-Kom med och gratta henne sen. | Tell her I said happy birthday. - Why don't you come tell her yourself? - I can't do it tonight, boy. |
Jag vet inte om jag ska gratta eller straffa honom. | Sure. I don't know if I should congratulate him or punish him. |
Du, jag vill inte vara oförskämd ,men jag tror att jag bara grattar Chloe och går sedan. | Hey. So, I don't want to be rude, but I think I'm just gonna tell Chloe "happy birthday" and take off. |
Vi bor isär, men han vill att jag grattar hans mamma som hatar mig. | Yeah, we're separated, and he still wants me... ...tocallhis motherforherbirthday? I don't wanna call. |
Fem minuter senare ringer hennes chef och grattade till succén i Tyskland. | Five minutes later, her boss calls and says she did great in Germany. |