La seva fama fins i tot eclipsa la teva. | His fame eclipses even yours. |
L'amor que tenies per aquest aquelarre i per la meva filla s'han eclipsat per l'odi que tens per mi. | The love you had for this coven and my daughter has been eclipsed by the hatred you have of me. |
Va començar durant l'eclipsi, Just com ho va fer amb son pare. | It started during the eclipse, just like it did with his dad. |
L'última vegada, vaig tenir l'oportunitat de reservar un creuer l'Àrtic per veure un eclipsi solar. | You know, last time, I was able to book a cruise to the Arctic to see a solar eclipse. |
Estava pensat, que malament que L'eclipsi haja acabat. | You know, I was just thinking It's too bad the eclipse had to end. |
He revisat cada connexió Possible a este eclipsi. | I have checked every imaginable connection to this eclipse. |