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Porgere (to hand) conjugation

49 examples
This verb can also mean the following: hold, give, hold out

Conjugation of porgere

Present tense
I hand
you hand
he/she/it hands
we hand
you all hand
they hand
Present perfect tense
ho porto
I have handed
hai porto
you have handed
ha porto
he/she/it has handed
abbiamo porto
we have handed
avete porto
you all have handed
hanno porto
they have handed
Past preterite tense
I handed
you handed
he/she/it handed
we handed
you all handed
they handed
Future tense
I will hand
you will hand
he/she/it will hand
we will hand
you all will hand
they will hand
Conditional mood
I would hand
you would hand
he/she/it would hand
we would hand
you all would hand
they would hand
Past impf. tense
I used to hand
you used to hand
he/she/it used to hand
we used to hand
you all used to hand
they used to hand
Past perfect tense
avevo porto
I had handed
avevi porto
you had handed
aveva porto
he/she/it had handed
avevamo porto
we had handed
avevate porto
you all had handed
avevano porto
they had handed
Future perfect tense
avrò porto
I will have handed
avrai porto
you will have handed
avrà porto
he/she/it will have handed
avremo porto
we will have handed
avrete porto
you all will have handed
avranno porto
they will have handed
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I hand
(if/so that) you hand
(if/so that) he/she/it hand
(if/so that) we hand
(if/so that) you all hand
(if/so that) they hand
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia porto
I have handed
abbia porto
you have handed
abbia porto
he/she/it has handed
abbiamo porto
we have handed
abbiate porto
you all have handed
abbiano porto
they have handed
Imperative mood
let's hand!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei porto
I would have handed
avresti porto
you would have handed
avrebbe porto
he/she/it would have handed
avremmo porto
we would have handed
avreste porto
you all would have handed
avrebbero porto
they would have handed

Examples of porgere

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
Dave, non porgere la mano per poi dire "Eccone cinque buone per te".Dave, don't put your hand out and then say, "here's five good ones for ya."
Dovete sempre r¡cordare che porgere una mano alpropr¡o compagno è un gesto d'amore.You must always know that a hand extended to your fellow man is a gesture of love.
Ma... prima di porgere le chiavi, avrei una condizione da porre.Before I hand over the keys I do have one condition.
Potrebbe porgere le mani?Could you hold out your hands?
Signor Foreperson, puo' porgere il verdetto... All'ufficiale giudiziario?Mr. Foreperson, would you hand the verdicts to the bailiff?
"Ti porgo la mia mano.'Here is my hand.
Amleto, vieni a stringere questa mano che ti porgo.Come, Hamlet, come, and take this hand from me.
Gli porgo la mano e lui la ritira?I hold out my hand and he refuses to accept it.
Gliela porgo.Well I'll hand it to you.
Io le porgo la mano, monsieur le commissaire.My hand is out, monsieur le commissaire.
# Mi porgi la tua mano #♪ you give your hand to me ♪
- Gia'. Non puoi lasciar vagare la tua mente quando la porgi a qualcuno.Can't let your mind wander when you're handing it over.
Carlo mio, a me porgi la man!Dear Carlo, give me your hand!
E quando e' pronto a ridurre in cenere tutta la sua vita... tu gli porgi il fiammifero.And when he's ready to burn his whole life to cinders... You hand him the match.
Ehi, figliolo, porgi la mano destra! - Va bene.Hey, son, hold out your right hand.
Asciuga il gattino con l'asciugamani e lo porge a Sharon.He wipes the kitten with a towel and hands it to Sharon.
Come il momento in cui l'infermiera ti porge quel fagottino dicendo: "Ecco qui sua figlia, signora Scully".Like the moment a nurse hands you this little bundle and says, "Here is your daughter, Mrs. Scully."
Comunque, do all'impiegata la mia distinta di deposito e lui fa una strana faccia, si china e mi porge una busta.Anyway, I give the teller my deposit slip, she gets this weird look on her face, bends over and hands me a thick envelope.
E poi la donna seduta davanti si toglie il foulard e lo porge alla donna seduta dietro.And then the woman in front takes off her scarf and hands it back to the woman in the back.
Esco e mi porge un tovagliolo di carta.I come out. She hands me a paper towel.
...ne' accecati dai fatti ne' turbati dalle circostanze porgiamo la nostra mano aperta con sincero disinteresse augurandoci che i nostri avversari la vogliano stringere."... Very consternated by the facts and circumstances we offer an open hand in good faith hoping that our enemy will hold on to it.
- Gli ha porto un sacchetto.You handed him a bag.
E me l'hai porto.You handed it to me.
Non appena raggiungiamo il porto ti consegno alla polizia.As soon as we reach the port you will be handed over to the police.
Quando avevo 2 anni mio padre mi porto' al St. Luke, mi affido' a un'infermiera e disse "Trovatele una buona famiglia".When I was two, my dad took me to St. Luke's, handed me to a nurse and said, "Find her a good home. "
Sunil le ha porto una mazza da cricket?Sunil handed you a cricket bat?
Miss Eliza, porgete la mano a mister Shelby.Miss Eliza, join hands with Mr. Shelby.
Sono felice di saperlo. Un'ultima cosa: quando porgete la mano a S.A.R, non stringete... solo un tocco lievissimo.- One final thing: when you shake hands with HRH, you don't grip... just the lightest of touches.
Ce lo porgono su un piatto d'argento.It's being handed to us on a plate.
Esce per le 19.30 e gli porgono un portadocumenti nero.He 's out by 7:30 and is handed a black portfolio.
Quindi ti porgono la mano solo per un paio di secondi.So they just hold hands with you for a couple of seconds.
Voglio vedere come i suoi caddy gli porgono quei ferri.I want to see exactly how his caddy hands him those knives.
E il giullare prese una tazza che era accanto al letto, la riempì d'acqua e la porse al re.So the fool took a cup from beside his bed, tilled it with water... and handed it to the king.
E lui mi porse... l'"Inflammatus", dallo "Stabat Mater" di Rossini.And he handed me the Inflammatus from Rossini's Stabat Mater.
Mi porse una nota ...He handed me a note...
Si sapeva che ero andando ottenere lo porse a me?You knew I was gonna get it handed to me?
Stavo digrignando i denti, le mie lacrime non si sarebbero fermate, una delle mie scarpe era caduta e come lui me la porse, ha detto... Sono così senza fiato...I was grinding my teeth, my tears wouldn't stop, one of my shoes fell off and as he handed it to me he said, ...I'm so breathless...
Gesù rispose: "Colui a cui porgerò il boccone," "dopo averlo imbevuto"Jesus answered, 'lt is the one to whom I will hand the morsel after I have dipped it.'
Gli porgerai l'acqua del benvenuto.You will hand him the welcoming water.
"Mi porga la sua mano""Give me that hand of yours."
-Mi porga la sua mano...- Give me that hand of yours...
E adesso ricompari con un tempismo sospetto e ti aspetti che ti porga il suo cuore come se niente fosse successo... Solo perche' sei una bella scopata?And now you pop back up at a suspiciously coincidental time and expect him to hand those pieces back to you like nothing ever happened just because you're a good lay?
Fai in modo che il bambino asiatico mi porga un qualche trofeo.Have the Asian child hand me some kind of a trophy.
Me la porga, per piacere.Please hand it over.
Odio che mi porgano le cose.I don't like being handed things.
L'ufficiale le sta porgendo una bottiglia di champagne legata sopra le loro teste.The naval officer is handing her a bottle of champagne that is tied somewhere above it.
Mi stavi porgendo il mio bambino.You were handing me my baby.
Sta organizzando la sua spesa di domani e, sulla base dei tre volantini che ora le sto porgendo, lei deciderˆ in quale ipermercato andare.You're planning to buy a lot of groceries tomorrow and, based on the three flyers I'm handing you now, you'll decide which hypermarket you'll go to.
Un giorno avrai una mia lettera, alzerai lo sguardo e saro' io che te la staro' porgendo.And someday you'll get a letter from me, and you will look up, and it'll be me who's handing it to you.

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