No? Llevat que aquest intel•ligents i astuts agents del FBI van deduir el meu pla..... 453 00:26:30,801 -- 00:26: | But those clever and cunning FBI agents deduced my little plan just in time. |
Aquesta... aquesta és una cosa que jo... jo... jo no sóc capaç de deduir sense un exàmen de primera mà. | I'm unable to deduce without a firsthand examination. I must see mr. Scott myself. |
No hi ha res que li poguem dir que mo pugui aprendre dels seu pare deduir per si mateix, amb el seu CI de 190. | There's nothing we could tell him that he can't learn from his father or deduce himself, with a 190 I.Q. |
Què podem deduir del seu cor? | What might we deduce about his heart? |
Però vaig deduir que en Moriarty devia haver trobat algú que s'assemblava molt a mi per plantar l'ombra de la sospita, i aquest home, fos qui fos, s'havia de treure del mig tant aviat com acabés la seva utilitat. | But I deduced Moriarty must have found someone who looked very like me to plant suspicion, and that that man, whoever he was, had to be got out of the way as soon as his usefulness ended. |
I fins i tot dedueixo que... Has començat fa poc, perquè tens algunes rascades. | And I further deduce you've only started recently because you've got a bit of chafing. |
I l'home amb qui la faig... fet que sembla que vosté ja ha deduït pel seus propis mitjans. | And the man I do it with. Which you seem to have deduced on your own. |