis nalja kaheksajalast ja torupillimängijatest, mille sisu oli selles, et nad hoorasid. | My Roddy told a joke about an octopus and a set of bagpipes, and the punchline implied that they fornicated! |
Sel õhtul tahtis ta teda tappa, kuid ennem nad hoorasid. Suguline vahekord, seks. | That night, he was going to kill her, but first they fornicated. |
Ta hooras temaga paljudel kordadel. Vahel käis häbi tundmata öösel mehe kambris. | Apparently she fornicated with him on many occasions, sometimes brazenly entering his chambers at night. |
Ta hooras temaga paljudel kordadel. | She fornicated with him on many occasions. |
Peale seda, kui me hoorasime ma palusin andestust ja mulle öeldi, et ma ei muretseks. | After we fornicated I prayed for forgiveness and I was told not to worry about it. |
Ainult ära selle kandmise ajal hoora... vastasel korral - sa sured. | But you mustn't fornicate with the amulet otherwise, you'll die. |
Miks nad lihtsalt mujal ringi ei hoora? | Why don't they just fornicate someplace else? |
Loomi on pikalt tuntud loomadena, mitte inimestena, ja neid on kirjeldatud rumalatena, argadena, agressiivsetena, tohmanitena, madalad elukad, valmis tapma, valmis sööma, valmis hoorama, | Animals have long been known as animals, not human, and have been described as stupid, cowardly, aggressive, dimwitted, low beasts, eager to kill, eager to eat, eager to fornicate, eager to stampede all... |
Ma panin selle kinni, kui te hoorama hakkasite. | Of course,I turned it off when you and your boyfriend began to fornicate. |
Nüüd teismelised üle kogu Kansas võib hoorama häbenemata . | Now teenagers all over Kansas can fornicate without shame. |
madalad elukad, valmis tapma, valmis sööma, valmis hoorama, Valmis kõigile kiini jooksma... | low beasts, eager to kill, eager to eat, eager to fornicate, eager to stampede all... |
- Ei, isa. Kas oli õige nende naistega hoorata? | So you think it's funny to fornicate with those women? |
- Kui soovid. Võin ringi hoorata. | - I can fornicate? |
Kas oli õige nende naistega hoorata? | So you think it's funny to fornicate with those women? |
Lähen teise koju, selleks, et hoorata. | Imposing on someone I hardly know to fornicate in their home. |
Oli see sinu arust õige nende naistega hoorata? | Do you think it's funny to fornicate with those women? |
Ja ega me ei hooranud. | And it's not like we fornicated. |
Me ei ole hooranud. | We haven't fornicated. |
Nii palju, kui ma mäletan, pole ma küll kedagi hooranud. | But as far as I can recall, I've never fornicated anybody. |