How to Learn Romanian Step-by-Step: A Beginner's Guide to Vocabulary, Grammar and More

Updated on: October 14, 2023

Spoken by over 24 million people, primarily in Romania and Moldova, Romanian boasts a unique blend of Latin roots, Slavic influences, and a vibrant cultural heritage. Whether you're drawn to its romantic allure, planning a trip to Romania, or seeking personal and professional growth, knowing how to learn Romanian can be rewarding.

Embracing this language allows you to connect with Romanian speakers on a deeper level, fostering meaningful relationships and cultural appreciation. It opens doors to opportunities in fields like business, translation, and diplomacy. The ability to communicate in Romanian can set you apart, making you a valuable asset in an increasingly interconnected world.

As our world becomes more connected, the global significance of the Romanian language continues to grow. By learning Romanian, you position yourself to navigate culture and commerce, enhancing your travel experiences and potentially increasing your career prospects. Let’s see! 

Online Romanian Language Courses

Online courses are a structured and accessible way to build a strong foundation. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to enhance your existing skills, these Romanian courses offer comprehensive lessons, interactive exercises, and the flexibility to learn at your own pace.

  • RomanianPod101: Is an exceptional online resource for learners of all levels. They offer a free trial, but the premium subscription unlocks a wealth of content. With RomanianPod101, you'll find a structured curriculum covering vocabulary, grammar, and cultural insights. The lessons have audio and video components, downloadable materials, and a user-friendly interface. This platform ensures that your learning experience is both comprehensive and interactive.
  • Babbel: This is another valuable resource for learning Romanian online. Their courses are designed to teach you practical language skills you can use in real-life situations. Babbel's lessons focus on conversation, grammar, vocabulary, and cultural context. They offer a free trial, but the paid subscription grants access to a complete curriculum that caters to beginners and intermediate learners.
  • Udemy: Offers a wide range of Romanian language courses taught by experienced instructors. These courses cover various aspects of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural insights. What's excellent about Udemy is that you can choose courses that suit your specific goals and interests. Whether you want to focus on business Romanian, travel phrases, or everyday conversation, Udemy has a course for you. Plus, many of these courses come with lifetime access, allowing you to revisit the material whenever needed.

Romanian Tutoring

While online courses provide structured learning, personalized tutoring takes your Romanian language journey to the next level. A tutor can tailor lessons to your needs, address your strengths and weaknesses, and offer real-time feedback.

  • Tandem: Language exchange with Native speakers Tandem is an excellent platform for language exchange. It connects you with native Romanian speakers eager to learn your language in exchange for teaching you Romanian. This mutual learning experience fosters cultural exchange and conversation practice. Tandem also offers chat, voice, and video call features, making connecting with your language partners easy. It's a fantastic way to improve your conversational skills and gain insights into Romanian culture.
  • HelloTalk: Chat with native speakers HelloTalk is another language exchange platform where you can find Romanian tutors for free. It offers a chat-based interface that allows you to connect with native speakers fluent in Romanian. You can practice your language skills using text, voice, or video chats. What sets HelloTalk apart is its correction feature, where native speakers can help correct your sentences, improving your grammar and pronunciation. It's an interactive and practical way to learn Romanian.
  • Speaky: Language learning through chat Speaky is a social language exchange community where you can find Romanian tutors and language partners. It offers a user-friendly chat interface that facilitates communication with native speakers. You can join language groups, participate in conversations, and receive feedback on your written and spoken Romanian. Speaky encourages daily practice and provides a supportive environment to boost your language skills.

Apps for Learning Romanian

These pocket-sized companions allow you to carry your Romanian lessons wherever you go. Whether you have a few spare minutes during your commute or want to immerse yourself during a long flight, mobile apps offer flexible learning options that fit seamlessly into your daily life.

  • Duolingo: Bite-sized lessons and gamified learning Duolingo offers an engaging way to master Romanian. Its user-friendly interface provides bite-sized lessons that feel like mini-games. You'll tackle vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation through interactive exercises. Duolingo's mobile app makes learning Romanian enjoyable and accessible, with the added benefit of offline access for learning on the go.
  • Memrise: Vocabulary mastery with native pronunciation Memrise stands out for its emphasis on vocabulary. The app offers a wide range of user-generated courses, including Romanian. What sets Memrise apart is its native pronunciation feature, which helps you master correct intonation and accent. With Memrise, you can build a solid Romanian vocabulary through spaced repetition, ensuring long-term retention of words and phrases.
  • Drops: Visual and engaging language learning, Drops takes a unique approach to language learning with its visual and immersive lessons. The app uses eye-catching graphics and gamified challenges to teach Romanian vocabulary. Its minimalist design and five-minute daily tasks are perfect for busy learners. Drops help you remember words through association, making it an effective tool for expanding your Romanian language skills.

Romanian Language Learning Books

There's still a place for traditional books to master the Romanian language. Books offer a structured and comprehensive approach to learning, allowing you to get deep into the language at your own pace. 

  • Complete Romanian" by Dana Cojocaru: is a gem for beginners. This book systematically approaches Romanian, covering essential vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. With a focus on practical conversation, it equips you with the skills needed for everyday communication. "Complete Romanian" includes exercises and dialogues that reinforce your learning, making it an excellent choice for those starting from scratch.
  • "Romanian Grammar" by Dana Cojocaru: For those seeking an in-depth understanding of Romanian grammar, Dana Cojocaru's "Romanian Grammar" is a comprehensive guide. It explores the intricacies of Romanian grammar, providing clear explanations and examples. This book is particularly valuable for learners who want to gain a solid grasp of the language's structure and rules. It's a reference that can help you refine your language skills as you progress.
  • "Conversational Romanian Dialogues" by Lingo Master: Is designed to improve your speaking and listening skills. This book features a collection of dialogues covering various everyday situations, allowing you to practice real-life conversations. Each dialogue comes with English translations and essential vocabulary to aid comprehension. It's an ideal resource for learners looking to enhance their conversational fluency.

How to Learn Romanian Language for Free

Learning Romanian doesn't have to be expensive. You can access various high-quality, free resources to help you in your language-learning process. Here are some tips to make the most of these resources: 

  • FSI Language Courses: Comprehensive learning materials of the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) offer a wealth of free language courses, including Romanian. These courses provide comprehensive learning materials covering vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. FSI courses are known for their depth and thoroughness, making them an excellent choice for dedicated learners looking to build a solid foundation in Romanian.
  • BBC Languages: Interactive lessons and audio at BBC Languages offers a free Romanian course, including interactive lessons, audio clips, and cultural insights. This resource is perfect for visual and auditory learners. The lessons are designed to be engaging and practical, focusing on real-life communication. BBC Languages' user-friendly interface and multimedia approach make learning Romanian enjoyable and effective.
  • Live Lingua Project: The extensive archive of free resources in the Live Lingua Project houses is a vast library of free Romanian learning materials, including textbooks, audio recordings, and worksheets. This resource is ideal for self-directed learners exploring various materials independently. With a diverse range of content, the Live Lingua Project allows you to tailor your Romanian learning experience to your specific needs and interests.

Romanian Videos and Podcasts

Videos and podcasts offer a dynamic way to absorb the Romanian language, providing authentic audiovisual content that mimics real-life conversations and situations. This section will explore three platforms or channels that offer free videos and podcasts to help you master Romanian effectively.

  • Easy Romanian's YouTube Channel: Is a goldmine of engaging and instructive content for learners of all levels. They offer many videos, from basic language lessons to insightful interviews with native speakers. Easy Romanian's real-life approach and diverse video topics make it an enjoyable resource for language enthusiasts. Dive into their playlists to discover grammar, pronunciation, and practical phrase lessons.
  • Coffee Break Romanian: Podcast Learning Coffee Break Romanian offers a podcast series for learners who prefer audio-based learning. This podcast takes you on a language-learning journey, starting with the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced topics. The hosts, Mark and Larissa, create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, making it easy to follow along and practice your listening skills. The accompanying transcripts and bonus materials provide additional support for your studies.
  • News in Slow Romanian Podcast: If you want to combine language learning with staying updated on current events, "News in Slow Romanian" is ideal. This podcast presents news stories more slowly, making them accessible to learners. You'll get to practice your listening skills while staying informed about global happenings. Detailed explanations and transcripts make it valuable for expanding their vocabulary and language proficiency.

Common Romanian Phrases

Mastering a new language often begins with understanding and using common phrases that enable essential communication. By familiarizing yourself with these expressions and practicing them regularly, you'll enhance your ability to connect with Romanian speakers and navigate daily interactions confidently.

Greetings and Politeness

  • "Bună ziua!" - This phrase means "Good day!" and is used as a polite greeting during the day.
  • "Bună dimineața!" - Translating to "Good morning!" it's a way to greet someone in the early hours.
  • "Bună seara!" - For the evening, use "Good evening!" 
  • "Mulțumesc!" - Express your gratitude with "Thank you!" 
  • "Cu plăcere!" - In response to "Thank you!" you can say "You're welcome!" with this phrase.

Basic Communication

  • "Da" and "Nu" - "Yes" and "No" are essential for answering questions or confirming information.
  • "Scuzați-mă" - If you need to get someone's attention or apologize, use "Excuse me."
  • "Vorbesc puțin româna" - When you want to let others know you speak a little Romanian, say "I speak a little Romanian."
  • "Îmi place" - Share your preferences with "I like" followed by the activity or item you enjoy.
  • "Cât costă?" - To inquire about the price of something, ask "How much does it cost?"

Travel and Directions 

  • "Unde este...?" - When you're at a new place, ask "Where is...?" followed by the location you're seeking.
  • "Stația de autobuz" - If you need to find the bus station, use this phrase.
  • "Cât este până acolo?" - To inquire about the distance to a specific location, ask "How far is it?"
  • "Un bilet pentru douăzeci de lei, vă rog" - When buying a ticket, say "One ticket for twenty lei, please."
  • "Aveți meniuri în engleză?" - To inquire if there are menus in English, ask "Do you have menus in English?"


As you progress, you'll speak Romanian and open doors to connecting with native speakers, savoring Romanian cuisine, and exploring literature.

With determination, patience, and the available resources, you'll soon find yourself speaking Romanian fluently, unlocking a world of experiences only language learners can fully appreciate. So, without hesitation, take that first step into Romanian language learning. La mulți ani (Cheers) to your future in Romanian!


How long does it take to learn Romanian? 

The time required to learn Romanian varies from person to person. However, consistent effort and practice can achieve essential conversational fluency in 6 to 12 months. Becoming fully fluent typically takes several years of dedicated study and immersion.

How hard is it to learn Romanian? 

Romanian can be considered moderately challenging for English speakers due to its unique vocabulary and grammar. However, its Latin roots may make it easier if you know another Romance language like French, Spanish, or Italian.

How can I learn Romanian quickly? 

To accelerate your learning, consider intensive courses, regular practice with native speakers, and immersion experiences. Online resources, such as courses, podcasts, and language exchange platforms, can also help you progress more rapidly.

How can I learn Romanian at home on my own? 

Learning Romanian at home is entirely feasible. Start with online courses, textbooks, and language apps. Practice listening and speaking through videos, podcasts, and language exchange platforms. Consistency is key, so set a daily or weekly routine for studying and practicing.

How can I become fluent in Romanian? 

Achieving fluency in Romanian requires dedication and time. Immerse yourself in the language by consuming Romanian media, reading books, and conversing with native speakers. Consider formal language courses, travel to Romanian-speaking regions, and practice regularly to reinforce your skills. Fluency comes with time and persistent effort.

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Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.