How to learn Serbian Fast: A Beginner's Guide to Fluency

Updated on: November 2, 2023

Learning Serbian invites exploring a culture that seamlessly blends Western and Eastern traditions. In this step-by-step guide on how to learn Serbian, we'll help you start your learning process. 

Being multilingual is a valuable asset in our globalized world. It broadens career horizons, allowing you to engage with a wider range of people and markets effectively. Whether you're aiming to travel, connect with family heritage, or advance your career, Serbian holds the potential to enrich your life in countless ways.

Learning Serbian can also be a strategic advantage, particularly in international relations, diplomacy, and trade. Furthermore, Serbian culture, including its cinema, literature, and music, is gaining international recognition, making proficiency in the language a gateway to accessing these artistic elements. 

Getting Started with Serbian Language


To start your Serbian language learning, starting with the basics is crucial, which begins with mastering the Cyrillic script. Fortunately, various resources and methods are available to help you grasp this alphabet effectively.

А аA aН нN n
Б бB bЊ њNj nj
В вV vО оO o
Г гG gП пP p
Д дD dР рR r
Ђ ђĐ đС сS s
Е еE eТ тT t
Ж жŽ žУ уU u
З зZ zФ фF f
И иI iХ хH h
Ј јJ jЦ цC c
К кK kЧ чČ č
Л лL lЏ џDž dž
М мM mШ шŠ š
  • Consider using flashcards to memorize Serbian Cyrillic characters.
  • Numerous language-learning apps cater to Serbian
  • Printable alphabet charts are readily available online and can serve as handy references as you learn. 
  • Don't just focus on recognizing characters; practicing writing them by hand is equally important.
  • Dedicate a portion of your study time to mastering the Cyrillic script. Daily practice, even if just for a few minutes, can make a significant difference.

Basic Grammar

Like many languages, Serbian grammar has its own unique structure, but with a little guidance, you can construct simple sentences and start expressing yourself in no time.

Let's begin with the basics:

  • Nouns and Gender: Serbian nouns are divided into three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. This affects not only the form of the noun but also other parts of the sentence, like adjectives and verbs. 
  • Cases: Serbian employs grammatical cases to show a noun's role in a sentence. There are seven cases in Serbian, each with its own purpose. For example, the nominative case is used for subjects, while the accusative case marks direct objects.
  • Verbs and Tenses: Serbian verbs change according to the subject and tense. Verbs are conjugated for the first, second, and third person, singular and plural.
  • Word Order: Serbian sentences often have a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order, similar to English. However, word order can be flexible due to the case system, allowing for various nuances in expression.

It's also important to be aware of common errors and have effective resources at your disposal. Some common errors for beginners include: 

  • Mixing up noun genders
  • Choosing incorrect cases
  • Making mistakes in verb conjugations

Common Serbian Phrases

To help beginners get a foothold in the Serbian language, here are some of the most frequently used phrases:

  • Hello - Здраво (Zdravo)
  • Thank you - Хвала (Hvala)
  • Yes - Да (Da)
  • No - Не (Ne)
  • Please - Молим (Molim)
  • Excuse me - Извините (Izvinite)
  • How are you? - Како сте? (Kako ste?)
  • I don't understand - Не разумем (Ne razumem)
  • Goodbye - Довиђења (Doviđenja)

Serbian pronunciation

Now that you have a list of common Serbian phrases at your disposal let's delve into some tips on pronunciation and usage to ensure you use them correctly:

  • Serbian pronunciation is generally phonetic, meaning words are pronounced as they are written. Pay attention to vowel sounds, which are often clear and distinct.
  • Practice the rolled "r" sound. It's a distinctive feature of Serbian and can take some practice.
  • Stress usually falls on the first syllable of a word. Pay attention to word stress for correct pronunciation.
  • When addressing someone, use the formal "ви" (vi) for strangers, older people, or in formal settings. The informal "ти" (ti) is for friends and peers.
  • Be attentive to gendered nouns and adjectives, as they may change depending on the gender of the subject.

Tips and Tricks on Learning Serbian

To ease your path through the early stages of learning, consider these useful tips and tricks:

  • Mnemonic Devices: Create associations between Serbian words and their meanings or sounds.
  • Daily Practice Routines: Dedicate a portion of your day to practicing Serbian. Whether it's 15 minutes of vocabulary drills or listening to Serbian music during your commute, daily practice builds fluency over time.
  • Flashcards: Write the Serbian word on one side and its English translation on the other. Test yourself regularly to enhance your memory.
  • Label everyday objects around your home with their Serbian names. This visual reinforcement helps you associate words with their meanings.
  • Listen and Repeat: Incorporate Serbian audio into your routine. Listen to podcasts, watch Serbian movies or TV shows with subtitles, and repeat phrases to practice pronunciation.
  • Travel or Virtual Travel: Plan a trip to Serbia or regions where Serbian is spoken. Immersing yourself in the language and culture firsthand is an invaluable experience. If traveling isn't an option, use virtual resources like online language exchange platforms to connect with native speakers.
  • Keep a Language Journal: Maintain a language journal to jot down new vocabulary, phrases, and your personal language learning journey. Reflecting on your progress can be motivating.

Advanced Serbian Learning Tips

After grasping the basics, it's time to take your language skills to the next level. Here's how to delve into more advanced learning:

  • Grammar Mastery: Start exploring the intricacies of Serbian grammar. Dive deeper into verb conjugations, noun cases, and complex sentence structures. Consider using advanced grammar textbooks or online resources to guide your studies.
  • Expand Your Vocabulary: Continue expanding your Serbian vocabulary. Challenge yourself to learn synonyms and antonyms, explore idiomatic expressions, and discover words related to specific interests or industries. 
  • Read Complex Texts: Gradually transition from simple texts to more complex ones. Begin with news articles, short stories, and essays in Serbian. This will expose you to a broader range of vocabulary and diverse writing styles.
  • Movies and TV Shows: Watch Serbian movies and TV series with subtitles. This allows you to enhance your listening comprehension while enjoying Serbian cinema. Look for films that interest you and reflect different aspects of Serbian culture.
  • Music, Podcasts, and Literature: Explore Serbian music and podcasts to improve your listening skills. Pay attention to song lyrics, as they often contain poetic language and cultural references. Try to sing along and mimic pronunciation. Consider joining a book club or discussion group to share your insights.
  • Conversation Partners: Seek out conversation partners who are native Serbian speakers. Language exchange platforms or online forums can connect you with individuals eager to exchange language skills.
  • Online Communities: Join online communities, forums, and social media groups for Serbian language learners. These platforms offer a supportive environment to ask questions, share resources, and connect with fellow learners.

Online Serbian Language Courses

Online courses have become a substantial resource for those eager to learn the Serbian language. These courses cater to learners at various levels, offering structured lessons, interactive exercises, and valuable insights into Serbian culture. 

  • Udemy: Offers a comprehensive Serbian Language Course designed for beginners. This course provides a strong foundation in Serbian grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It includes video lectures, quizzes, and downloadable resources to facilitate learning.
  • Transparent Language: Offers the Serbian 101 course, an immersive experience for learners. It covers essential language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and is suitable for beginners.
  • Learn Serbian on the Internet offers an accessible and user-friendly platform for learning Serbian. While it may not be as structured as other courses, it provides valuable resources and lessons for beginners. The course is entirely free, making it accessible to a wider audience. You can explore a range of lessons, from basic vocabulary to grammar topics, and download and print materials for offline practice.

Serbian Language Tutoring

Tutoring plays a pivotal role in language learning, offering personalized guidance and opportunities for students to enhance their language skills. The guidance of a tutor can make a significant difference in your Serbian language learning.

  • Italki is a popular platform that connects language learners with qualified Serbian tutors. It offers a wide range of tutors who specialize in teaching Serbian at various levels, making it suitable for beginners and advanced learners alike. You can choose a tutor who aligns with your learning goals and schedule one-on-one lessons tailored to your needs.
  • Preply is another platform that offers a selection of experienced Serbian tutors. It provides a comprehensive approach to language learning, with tutors specializing in various aspects of the language. Preply allows you to choose tutors who specialize in areas such as conversational Serbian, Serbian for business, or Serbian for travel. Many tutors offer trial lessons at a reduced rate, allowing you to evaluate their teaching style and decide if it's a good fit.
  • Verbling is a platform known for its high-quality language tutors, including those who teach Serbian. It offers a curated selection of tutors who are vetted for their expertise and teaching qualifications. Verbling ensures that all tutors are experienced and qualified, providing peace of mind to learners. Some tutors offer structured lesson plans and materials, which can be particularly beneficial for beginners.

Apps for Learning Serbian

Mobile apps have revolutionized the way we learn languages, offering the convenience of learning Serbian anytime, anywhere. Whether you're on the go, waiting in line, or relaxing at home, these apps make it easier than ever to progress on your Serbian language learning process.

  • Duolingo is a well-known language-learning app that covers a wide range of languages, including Serbian. It's an excellent choice for beginners who want a structured and gamified learning experience. Duolingo's bite-sized lessons are interactive and engaging, focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The basic version of Duolingo is free to use, making it accessible to learners with various budgets.
  • Memrise is another popular language-learning app that offers Serbian courses. It stands out for its focus on vocabulary acquisition and retention, making it an excellent choice for building a strong Serbian language foundation. Memrise's courses are rich in vocabulary, helping learners expand their word bank. The app uses spaced repetition techniques to reinforce learning and improve long-term memory.
  • Drops is a language learning app that focuses on teaching Serbian vocabulary through visual and mnemonic-based learning. It's an excellent choice for learners who want to quickly grasp and remember words and phrases. Drops uses visual images and associations to reinforce vocabulary, making it easier to remember words. The app offers short, 5-minute sessions that fit into even the busiest schedules.

Books to Learn Serbian

Books offer comprehensive insights into grammar, vocabulary, and culture. Whether you're an aspiring polyglot or a dedicated language learner, the world of Serbian language books has rich resources to enhance your skills.

  • "Serbian: An Essential Grammar" by Lila Hammond: This book provides a comprehensive overview of Serbian grammar, from basic structures to more advanced concepts. Offers clear explanations of Serbian grammar rules, making it suitable for learners at all levels. Each grammar point is illustrated with numerous examples, helping learners understand how to apply the rules in context.
  • "Colloquial Serbian" by Celia Hawkesworth: This is a practical choice for learners aiming to acquire conversational Serbian skills. This book focuses on everyday language and conversational proficiency. The book places a strong emphasis on practical conversations, equipping learners with essential language skills for daily life. The book contains exercises and activities to reinforce learning and engage with the material actively.
  • "Serbian Tutor: Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook" by Nataša Milovic and Vladislava Ribnikar: is an interactive workbook designed to enhance your Serbian language skills through practice and application. This book offers a workbook-style approach with exercises and activities that encourage hands-on learning.It covers both grammar and vocabulary, making it a well-rounded resource. The exercises progress in difficulty, allowing learners to start with the basics and advance as they become more confident.

Serbian Language Learning Videos/Podcasts

Videos and podcasts have emerged as powerful tools offering immersive experiences for learners. These dynamic resources not only help you develop your listening and speaking skills in Serbian but also provide insight into the culture and everyday life of Serbia.

  • Serbian Language Podcast is an excellent resource for those looking to enhance their Serbian listening and speaking skills. This podcast offers a variety of episodes, from beginner to advanced levels, covering a wide range of topics. Each episode includes engaging dialogues and explanations to help learners understand and practice Serbian in context. You can listen to the Serbian Language Podcast on various platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
  • Easy Serbian is a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching Serbian in an accessible and engaging way. The channel features a variety of videos that cater to different levels of learners. Easy Serbian offers conversational videos where native speakers discuss various topics, helping learners improve listening comprehension. You'll find videos focusing on Serbian grammar and vocabulary, providing structured lessons.
  • Serbian with Sasa is another valuable YouTube channel for Serbian language learners. The channel features videos with practical conversations that cover everyday scenarios and essential vocabulary. Sasa provides clear pronunciation guidance, helping learners develop their speaking skills. You'll find videos explaining Serbian grammar concepts in a straightforward manner.


Whether you choose books for in-depth study, interactive apps for on-the-go learning, or engaging with tutors and communities for personalized guidance, the path to mastering Serbian is within your reach.

Embrace the process with enthusiasm, patience, and dedication, and remember that language learning is rewarding and filled with new connections, insights, and opportunities. With the right tools and your determination, you're well on your way to becoming a proficient Serbian speaker. Srećno (Good luck) on your Serbian language learning!


How long does it take to learn Serbian? 

The time it takes to learn Serbian varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including your native language, learning method, and the amount of time you dedicate to studying. Typically, achieving basic conversational skills may take a few months of consistent effort, while fluency can take several years of study and practice.

How hard is it to learn Serbian? 

Learning Serbian can be moderately challenging for English speakers due to its different alphabet, grammatical structure, and cases. However, with dedication and the right resources, it's certainly achievable. The key is to remain patient and persistent in your studies.

How can I learn Serbian quickly?

Learning Serbian quickly requires a focused and immersive approach. Consider taking intensive courses, practicing daily, engaging with native speakers, and using language-learning apps and resources. Immersing yourself in Serbian culture through music, movies, and books can also accelerate your learning process.

How can I learn Serbian at home on my own? 

Learning Serbian at home is entirely possible. Start by using language-learning apps like Duolingo or Memrise, which offer structured lessons. Utilize online resources, such as YouTube channels, podcasts, and language forums. Additionally, consider investing in textbooks and workbooks for a more comprehensive self-study approach. Consistency and practice are key to success.

How can I become fluent in Serbian? 

To become fluent in Serbian, it's crucial to combine various learning methods and practice regularly. Take formal lessons with a tutor, engage in language exchange programs, and immerse yourself in Serbian media. Set clear goals, practice speaking and listening skills, and be patient with yourself as you progress. Fluency will come with time and consistent effort.

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Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.