- Kan du åtminstonde säga vad vi ska googla på? | - Can you tell us what to google? |
- Ska du googla henne nu? | - What are you gonna google her now? |
Det kan man ju googla sig fram till. | Anyone can google that. |
Du kan googla på mig. | You can google me. |
Du kan googla vilken religion det är. | If you don't know that religion, go ahead google it. |
- Men om du googlar på "hämd" | - Well, maybe not, but google "revenge," |
-Vi googlar. | We'll google it. |
Hon googlar på Wellington Kliniken. | She googles the Wellington Clinic. |
Jag googlar Grand Canyon. | I googled Grand Canyon. |
Jag har inte haft en dejt på tio år, för om en tjej googlar mig... | I haven't had a date in almost a decade... because if a girl googles me... |
- Jag googlade "Kent". | I just Googled Kent. Did you Google him? |
- Jag googlade er. | - I Googled you. |
-Jag googlade dig på Yahoo. | I Googled you on Yahoo. |
Du googlade allt! | You Googled the entire book. |
Efter att de sökte igenom huset googlade jag det förstås. | After they searched the house, obviously I went and Googled it. |
Säg inget till den googlande igeln. | - Don't tell that Googling leech anything. |
- Har du googlat det? | Have you Googled it? |
-Du sa att du hade googlat mig. | Yeah, you told me that you Googled me. |
Har du aldrig googlat det? | What, you ain't never Googled it? |
Har du aldrig googlat dig själv? | Come on. Tell me you haven't Googled yourself. |
Har du googlat honom? | Have you Googled him? |