How to Learn German: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning German Online

Updated on: October 4, 2023

Understanding How to learn German can be a rewarding task that will allow you to connect with a great culture. In this article, we will guide you through this language process and give you tips and advice that will make the path easier. Also, we'll debunk the myth that German is a complex language to master, and by the end of this article, you'll be ready to start your learning process.

Learning German offers a plethora of benefits, both personally and professionally. On a personal level, it opens the door to a rich culture, allows you to connect with German-speaking people on a deeper level, and provides access to a wealth of literature, art, and history. Professionally, German language skills can boost your career prospects, as Germany is a major player in the global economy. Many companies value employees who can speak German, and it can give you an edge in various industries.

German is on the rise, not just within Germany, but around the world. With over 130 million native speakers and millions more who speak it as a second language, German is one of the most widely spoken languages globally. Learning German can help you tap into a vast network of people and opportunities. Plus, Germany is known for its high-quality education system, making it an attractive destination for students and professionals alike.

Online German Language Courses

If you're ready to start your journey into the world of How to learn German, online courses provide an excellent structured approach. They offer flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace while providing the necessary guidance to ensure you're on the right track. Let’s see some options you can find on the web:

Goethe-Institut's "Deutsch Interaktiv"

The Goethe-Institut, a renowned institution for promoting German culture and language, offers a free online course called "Deutsch Interaktiv." It's suitable for beginners and intermediate learners.

Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle is a well-established platform that provides free online courses for learners of all levels.Their courses cover grammar, vocabulary, and cultural insights. You can also access news articles and videos in German to improve your language skills further.

LingoMelo German Course

This course is for anyone looking to begin their journey in learning German, whether it's for travel, business, dating, academic pursuits, or any other purpose, this course is designed to meet your needs.

Online German Tutoring

Tutoring in German offers personalized, one-on-one guidance that can significantly enhance your language learning process. Unlike group classes, tutoring allows for tailored lessons that address your specific strengths and weaknesses, ensuring efficient progress. 


iTalki connects you with native German speakers who offer affordable one-on-one lessons.

Choose your own tutor based on your goals and schedule.Lessons can be tailored to your interests, whether it's improving your conversational skills or preparing for exams.


Tandem is an app that connects language learners with native speakers for language exchange. It's a great way to practice speaking German with a native speaker in exchange for helping them learn your language. The app also offers text and audio messaging for convenient practice.

This platform helps you find language exchange partners or conversation partners for free.

Connect with native German speakers who want to practice your language, while you practice theirs. It's a casual and effective way to improve your conversational skills.

German Learning Apps

Mobile apps for learning German offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility. They allow you to carry your language lessons wherever you go, turning idle moments into productive learning opportunities. With interactive exercises and gamified features, these apps make the learning process engaging and enjoyable, helping you stay motivated.


Memrise uses spaced repetition to help you remember vocabulary effectively. It offers a variety of user-generated content, including courses created by native speakers. The app's "Meet the Natives" feature allows you to hear real native speakers.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a well-known language learning platform that offers a free app for beginners.The app focuses on immersive learning through images and audio, helping you associate words with real-world situations. You'll learn grammar and vocabulary in a natural way.


FluentU takes authentic videos like music videos, movie trailers, news, and inspiring talks and turns them into personalized language lessons. It's an engaging way to learn German in context and improve your listening skills. The app provides interactive subtitles and vocabulary lists for each video.


Using books designed for learning German is crucial as they provide a structured and comprehensive approach to language acquisition. These books systematically guide learners through grammar rules, vocabulary, and pronunciation, ensuring a strong foundation in the language.Let us tell you some good options:

  • German Made Simple: Learn to speak and understand German quickly and easily" by Eugene Jackson and Adolph Geiger: This book provides a straightforward and comprehensive approach to learning German. It covers essential grammar, vocabulary, and conversational phrases, making it suitable for beginners.
  • Complete German: A Teach Yourself Program" by Heiner Schenke and Paul Coggle: This book offers a self-study course in German, covering everything from basic vocabulary and grammar to more advanced language skills. It includes exercises and dialogues to reinforce learning.
  • Living Language German, Complete Edition: Beginner through advanced course, by Living Language: This comprehensive course includes coursebooks, audio CDs, and online resources. It covers beginner to advanced levels, making it suitable for learners of all proficiency levels.

How to Learn German for Free

Learning German for free is entirely achievable with dedication and the right approach. Start by exploring online resources that will help you to get immersed into the language. Consistency and a passion for learning are your greatest allies in mastering German without breaking the bank. Let’s explore some online options that will improve your German learning process. 

Search Engines

Use search engines like Google to find free online courses, books, and resources in German. Be specific with your queries, such as "free beginner German courses" or "free German grammar resources". Explore websites that offer downloadable PDFs, audio lessons, and interactive exercises. You can use Google Academy to find detailed material or interesting articles made by language experts.

Social Media

Join language learning communities on platforms like Reddit, Facebook, or Instagram.

Follow hashtags like #LearnGerman or #GermanLanguage to discover resources shared by fellow learners.Engage in discussions, ask for recommendations, and connect with language enthusiasts for tips and support.

German Community Forums

Explore language learning forums like Duolingo's community or the WordReference language forums. These forums often have dedicated sections for German learners where members share links to free resources. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and tap into the collective knowledge of the community.

German Language Learning Videos and Podcasts

Using videos and podcasts for learning German is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they provide an immersive language experience by exposing learners to authentic spoken German, enhancing listening comprehension and pronunciation skills. Secondly, these multimedia resources offer real-life context, helping learners understand how the language is used in everyday conversations, news, and entertainment. 

Deutsche Welle's YouTube Channel

Deutsche Welle offers a dedicated YouTube channel for learners, covering a wide range of topics. You'll find news reports, language courses, and documentaries in German.

It's an excellent resource for improving listening comprehension and expanding vocabulary.

Slow German Podcast

The "Slow German" podcast is designed for learners who want to hear German spoken slowly and clearly. Each episode covers interesting topics about Germany and its culture.

It's an ideal resource for improving your listening skills at your own pace.

Coffee Break German

This podcast offers a structured and engaging approach to learning German, suitable for beginners and intermediate learners. The host, Mark, guides listeners through a variety of topics, teaching vocabulary, grammar, and essential phrases in an easy-to-follow format. With a mix of dialogues, explanations, and cultural insights.

Popular/Common German Phrases

Mastering common phrases is essential for effective communication in any language, and German is no exception. Let's explore some everyday German phrases that will help you navigate conversations with ease.

Greetings and Politeness

  • "Guten Morgen" (Good morning) and "Guten Tag" (Good day) are polite ways to greet someone.
  • "Bitte" (Please) and "Danke" (Thank you) are essential expressions of politeness.
  • To ask "How are you?" say "Wie geht es Ihnen?" (formal) or "Wie geht's?" (informal).

Getting Around

  • "Wo ist...?" (Where is...?) helps you ask for directions, followed by your destination.
  • "Links" (Left) and "Rechts" (Right) are handy for navigation.
  • To ask for the restroom, say "Wo ist die Toilette?"

Ordering Food

  • "Ich hätte gerne..." (I would like...) is useful for ordering at restaurants.
  • "Die Rechnung, bitte" (The bill, please) signals that you're ready to pay.
  • "Lecker" (Delicious) is a handy word to compliment your meal.

Memorizing general phrases in German can be made more effective and manageable with the following tips:

  • Repetition: Repetition is key to memorization. Review phrases regularly, ideally on a daily basis. The more you encounter and practice them, the more likely they are to stick.
  • Flashcards: Create flashcards with the German phrase on one side and the English translation on the other. Review these cards periodically to reinforce your memory.
  • Use Mnemonics: Mnemonics are memory aids that can make phrases more memorable. Create associations or mental images related to the phrases to help you remember them.
  • Contextual Learning: Learn phrases in context. Understand the situation or scenario where a particular phrase is commonly used. This helps you remember phrases more effectively because you can associate them with specific situations.
  • Practice Speaking: Say the phrases out loud. Speaking and hearing yourself use the phrases can reinforce your memory. You can also practice with a language partner or tutor.
  • Visual Aids: Create visual aids or charts with phrases and their meanings. Associating words with images can be a powerful memory technique.
  • Chunking: Instead of trying to memorize individual words, group phrases into meaningful chunks. For example, if you're learning greetings, group phrases like "Guten Morgen" (Good morning) and "Guten Tag" (Good day) together.
  • Write Them Down: Write the phrases down by hand. The act of physically writing can help with memorization.
  • Use Them: Incorporate the phrases into your daily life. Try to use them in conversation, write sentences or short paragraphs using the phrases, or journal in German.
  • Label Common Objects: Label common objects around your home with their German names. This can help reinforce vocabulary and phrases in a practical way.
  • Practice with Audio: Listen to audio recordings of native speakers using the phrases. This helps with pronunciation and reinforces your memory through auditory learning.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key in language learning. Dedicate a set amount of time each day to review and practice your phrases.
  • Set Goals: Set specific goals for the number of phrases you want to learn each week. Having clear targets can motivate you to stay on track.
  • Celebrate Progress: Celebrate your achievements. When you successfully recall and use phrases, reward yourself. Positive reinforcement can boost motivation.

Remember that memorization takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself. Learning in a way that is enjoyable and engaging will make the process more effective and sustainable.

How to learn German: Conclusion

Learning a new language like German is a rewarding endeavor that can open doors to new experiences, friendships, and opportunities. With the array of resources we've discussed, you can start your learning path with confidence.

Whether you choose online courses, tutoring, apps, books, videos, or podcasts, the key is consistency. Set a routine, practice regularly, and soon enough, you'll be speaking German with ease.

Remember, "How to learn German" is not just a question—it's a learning trip that will connect you to great opportunities. 


How long does it take to learn the German language?

The time it takes to learn German varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as your prior language-learning experience, the amount of time you can dedicate daily, and your learning resources. Generally, reaching a basic conversational level can take a few months of consistent effort, while becoming fluent may take a few years.

How hard is it to learn the German language?

German is considered a moderately challenging language for English speakers due to its complex grammar and vocabulary. However, with dedication and the right resources, it can be a rewarding experience. Don't be discouraged by the initial challenges; many find the language's logical structure a valuable asset in the long run.

How can I learn the German language quickly?

To learn German quickly, immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Use a combination of resources like online courses, tutoring, apps, and authentic content like videos and podcasts. Practice regularly, set achievable goals, and focus on speaking and listening skills. Learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint, so consistency is key.

How can I learn the German language at home on my own?

Learning German at home is entirely possible. Start with online courses or apps for structured learning. Engage with native speakers through language exchange or tutoring platforms. Utilize free resources like YouTube videos, podcasts, and online forums to practice. Create a daily routine and stay motivated to achieve your language goals.

How can I become fluent in the German language?

Becoming fluent in German requires time and effort. Focus on all aspects of language learning: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Regular practice, exposure to authentic content, and immersion in the language are key. Consider spending time in a German-speaking country if possible. Fluency is attainable with dedication and the right resources.

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Paula is an accomplished content strategist, communicator, and journalist with over 7 years of experience creating materials for language learners. Having worked on language curriculums and learning platforms in Colombia, Spain, and Australia, Paula offers an international perspective on second language acquisition. Her background in journalism and brand messaging allows her to develop content that informs and engages language learners across diverse platforms and learning styles.