" Aska skall du åter varda." Men det vet du väl redan? | Ashes to ashes. But you know all about that, don't you? |
- Av munk du skall åter varda. | - doughnut to doughnut. |
"Varifran startade fIygpIanen och vart fIog de?" | "Can you tell us, where did those planes start from and go to?" |
- 1945. - Och vart åkte vi? | - And where did we go? |
- Bucky, vart har alla stuckit? | Bucky? Where did everybody go? |
- Dave sade inte vart han skulle. | Dave didn't say where he was going. |
- Det gjorde han i alla fall. Vi måste få veta vart. | - Well, he did, and it's rather important that we know where. |